Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. And it’s not as though we didn’t have that amply illustrated in the run-up to 9 March.

Published: July 12, 2013 at 5:22pm

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56 Comments Comment

  1. Dave says:

    Any news on Dalli’s Swan or has this been conveniently over shadowed by the Führer wise stand not to take a stand?

  2. Mark says:

    Daphne, no one is realising that the problem in Malta is not that we are overcrowded by illegal immigrants; the problem is that we are overcrowded by stupid people.

  3. botom says:

    Constitutional Reform Commissioner Franco Debono was heard in Valletta venting his anger and howling vulgar language directed at Prime Minister Joseph Muscat because the Prime Minister was ignoring his repeated SMSes.

    Franco was heard saying that when Muscat was his classmate he used to get much better results than the Prime Minister. Indeed history repeats itself. It may well be that Joseph Muscat is already regretting this appointment.

  4. Jozef says:

    Muscat said Marlene’s words have to be understood correctly

    Lara Boffa won’t be misunderstood either.

    Are we allowed to understand anything? Do these morons actually think we’re listening?

    Stupidity’s impossible to deal with.

  5. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Cheap politicians never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. They make use of it without scruple. That explains 36000 switchers who by now must be wringing their hands in despair.

  6. Dumbo says:

    Daphne, whilst I commend you for your sterling journalism, on the other hand I can’t understand why sometimes you seem to be shocked by what is happening, in spite of the fact that the situation is really shocking.

    It was to be expected, the hatred I mean. That is the hallmark of Mintoff and it is his legacy.

    In his time he instilled hatred for the church and educated people, class hatred. In spite of the material progress Malta has made, we see this legacy of hatred in full glory on the social networks till this very day. Our Prime Minister – a self confessed Mintoff devotee cannot deliver anything better as he knows no better and believe you me, the worst is indeed yet to come.

    I pity the younger generation who unfortunately know next to nothing of their country’s recent (post independence) history, and when people know no history it makes it easier to repeat itself.

  7. michael seychell says:

    It is very dangereous when countries are run by persons whose greatest ability is influencing the masses’ minds, and when the masses realise how they were manipulated it will either be too late, or it will take time to change their situation.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      “Demagogues” is the apt label for such people. Mintoff was a prime example and look what he did to democracy in Malta. Muscat is evidently trying to follow haltingly in his footsteps.

  8. r. meilak says:

    Lowell would love that photo

  9. Alexander Ball says:

    Two distinctly different versions of Malta.

    Poles apart and the gap is g-r-o-w-i-n-g.

  10. stubborn says:

    too bad they never got you, i’d love to see your head on a pike on “bieb il-belt” …

    from the netherlands with love …

    [Daphne – Ah, the liberal and progressive view from a Labour voter. Pretty impressive..and predictable.]

    • Catsrbest says:

      And why exactly is this, another **shole, underlining the fact that s/he is in the Netherlands – incidentally, one of the most truly liberal and progressive nation in the world?

  11. James Grima says:

    So you’re calling 55% of the Maltese electorate stupid? Talk about being a pompous twat.

    [Daphne – Well, Grima, is there any other explanation? Stupid or bloody-minded. But definitely not rational or insightful. “Voting for Joseph Muscat was a smart decision” – does that sound right to you? Well, then. The trouble is that you people can’t stand the truth staring at you in the face. When others point it out, they’re “pompous” (inappropriate choice of adjective) or “arrogant”. So I’m arrogant for pointing out that you voted for a dud. Darb’ ohra naghmel bhall-arcqisof, u nghid jahasra, James ‘zbalja’.]

  12. Harry Purdie says:

    Well, that didn’t take long, eh?

    A useless, but dangerous boy, bouncing off walls, an out of control government, and, voila, chaos reigns.

  13. Galian says:

    That quote was my Facebook status in the run-up to the election.

  14. ciccio says:

    The Times had better call for extra security this Sunday, because the liberals and progressives – those who voted Labour (with the switchers) and who suddenly, instead of defending the fundamental human rights of the individual are defending the “national interest”, and who constantly invade the comments board in praise of Joseph Muscat – will be in Valletta, quacking like ducks.

  15. josef2 says:

    What a load of bull daphne. Please seek medical assistance for your own sake.

    [Daphne – Ah, I see. You’re one of those who think 1939-45 didn’t happen, and that this photograph is fake.]

  16. A says:

    From fashion to fascism in one easy step…

  17. A says:

    This week’s events are unbelievable in this day and age.

    Joseph Muscat has yet again confirmed, as he has over and over agian since winning the election, that he cares about nothing and no one and will step over everyone and everything to achieve his aims. What we forget is that he did not want Malta to join the EU in the first place, so he will lose nothing if we get out. I wonder if this is just part of his long term plan?

    On the other hand a large part of the Maltese population seems to feel justified in voicing their hatred towards those with black skin. Unsurprisingly, the lower one’s education, the more racist s/he seems to be. Perhaps, those with lesser education are those who feel most threatened by illeagal immigrants. What these people forget is that only a few years ago we Maltese were the ones looked down upon by the Europeans. After all the majority of us are not exactly blonde.

    I wonder what these racist people would say if Europe had to push us out and we ended with no other choice but to form part of the African continent.

    And I wonder if they would still feel the same hatred if these boats were loaded with tall, blond Russian women!

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      If Joseph Muscat continues to try to “step over” international law (as well as over the Maltese) he is apt to cause himself a serious injury. Apparently he realized this, rather late in the day but his mesmerized followers lag far behind still clapping and shouting “well done” when his real accomplishment was in leaping back from the edge of the precipice.

  18. anthony says:

    I find this picture very apt indeed.

    One of the greatest countries on earth was all but ruined thanks to millions of imbeciles led by a manic-depressive psychopath.

    Amongst the most effective weapons which he utilized to play on their little brains were racism and xenophobia.

    Lest we forget.

  19. FP says:

    “Government and the parliamentary group are united, because our position is to consider all options.”

    That’s obviously a lie, seeing that Marlene Farrugia already declared that she does not support “all options”.

    I’d love to know what Minister Farrugia’s opinion is about all this. Does he also not support “all options”?

    We were led to believe that he’s the village doctor with a heart, finding it very difficult to leave his work as family doctor behind him for his new responsibilities as minister because of his love for his patients.

    How does all this altruism square with supporting Joseph Muscat’s “all options”, Dr Farrugia?

  20. What? says:

    At this rate the PN better WAKES up before terrible things start to happen and before it is too late.

  21. Socrates says:

    I don’t and I hope others won’t!

  22. AZ says:

    My biggest worry at the moment is that our dear Prime Minister, out of a need to improve his likeability ratings has unleashed forces beyond his control.

    Furthermore with his statements and actions he has put himself in a corner. He has made this his personal fight against the EU and in particular certain figures therein.

    I almost certain that no action or further assistance will be forthcoming from that institution and his aspirations will fall flat pretty quickly. How would he then justify himself? Will he try to convince us that we are better-off outside of the EU?

    During the Prime Minister’s speech in parliament yesterday, he alluded to the fact that the EU council president needed a translator to understand his speech in Maltese, whilst the Libyan officials would most probably not need such a service.

    I wondered what he meant by this, and where this was leading. Is this a return to the Seventies Mintoffian talk of our brothers the Libyans, as opposed to the evil west? I wonder.

  23. vic says:

    Tghid ser nergghu noholmu bil-qrati tal-poplu ?

  24. Jean says:

    What a veritable jerk! Sandwiched between an inspiring Pope Francis and Madala addressing the UN Assembly this afternoon, both speaking passionately about human rights, was our very own Joseph, inciting hatred. What was it about him and hindsight?

  25. E.M says:

    amor patriae — Mintoff’s way ;) Ma jafux ahjar!

    One more thing dear Daphne. Please consider upgrading your blog to html5 or making a mobile app ghax iddejjaqt nuza an internet browser to open your blog :)

  26. Mike says:

    So true. We should have been aware of this back in April when Normal Lowell endorsed the Labour Party.

    What is happening today is far from new.

    We have forgotton that the Nazi Party did not come to power in 1930s Germany through military coup or revolution, but through the political manipulation and constructed ‘national emnergencies’, feeding into the German nations fears and residual xenophobia (which always surfaces if a nation percieves itself to be under threat).

    Adolf Hitler was given emergency powers under the umbrella of ‘national interest’, a buzz word that today has gained popularity in Malta. People may laugh and consider the association far fetched, but how many Germans voting in 1933 thought that just 5 years down the line democracy would have been extinguished and that the horror of world war II and its associated genocide were just around the corner.

    History is full of meglaomaniac leaders that have led their country down to oblivion, let us hope we as a nation can stand strong and prevent this happening to us

  27. Catsrbest says:

    I would add to the stupid, the malign, those with an axe to grind and the opportunists. I only hope and pray they will not undo all the good work that Dr Gonzi – the great statesman, did for real to Malta taghna lkoll.

  28. anthony says:

    Daphne, can we please have a break from mediocrity and talk about Malala.

    We can always go back to rotten Dalligate later.

  29. Frank Scicluna says:

    The chickens are now coming to roost!

    Former Labor leader Alfred Sant was right all along when he said all those years ago that the Maltese people were not ready to become part of the EU.

    Sadly, Malta itself may have been BUT its’ people were not! There is now a very simple solution…accept being part of the EU with everything that it has to offer – good and bad, or have another referendum to see if Malta wants to pull out of it.

    There now remains very little choice folks! Maybe Joseph Muscat knows EXACTLY what he is doing!

    [Daphne – Stick to Australia, Frank. You’ve been there for half a century, after all.]

  30. Pied-Piper says:

    You can fool some of the people all their time
    You can fool all the people some of their time
    This is what happened on the 9th March
    Righty said: Stupid people can be very powerful

  31. Randon says:

    It seems that the people who are vociferously against ‘pushback’ policy for African immigrants happen to hail from rural or and other quietly secluded areas (like you, Daphne).

    [Daphne – I ‘hail’, Randon, from Sliema. And I live in Bidnija, where there is a rather sizeable population of African immigrants working for the local construction magnate, in homes, and in the surrounding fields.]

    Their view of the world is quiet different from those who live in the inner harbour core where ethnic diversity is high.

    [Daphne – I really don’t require lectures about the views of people from the inner harbour core. That’s where my entire family is from.]

    It is probable that these people reject living in an ethnically diverse environment. What could be the reason for this? Lack of social integration of immigrants? religious intolerance?

    [Daphne – If you mean that the Maltese reject ethnic diversity, the reason is sheer ignorance and xenophobia. The immigrants are not the ones rejecting integration, but are rejected themselves. Even non-African immigrants speak of how hard it is to be accepted into Maltese society, how they are always kept at arm’s length or just hovering on the outside.]

    Daphne, you tend to simplify issues which are complex. Quite like the Nazis did.

    [Daphne – The ability to simplify issues which are complex is the hallmark of my survival as a columnist for 23 years, Randon. It is a skill that is not to be sniffed at. And it has nothing to do with Nazi propaganda, which was based not on the simplification of complex issues, but on lies.]

  32. Denis says:

    A demagogue /ˈdɛməɡɒɡ/ or rabble-rouser is a political leader in a democracy who appeals to the emotions, prejudices, and ignorance of the less-educated citizens in order to gain power and promote political motives.

    Demagogues usually oppose deliberation and advocate immediate, violent action to address a national crisis; they accuse moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness.

    Demagogues have appeared in democracies since ancient Athens.

    They exploit a fundamental weakness in democracy: because ultimate power is held by the people, nothing stops the people from giving that power to someone who appeals to the lowest common denominator of a large segment of the population.

  33. Salvu says:

    That is “nightmarish”.

  34. canon says:

    Anglu Farrugia passed a remark about a magistrate and Joseph Muscat forced him to resign as Deputy Leader of the PL.

    Now Joseph Muscat made such a big blunder in the name of all the Maltese by threatening to defy our obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights, and no one from the PL is asking him to resign.

  35. A Sant says:

    Daph can you re-post that great documentary you had once posted on how one idiot dancing alone makes a mass-group of idiots? That was such a great piece and really fits the current climate.

    [Daphne – I’ve no idea how to set about finding it again.]

  36. Str8 says:

    I think that tactically our PM wanted to pass a sub-text message to our EU partners which was not simply distasteful or perhaps ametueureish but also short-sighted.

    Our country cannot operate for the long-term benefits in such a manner, whatever the excuse or reason. We must not give up on dialogue, arguments and persuasion.

    The risks that outweigh the benefits are far too wide, big and unjustified. Political responsibility will never ever be forgotten.

  37. CIS says:

    L-ewwel kixef snienu, u meta l-affari bdiet ddur kontrih qal li kien qed jithaq.

    Minn dawk il-Laburisti li jikkummentaw fuq l-internet tinduna li qed jippruvaw jikkalmaw l-affarijiet ghax it-ton qed jinbidel.

    Kien hemm xi helwin bravi qalu li n-Nazzjonalisti qed jxewxu minn taht biex jidher ikrah l-Gvern. Xi hlew ta Prim Ministru hux?

  38. Carmel Agius says:



    Inarticulate indeed! What a bunch of dangerous stupid freaks.

  39. David Meilak says:

    The responsibility of the government in handling the African influx into Malta can be compared to government’s stand on taxes, VAT, and law enforcement.

    It would be so easy for a political party to gain popularity, if that party in government starts talking about the abolition of all taxes, VAT and for example local warden law enforcement.

    Nobody enjoys being taxed, or getting a driving citation, but the government is in a position where it is obliged to enforce these laws, as taxes are required to keep this island going.

    But with irregular immigration, Joseph Muscat saw a niche’ where he can try to strengthen his popularity. Let’s face it, most nationals of any country prefer that their country would remain populated only by the actual nationals of the country.

    It is a fact that most people have this certain ‘predjudice’ when one considers people from another country, people of a different religion, people who vote for different political parties.

    Joseph Muscat’s way of handling the immigration crisis this week can be compared to a government that tells the people that it plans to abolish taxes, abolish VAT. Nobody likes paying taxes. Most people do not want foreigners living in their country.

    Joseph Muscat knows this. But he thought that he had nothing to lose. He did lose, he lost his international reputation.

  40. just me says:

    Tomorrow’s gospel…

    The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

    On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

    “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

    He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbour as yourself.”

    “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

    But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbour?”

    In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.

    A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

    But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.

    The next day he took out two denari and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

    Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

    The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

    Jesus told him, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE.”

  41. ciccio says:

    It is not a surprise that one of the first acts of this Labour government in the first 100 days was to switch off the eternal flame for many hours during the day as part of its ‘cost cutting’ – read “issikkar tac-cintorin” Mintoff style). The flame which is an eternal reminder of those who fell in the fight against the Nazi and fascism.

    The Labour party since Mintoff has been hijacked by ignorant selfish individuals who do not put any value on democracy, freedom and individual rights, and therefore cannot understand the gallantry of those who fought in war to protect and preserve our liberty.

    Now, the same elements, or their offsprings, are returning to the same tactics, starting with the immigrants.

    But from some of the comments on The Times, it seems that they now plan to target anyone here in Malta who defends human rights. This could have been the initial plan, actually.
    And they know who normally defends human rights, and that it is the usual groups who do so.

    The same situation of the 1970s and 1980s is going to develop because Joseph Muscat is no more than a closet Mintoffian and he will do anything to increase his populism, resorting to the typical Mintoffian divide and rule.

  42. Pepita says:

    The xenophobic Maltese don’t have an inkling of the commandment underpinning the parable. Many of them will even go to church and hear it for the umpteenth time – but they are “religious” only in church.

    Perhaps after mass they will go directly to the demo.

    This is the sorry state of ‘Maltese’ Catholicism. In the matter of doctrine many are not conscious of the rules of the church. So much so that during the divorce discussions some were under the impression that they would be able to have a church wedding after getting divorced.

    Mind you, in the present situation what really counts is the love that you show to your neighbour – ( not only the one next door)- in all circumstances.

  43. A majority of stupid people can destroy a country.

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