Managing rubbish – in more ways than one

Published: June 4, 2013 at 11:23am

A comment I received in response to my post about Jonathan Scerri – brother to Quinton Scerri of Super One TV, Labour mayor of Haz-Zabbar and boyfriend of the Labour mayor of Hal Qormi – being appointed CEO of WasteServ Malta:

I almost – but not quite – feel sorry for people like this. Imagine aspiring to manage rubbish. I suppose it’s fitting, given that Wasteserv is answerable to that Golden Years trash, Leo ‘Colour TVs’ Brincat, in Muscat’s garbage government.

The new Wasteserv Malta CEO admires Agatha Barbara on Facebook.

The new Wasteserv Malta CEO admires Agatha Barbara on Facebook.

13 Comments Comment

  1. mattie says:

    How can this guy have an opinion about what happened in the 80s and who was governing Malta at the time?

    He was probably a baby or a toddler.

    [Daphne – Still possible to have an opinion. I have an opinion on a few things that happened 300 years ago.]

  2. ken il malti says:

    The odd part is that Leo Brincat and Jonathan Scerri are actually distantly related to each other in a familial way.

  3. kram says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but it looks like it’s the CEO’s brother who showing his admiration for Agatha Barbara on facebook not he himself, though I would doubt very much that he disagrees with his brother.

    Regarding the postings to Quinton’s comment, shows how poor, in the intellectual sense, are those adultating Agatha Barbara. It is common knowledge the progress of the education system under her ministership.

  4. vic says:

    One comment from above says ‘bhal dik il-mara, Malta qatt mhi ser tara’.

    I hope so.

  5. TinaB says:

    It always amazes me how the majority of Malta’s young generation seem to be stuck in a time warp – it’s like their minds have been programmed by their elders to remain living in the past, even though most of them were not even born then.

    No wonder things never change.

    Litteralment tal-biza.

  6. Rita Camilleri says:

    @ Vic ..and amen to that.

  7. Lola says:

    Quinton now works at the ministry for tourism as far as I know…

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:


    Say no more.

  9. Terry says:

    It’s not Jonathan who seems to sdmire Agatha, but his brother Quinton, which is even worse considering his young age.

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