The Energy Minister is moving to Sliema to get away from all the working-class people knocking on his door

Published: June 26, 2013 at 2:19pm
The Energy Minister and Mrs Konrad Mizzi (left) with the National Security Minister and Mrs Manuel Mallia

The Energy Minister and Mrs Konrad Mizzi (left) with the National Security Minister and Mrs Manuel Mallia

The Energy Minister and Mrs Konrad Mizzi are moving to Sliema.

This week, they bought a flat at 46 Tigne Sea Front, in that bit near the Nazarene Church. The block is called Avril Apartments.

The reason for this sudden move to well beyond his constituency is that neither of the two can cope with the barrage of people knocking on their front door at all hours including days and times of rest, calling in favours, demanding attention, and wanting help, jobs, solutions and contacts.

Mrs Mizzi is particularly unhappy with the situation because she is not Maltese and also at home for most of the day and therefore vulnerable to these invasions and disturbances.

They hope that people will be more civilised in Sliema and that the uncivilised will not make the trip there or, if they do so en route biex jiehdu coffee l-Ferries (the Mizzis’ new flat is conveniently located just next to the row of coffee shops most popular with Labour voters) or to besiege The Point shopping centre with their jahasra empty wallets on weekends, they will be kept out by the intercom and too embarrassed to stand there in front of all the people at their cafe-tables.

My sources in the real estate business tell me that the Energy Minister was set on buying something in the gated development at Midi (Tigne Point), which would have been even more of a deterrent to people calling for favours and pounds of flesh, but it was not to be. Mr Mizzi was advised – correctly – it wouldn’t look good at all if 100 days after getting the job of Energy Minister, and with all this talk about a new power station being done and dusted, he bought and moved into a status-symbol apartment at the more expensive end of Malta’s real estate scale.

43 Comments Comment

  1. Infurmat says:

    Il-Klassi tal-Haddiem jew il-boghod mill-hazna tal-gass.

    • Agostino Mangion says:

      Prosit infurmat, ilqatt il-musmar fuq rasu.

    • ciccio says:

      So basically, now that the Shame on You Minister is dumping two enormous and dangerous gas tanks in the South, he has moved to the North.

      What does Silvio Parnis have to say about this?

      [Daphne – Sliema is not ‘north’. It is part of the Grand Harbour area.]

      • Calculator says:

        Methinks he’s still within range of the blast-zone. Rather difficult to get out of it, really, without leaving Malta altogether.

  2. Calculator says:

    Hope taking the job seems ‘wertit’ now, Konrad and Mrs. Mizzi, I really hope it does. Five years is starting to look like quite a long time now, eh?

    Now excuse me while I enjoy some quality time at home, in peace, not bothered by anyone.

  3. La Redoute says:

    If he was thinking about buying a flat at Tigne Point, that means he can afford it. How? Wasn’t he at employee at Enemalta until fairly recently? He certainly can’t be buying it on his ministerial salary, ghax lanqas ghandhom iz-zieda ta’ 500 Euro.

    • maryanne says:

      A bunch of socialist fakes.

    • Roberto says:

      What business is it of yours how he was thinking of buying it? Konrad Mizzi has not spent his career working as a clerk at Enemalta; he has been abroad for most of his career working for multinational energy companies in senior roles. A twenty second search on Google could have told you that. Daphne can be brilliant but, honestly, some of the comments on this site are just the kind of lazy, coffee morning housewife observations that most of you like to sneer at.

      [Daphne – Please let’s not exaggerate. He hasn’t exactly had that long a career between university and the present, and he didn’t leave the Maltese public service that long ago. But the point is not so much this as the fact that he has been driven away from his home and constituency by a queue of favour-seekers.]

      • maryanne says:

        Your argument begs the question: why did he leave such a brilliant career for a minister’s salary on this small rock?

        And like him, this question applies to Keith of Kasco fame and some others.

        We clearly get an answer from the waiver given to Franco Mercieca.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Perhaps because his career wasn’t so brilliant after all? The Maltese have a nasty habit of exaggerating their abilities and amplifying the tiniest achievement. Employers fall for it all the time. Why, our own former and current PMs….

      • Kuka says:

        If only you could be half as brilliant as Daphne, Roberto … and I don’t expect favours from Daphne for saying that. It’s positive to ‘honestly’ tell us that only SOME comments are not to your liking (or understanding!) MOST comments could perhaps show you the real facts … which are definitely not to be sneered at.

      • Grosvenor says:

        Not enough reason to believe he bought this apartment through his “hard” work.

        What hard work and what career anyway? This “funny” minister has done nothing much so far.

        Besides this, people who’ve worked hard, lived to work, doing 18 hours of real work every day, have still not managed to buy an apartment in Avril Court on the Tigne seafront – surprisingly just after their 107 days of getting elected, the guy goes on an apartment shopping spree.

        Get real.

      • Grosvenor says:

        Of course it’s our business, you dumb idiot.

        He’s getting paid from our taxes. What business of theirs was it to make a whole hulaballoo when the previous administration were given 500 euros increase per week?

        And you question what business of ours is it to question how he bought this Tigne Sea front flat!

        Do you know where Tigne Seafront is, in the first place? It’s that type of area which requires one to be rich to own a place or just forget it.

      • Roberto says:

        Grosvenor, I grew up a ten-minute walk away from Tigne so I am actually aware of the specialist knowledge of being aware where it is.

        As for equating knowledge of MPs receiving 500 euros with demanding to know exactly where someone would have got the money to buy an apartment that it is being gossiped they were discussing buying well, I think even you can not be that obtuse Grosvenor. Or can you?

        Here’s a theory for you (based always on the unconfirmed, dubious gossip that Konrad Mizzi was seriously considering buying a Tigne Point apartment, but I will play along): maybe he didn’t buy an apartment there because he couldn’t afford to.

        Tell me now Grosvenor, how does that make you feel? Happy to know that he is not that well off?

        Disappointed because you can’t call him hypocrite? Admit it Grosvenor, you don’t even know any more. Your type just start from a position of hatred and take it from there. Is he poor? Then he is a hamallu, uneducated, a thug from the marmalja.

        Is he rich? Then he is a hypocrite, a phoney, possibly (probably) a crook. Joseph Muscat sure ain’t perfect but he was smart enough to see that there enough people turned off by people like you in the Nationalist movement to get people to switch.

        It is people like you who led us to the most humiliating defeat of all time. Keep up the hate spreading and get ready for a few decades more of Labour.

        [Daphne – Interesting that you should say you grew up a 10-minute walk away from Tigne Point because I would have guessed that from the rest of your typical lanzit-u-hdura-tas-Sliema comment. And I speak as a native. Humiliating defeat, my eye – the only people feeling humilated right now are those who have woken up to their own gullibility in voting for this crock of shit, even if they won’t admit it. Grosvenor’s questions are legitimate. Your anger is misplaced.]

      • Roberto says:

        Not really sure what you mean by hdura u lanzit tas-Sliema to be honest.

        I would have thought that it’s obvious that the hdura u lanzit on display here is on the part of your friend Grosvenor.

        But let’s put it this way – if anyone has any evidence at all of any financial irregularities concerning Konrad Mizzi, let’s hear it.

        Otherwise it’s just bullshit gossiping about how could someone have afforded to do something they didn’t do and never even said that they were going to do.

        That may be a legitimate discussion for you but it is then you go down in my estimation. Sure, I know you will say so what you have lost a fan, you still have a lot left but you need to be careful because your judgement of the public mood is important in your situation.

        [Daphne – Roberto, you force me to say it: my judgement of the public mood is near-perfect, and bar just a couple of lapses in 23 years, always has been. It’s a sort of instinctive understanding. Without it, I would not have been able to do this job.

        The mistake you make, like so many others, is one of pure logic: you confuse ‘guage the public mood’ with ‘agree with the public mood’. My guaging of the public mood has not been wrong. I just failed to agree with it. I am not here to agree with the public mood. I am here to say what I think, which is different.

        Politicians are not there to agree with the public mood, either. They are there to stand for something. When politicians stand for nothing but agreement with the public mood, what you get is Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party, and consequently, this shambles of a government, which doesn’t even begin to know what it stands for except power.

        You also make the mistake of thinking that I don’t have the exact measure of people like you. I do. I understand and guage you perfectly. Whether I relate to you is another matter. I don’t and never did. I am 48 and people like you (I use the ‘you’ in its plural form and a general sense, and not in a personal way) are not new to Maltese society. They are certainly not new to Sliema. My experience is that their reason is generally the result of a very average IQ and lack of a proper education in the true sense of the word. There is no other explanation, and the reasoning is invariably illogical.]

        Right now you are not gauging it at all. People are not saying ‘Oh God, what have we done? Gonzi, please come back! ‘ Among the people I know that wanted a change the verdict is still out.

        [Daphne – ‘Among the people I know that wanted a change’ – Roberto, I have been around long enough, and have sufficient insight into situations, to know that you are one of them. Your presence in this debate is in the nature of those girls who go to a doctor and say, ‘I have a friend who needs an abortion…’. Yes, of course the jury – not the verdict – is still out. But it’s not because those of you who voted Labour when you habitually vote PN are looking for evidence that this government is not fit for purpose. It’s because you are looking hard to persuade yourselves that you were not wrong, while the suspicion lurks, among the more intelligent of your number, that you were.]

        What I can never accept, as a proud Maltese person, is people like Grovesnor who probably want our ministers to be exposed as corrupt, who probably even want the economy to fail, just so his side can get back in power.

        People voted against that mentality. That is the real lanzit u hdura.

        [Daphne – Nobody wants that, Roberto. You are very much mistaken. People who vote PN by definition have a completely different mentality to people who vote Labour. I noticed in this last election that the ‘chaff-sorting’ process was even more thorough this time. The switchers – those who voted Labour when they usually vote PN – were people who had always struck me as being not particularly bright and always jealous or upset or bitter for one reason or another. I can’t speak for others but I shall most definitely speak for myself: the last thing I want is for the economy to fail and to have our ministers exposed as corrupt. I suspect from your tone and manner of writing that you are 10 to 15 years my junior – is this right? – and so you will not understand my fear of a repeat performance of the economic catastrophe and corruption of the 1980s. Nobody who lived through that would want to experience it again, still less HOPE for it to happen.

        I assure you that I do understand where you’re coming from, and many like you. You want to be able to take Labour politicians at face value, to take them at their word, and to treat them as the equivalent of Nationalist politicians. However, they are not. You cannot take anyone at face value or at his word, not politicians, not anyone. You must always assess the character, personality and nature of the person, because that is the main thing, the most important, almost the only thing that counts. Everything about Joseph Muscat screams out ‘untrustworthy’, from his body language, to his manner of speaking, to his actions past and present. It is a classic ‘Would you buy a used car from this man?’ scenario, and it is really unbelievable just how many people are unable to register, not even at the instinctive level, human behavioural signals.]

      • Grosvenor says:

        No time to read all your lanzit, Roberto. Time’s precious so to cut it short and to not make a whole hullaballoo about it, do yourself a favour and Bugger Off and Get Lost and don’t visit this page if you’re uncomfortable with it.

        With people like you around, writing what you wrote, basing assumptions on ideologies and lunatic fantasies, it’s no wonder Malta is a CRAZY country.

        Are you Konrad Mizzi himself, by chance?

      • John III says:

        Madonna, Daphne, x’pacenjza trid ikollok ma’ dan-nies.

        L-islogan tal-Labour missu kien: MALTA, pajjiz ta’ l-imgienen u tal-Labour jattiraw il-paranoia.

        Nies bhal Roberto ivuvtaw Labour ghax kellhom paranoia kbira ghan-Nazzjonalisti.

  4. Konrad Fan says:

    This guy has three Facebook accounts. Konrad Mizzi, Konrad Mizzi II and Konrad Mizzi III. That is how popular he is, so many of his Facebook friends will come knocking no matter where he moves.

    • Superman says:

      Konrad Mizzi II sounds like Konrad Mizzi’s son. And Konrad Mizzi III sounds like his grandson. Actually it is against the TOS of Facebook to hold multiple accounts and it’s flagrant when it’s in the same name.

  5. mattie says:

    Isn’t this the guy who had said he was donating money to charity 0.20c with every “like” button people pressed on his FB page?

  6. Rita Camilleri says:

    How sweet, mela sar tal-pepe issa.

  7. Hitting the Ground Running says:

    If he is spending his days in an office in Delimara, why didn’t he buy a flat in Delimara? Would be so convenient to commute to the workplace, and would show solidarity with the neighbourhood once the project starts and they are exposed to all those hazards.

    And there is also an Gharix there, with a swimming pool, which he could buy or lease temporarily on the cheap because it will soon have to give way to be used in the land preparation for the gas tanks.

  8. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    How did Manuel Mallia get to marry such a good-looking woman (in comparison to what he looks like)?

    [Daphne – Give a wild guess, Stephen. Like all the other men who do the same: they find somebody deprived and desperate enough to want that sort of meal ticket, only to find that she leaves them at the first opportunity or sinks into deep depression. It’s not the marriage that’s the problem so much as the marital rights, one imagines.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      More to the point, how did they do it? The topology just doesn’t allow it.

    • Roberto says:

      Yeah, why did that beautiful young woman get together with that older, unattractive millionaire?

      Like Anna Nicole Smith, when she married that multibillionare aged about 90. The world is full of these mysteries hux?

      [Daphne – There is another way of looking at it, Roberto. Why would a sane or intelligent man pay so much for sex? It’s not only the women you should be dissing.]

  9. ken il malti says:

    I was going to suggest that Konrad should build a villa on Filfla.

    But those unwashed ones now have power-boats, thanks to 25 years of economic prosperity and they can still reach him to demand favours.

  10. random says:

    Interestingly, Konrad Mizzi’s wife is Chinese. She is not from a peasant family, but the new, wealthy Chinese business class.

    • Kuka says:

      She wouldn’t be related to someone from the same company which has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Maltese government to conduct a €4 million-feasibility study on a bridge linking Gozo to Malta would she?

    • Calculator says:

      The Chinese connection had to start from somewhere.

  11. A. Charles says:

    I thought that Mr. & Mrs. Konrad Mizzi would have bought a house in Marsaxlokk so that they can see the projected masterpiece of the power station to be built and the 15 storey high ship anchored precariously full of dangerous gas.

    Will the government be paying for the extra premiums that the people in the South will have to pay for their home and business insurance as the chances of a mishap will be greatly increased?

  12. sonia says:

    Ara Konrad tat-Tivoli ddejjaq joqghod Rahal Gdid! Biex jakkwista l-voti u jdur bieb bieb kienu tajbin in-nies tar-raba’ distrett, u issa se jahrab minnhom.

  13. A Montebello says:

    The good news is there won’t be any more power cuts in Sliema (apparently there was one this morning).

  14. doris says:

    Is it right? After getting his votes from that other constituency, he moves on and forgets those who voted for him when they need him?

    If he wanted a sea view, why didn’t he move to Birzebbuga to keep an eye on those gas tanks? Mela jibza li jisplodu?

  15. bingo says:

    Are you sure he did not buy the flat at MIDI, too? I was told by reliable sources some weeks ago that he did.

  16. Rumplestiltskin says:

    This is what happens when one joins the high society.

  17. Whoop Whoop says:

    First he promised the universe to his constituents, sponsors, helpers etc and now he’s running away.

    Paola tieghek u Tas-Sliema tieghi. Konrad, you’re far away from making the old bastion yours.

  18. nita says:

    Did you know that Mr & Mrs Mizzi where taken to court when they lived in Balzan for disturbing the peace?

    Did you know that Sai, his wife, used to roll bowing balls at 3am, keeping the neighbours awake? I felt sorry for those people who lived in the flat beneath theirs.

    • Kuka says:

      Now we are getting to know these people … inside and out. So Sai is annoyed with people knocking on her door but did not mind annoying neighbours by keeping them awake.

  19. Makjavel says:

    Konrad Mizzi has not yet submitted a declaration of assets as an MP.

  20. mattie says:

    U l-kont li ghadni kif ircevejt, l-istess baqa, GHOLI !

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