Maybe he was so busy campaigning that he didn’t have time to do much operating?

Published: July 17, 2013 at 11:18pm
Franco Mercieca (left) with one of his more notorious patients.

Franco Mercieca (left) with one of his more notorious patients.

PS for the Elderly Franco Mercieca’s stated income for last year is €116,245.

Let’s be charitable. He campaigned so hard for Labour and for his own election that he barely had time to operate privately. All those eyes had to wait. And that’s why he really, really must do private work now. The queue is banked right up.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Catsrbest says:

    Who said it? Pimps, thieves and scoundrels. None of them are sincere.

    Most important, Times of Malta reports that many of the declarations are handwritten and barely legible. Why?

  2. ciccio says:

    Or maybe he just dropped a zero at the very end of that figure?

  3. just me says:

    Their declarations show that they have all done extremely well under a Nationalist government.

  4. minn mars says:

    Please correct me if I’m wrong.
    Was it not reported lately that he earned 3600 euros in four hours earlier in time?.
    So lets divide 116,245 by 400 (which seems to be for nine interventions).If I’m not mistaken, what was calculated.
    The sum I get is approximately 290 operations in a whole year.
    Now that is what I call a hard life.

    • Snoopy says:

      That is not correct. From this amount, you have first to deduct his salary from Mater Dei Hospital, which is around Eur 40 000. So his declared income from private practice is of around Eur80,000.

      The process is usually that you see the specialist once, he/she might order treatment/operation, then have at least one return visit.

      Let us be conservative and say an operation is required for every four patients he sees and that each visit costs 50 Euros.

      My back-of-the-envelope calculation based on his declared income from private practice gives 400 patients per year or eight patients per week.

      Now if anyone believes that, then I am an alien from outer space.

    • Toyger says:

      He used to perform 9 to 10 operations every two Wednesdays at Capua Hospital, plus operationss at St Anne’s Clinic in Birkirkara.

      From the Capua Hospital operations alone, which he performed regularly despite the election campaign, he should have a minimum of €93,600.

    • Toyger says:

      Also, the Eur116,245 includes his public service salary.

      Qed jahsibna cwiec, miskin.

  5. Candida says:

    Beano declarations, and they don’t fool me.

  6. Village says:

    Ma ghandix dubbju min hallas din l-ikla.

    Ma smajna xejn izjed dwar il-gid li halla warajh dak il halliel.

  7. John Higgins says:

    Msieken kollha fqar. Mbaghad jitkellmu fuq il-faqar, dawn.

  8. CGrech says:

    Li ma jafux hafna nies hu, li Franco Mercieca qeda hafna pazjenti b’xejn f’dawn l-ahhar snin! Tghid biex jerbah il-voti? Forsi ghalhekk ma tantx kellu x’jiddkjara hux, ghax ghamel hafna xoghol b’xejn allura s-somma ma telghetx hafna….

  9. charon says:

    Nahseb ahjar imur ghand specjalista tal-ghajnejn ghax mhux qed jgharaf sewwa n-numri.

  10. maqrus says:

    Ghal dawn id-dikjarazjonijiet ghanda issir investigazjoni mit-Tax Compliance Unit, jew ghal dawn in-nies ma’tezistix?

    U l-ministru Mallia jista jhalli 500,000 euro id-dar, ghax jien nafa’li xi 5000 euro tista thalli cash id-dar.

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