Malta Today: I am absolutely LOST for words

Published: July 9, 2013 at 11:52am
Note to Matthew Vella, Saviour Balzan and Roger de Giorgio: this is one of Mary Swan's false passports. It is not the facsimile image which is false. It is the passport. She was imprisoned for trying to enter Thailand using it.

Note to Matthew Vella, Saviour Balzan and Roger de Giorgio: this is one of Mary Swan’s false passports. It is not the facsimile image which is false. It is the passport. She was imprisoned for trying to enter Thailand using it.

Malta Today’s credibility, along with that of its owners Roger de Giorgio and Saviour Balzan, and its editor Matthew Vella, is at its lowest ebb ever.

Can they be more overt in their desperate defence of John Dalli?

Despite having the facts fed to them through the nose via this website, about the real identity of the international fraudster Eloise Marie Corbin, who is operating in Malta under the alias Mary Swan aka Ladybird (including a facsimile of one of the false passports she has used and details of how she was jailed in Bangkok for using it), that crazy newspaper carries a story TODAY with the immortal line:

The villa, rented for an entire year by Tyre Ltd on 14 July 2012 through the professional office of his daughter, hosted the philanthropists, among them Mary Swann, a millionaire residing in Sliema, Malta.

Why would a ‘millionaire’ live in an anonymous flat in an ordinary block on a narrow street in Sliema, with a view of other people’s windows and solar panels, a flat that not even its owner thought good enough for him, because he moved somewhere more salubrious?

And now I address Matthew Vella directly: aren’t you embarrassed making it so plain and obvious that you can’t research, investigate and report the story as you would – say – the oil scandal or Tonio Fenech’s blinking clock? Are you going to carry on referring to Eloise Marie Corbin, a fraudster using the alias of Mary Swan, as though she’s genuine? Are you going to keep right on ignoring the fact that John Dalli is doing business not with Mary Swan the millionaireness, but with somebody who he may or may not know is engaged in suspicious financial activities (not to give the activity its real name)?

20 Comments Comment

  1. Alan says:

    Even crazier is that the government, opposition, and particularly the police, have, almost a full 3 days later, so far totally ignored the stunning turn of events that you brought to light.

    I think it is actually the country that is reaching its lowest ebb ever.

    • Alan says:

      A question if I may please Daphne. Do you know if Eloise Marie Corbin aka Mary Swan et al’s presence in Malta has been reported to the police?

      [Daphne – Surely you cannot be serious.]

      • Alan says:

        Well, a bit tongue in cheek really, but at this pathetic stage, I am honestly at a loss what to think.

        Its just too surreal.

  2. jack says:

    Is she really 72 years old or is that also fake information? Ahh… the recklessness of old age.

    [Daphne – Yes, that’s her real age, as you should be able to tell from the photograph. But she’s been at it for decades.]

  3. La Redoute says:

    The same article include two testimonials, presented by John Dalli, rather than sourced independently by Malta Today.

    Why didn’t they take the more direct route of interviewing the ‘millionaire residing in Sliema’, and publish a video of her protesting John Dalli’s innocence, in his presence?

    More significantly, why doesn’t ‘Mary Swan’ voluntarily do that herself? That’s the first thing a wrongly accused person would do, particularly if they have nothing to hide.

  4. anthony says:

    Why does a millionairess philanthropist need to change her identity and her passport, acquiring false ones in the process, every so often ?

    That is what anyone possessing a few neurons expects Malta Today to explain.

    If the readership of this newspaper is made up entirely of amaurotic idiots then so be it.

  5. Maria says:

    Thank you, Mrs Caruana Galizia for keeping us informed. Rich, clever people who have been dealing and wheeling in any kind of shady business would be living in a flat.

  6. john says:

    In ‘The Times’: ‘Poverty expert Yana Mintoff Bland says it is impossible for anyone to live on 5,700 euro per year.’

    Oh really. Surely she must know that her mother was forced to manage on less.

  7. Catherine says:

    Well said, as usual, especially as regards that poor excuse for a journalist, Matthew Vella.

  8. where are we? says:

    I wonder what Jospeh Muscat, our Prime Minister, his Commissioner of Police are saying regarding this Mary Swan. If things remain as they are now, what hope have we of a clean government?

  9. Last Post says:

    Misħuta s-saħta fuq dal-poplu li jara l-ħażen kollu kkondensat f’kopja t’Arlogg tal-Lira (kopja li tiswa 500 ewro) u ma jara xejn ħażin jew suspettuż fis-saga tal-misthija ta’ J Dalli BA.

    Xejn ħażin għax ma kiser ebda liġi. Miskin!

  10. M... says:

    I was quite charmed by the use of the word ‘professional’ as in professional office! Define professional?

  11. Wilson says:

    They are waiting for it to go away. You just have to remind people every so often.

  12. Dickens says:

    Dalli is worse than corrupt. He is a naive incompetent fool and putty in the hands of professional con/men like this Swan.

  13. John Higgins says:

    Fancy putting a rich old lady like Dr. Yana Bland Mintoff in charge of preaching about poor people. What does she know about poverty except perhaps that her father though well off led the ife of a pauper drinking and entertaining important people from a thermos flask.

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