Well, Peter Paul Zammit WOULD be a personal friend of Police, Justice, Army and Broadcasting Minister Mallia, wouldn’t he?
April 12, 2013 at 8:44pm
Serendipity has thrown up a (chaotically formed) comment which Peter Paul Zammit posted on this blog almost three years ago, in response to something critical I wrote about Manuel Mallia. Or maybe it was just somebody impersonating him…
Peter Paul Zammit says:
July 29, 2010 at 6:10 pm
Daphne, you wish to have the intelligence of Dr. Mallia!!! He is a respected man by both Nationalists and Labourites. Are you? He has achieved so much success in his professional life? Have you? I can see that you do not know this man. You only dispise him because he no longer flies the ‘maduma’ flag. I admire him as he has the courage to do so.
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Reply to Maria Xriha Click here to cancel reply
Personal animosity written in atrocious English – this comment does not bode re the new Commissioner of Police. More political appointments – will it last the whole 5 years?
Spot on about the atrocious English, same for the animosity, but then what would you expect?
The last time the MLP governed for any length of time Mintoff ran through five Commissioners of Police, in quick succession, (a De Gray,two Bencinis, a Tonna, and a Cachia) before selecting a more durable one – and he distinguished himself by ending his carrier ignominiously as a prison inmate guilty of a complicity in the murder of a suspect in police custody.
Peter Paul Zammit needs a lot of prayers not to suffer in the same way as these MLP previous appointees for Police Commissioner.
Everything that has been happening in the Labour camp is confirming how powerful Manuel Mallia is.
Joseph Muscat prides himself on a large Cabinet so that each minister will focus specifically on one area of administration but then Mallia is given a mega ministry with areas which have nothing in common.
Jose Herrera is sidelined.
Now this.
The problem with Mallia’s portfolio is that the various areas have TOO MUCH in common.
My thoughts exactly.
See next post. Déjà vu ?
You’re so right, as in from Labour’s point of view.
So so frightening!
The plot sickens, sorry, thickens.
Coleiro Preca has been upgraded from minister to “Mari’ il-pecluqa”. I don’t know how to translate that to English.
You have to be a “pecluqa” to state as facts what a three time offender told you!
YOURS inmates who wanted to do something with their lives were given the opportunity and grabbed it:
There are others who do panel beating and spraying others leave to work in the private sector and are back in prison after work.
Then there are others who try to play the victim and don’t even assemble the Playmobil toys to earn some money, these really clever guys are real good at pulling legs of people like minister MLCP.
“Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia is “taking stock” of the entities under his large ministry with a view of making recommendations to the Cabinet about various posts of responsibility.
Asked whether he planned to change the Police Commissioner, AFM Brigadier and the chief of the Security Services, he said: “One does not rule it out but it will not necessarily be so.”
So we have Commissioner who cannot even form a sentence or punctuate properly. Wonderful.
Kollox bizzilla. Now who said that it won’t be so bad if the Socialists are elected. U l-kbir ghadu gej.
In-nanna ta’ Joseph ghallmitu jahdem il-bizzilla.
Well at least one knows where one stands.
Daphne, I must have missed something. Why does the Prime Minister want to get rid of Commissioner Rizzo. I was under the impression they waved the same flag.
He did not wave it enough.
Spelling and grammar most certainly aren’t the gentleman’s strong points.
Has Manuel Mallia been arrested?
How many Romanian ‘cleaning ladies’ has Minister Mallia imported into Malta over the years?
Where are they all now?
Perhaps they will be kind enough to step forward with references as to the intelligence and decency of the Minister in his dealings with people less fortunate than himself.
Peter Paul Zammit is married to a niece of Reno il-kolonna Calleja’s.
He has appeared in court as a prosecuting officer (when he was in the police force) and latterly as defence counsel in criminal cases.
So now we have a criminal lawyer as minister of justice, police, and the army, and a legal-procurator-acting-criminal-lawyer as police commissioner.
What are they going to do when their clients are embroiled in criminal activity that should be investigated by the police?
This admirer of those who ” … no longer fly the maduma flag …” should understand that the police force is there to prevent crime, to investigate crime and to bring culprits to justice without fear or favour and not because of any political flirtation. Remember the fate of a previous Commissioner of Police who did not do so and in consequence brought the whole police force into disrepute.
With Labour what you wrote does not hold water. Only political appointments count, otherwise they would not have removed John Rizzo just because his did his duty under the previous government.
I hope it’s an impersonator. Otherwise, we would have a Police Commissioner who can’t even write a single coherent sentence in English.
U iva, mhux xorta.
Of course you admire him now that ‘he no longer flies the “maduma” flag and flies the Partit Laburista one instead.
If the author of the comment is an impersonator, he must be a darned good one. The wording has the hallmarks of Peter Paul.
I strongly object to the ‘respected by Nationalists’ bit. I am a Nationalist (no choice, really) and I have zilch respect for this slimy sleazeball. I even find it offensive to look at his porky face and would expect to need a parka if he opened his mouth in my vicinity.
This Peter Paul Zammit must be a twat of the first order. Well, we always knew that Joseph’s skip was full to overflowing with junk. He will keep churning up more filth to fill all existing and invented posts to his heart’s content.
Toni Abela doesn’t need now to go looking for a pulizija Laburist. He can go straight to the new police commissioner.
Assistant Commissioner Michael Cassar has been appointed head of Security Services. I do really feel sorry for all the hard work that Michael Cassar does and for all his honest determination. Will his hard work serve any purpose at this point?
Does anyone realize how whacky and surreal this is perceived? One does not need to stretch his / her imagination in a situation where the secret service are investigating a major drug haul and they have to report everything to the minister. At the time of the reporting, which hat will the minister be wearing?
Perhaps such sensitive investigations do not fall under the competency of security services – and Michael Cassar was given this role to be sidelined if security services has no real power.
And he was a very good criminal investigator. And a Laburist. And still they removed him and downgraded him to Director of Civil Protection. And what happened to Patrick Murgo, the previous head of Civil Protection?