A prime minister in the Marrakesh Malta ‘sexy pic hon’ mould – look at his latest tweet, tailored exactly to appeal to that mentality

Published: August 7, 2013 at 1:03pm
Wow sexy pic hon I like )))))::::::!!!!!! kemm int nice ta hi. Nice pic!

Wow sexy pic hon I like )))))::::::!!!!!! kemm int nice ta hi. Nice pic!

You can take the hack out of Super One but you can’t take Super One out of the hack

Maybe I’m missing something because I don’t understand Joseph Muscat’s British humour, but what business does a prime minister have tweeting barbs about opposition appointments to the shadow cabinet?

And he’s got a nerve, talking about Joe Cassar as the minister who ‘sunk the health sector’ (a prime minister who tweets in bad English – the word there should be ‘sank’ not ‘sunk’) when in the last term of government, Cassar was health minister for three years and JOHN DALLI for the other two.

This Marrakesh Malta mind we’ve got running the country has the nerve to criticise the Opposition for making Joe Cassar shadow minister of education, when he has just put a corrupt man sacked by the EU Commission in charge of the health sector in Malta, overriding the minister he originally appointed for the purpose.

So now we have a prime minister who tweets barbs instead of just shooting them at journalists. And badly written barbs, at that. “Put him responsible” isn’t even a literal translation from Maltese.

MAKE him responsible – a man who boasts about his British humour when he doesn’t even speak British English.

The prime ministerial tweet:

Joseph Muscat
@Joseph Muscat_JM

What do you do with a former minister who sunk the health sector? Put him responsible for our kids’ education!
2:16pm – 3 Aug 13

23 Comments Comment

  1. RoyB says:

    His mental operating capacity must have been drained by the process of determining where to put the apostrophe with “kids”. Come on now, Daphne; you can’t except too much of him.

  2. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Reminder to Joseph Muscat: “You are now Prime Minister. You are no longer Leader of the Opposition.”

  3. Volley says:

    Min irid jaghti ezempju ukoll! X’PM tal-misthija ghandna.

  4. Volley says:

    How did he write his thesis, when he spells like that?

    • it-Tezi ta' Mario says:

      Maybe he didn’t write it himself? These sound like Mario Vella’s words, not Joseph Muscat’s:

      “In the manner of philosophy, which, in the words of Hegel, like the owl of Minerva takes flight at dusk, at the end of a civilisation’s highest moment, this study begins with an investigation of a phenomenon that emerges, globally and historically, at the end of Fordist epoch of capitalism, or, at least, at a time of Fordism in crisis.”

      Page 28 at http://www.scribd.com/doc/127035781/Joseph-Muscat-PhD-Thesis

    • Makjavel says:

      Same way Conrad Mizzi wrote his.
      Ask around the university campus and you will hear some very interesting answers on how thesis are written or officially proof read.

  5. Liberal says:

    Are you sure he’s not referring to Dalli and is planning to make him responsible for the Education Ministry?

    After all, the responsibility for the education of our children is the Minister’s responsibility, and not the shadow minister’s.

  6. M. Cassar says:

    That ‘we are one’ slogan in the background and the cornered rat expression, priceless.

  7. Ma Nafx ta! says:

    Looks like Joseph Muscat is still thinking and blabbing ‘in “opposition” mode’. Isn’t he now PM and Evarist Bartolo minister for education?

  8. Tracy says:

    Jien ma nafx x’jarawlu li hu super intelligenti. Meta smajt id-diskors tieghu fil-parlament meta Gonzi kellu l-ahhar seduta tieghu qabel jirtira, ma mpressjonajtx ruhi daqs kemm meta smajt id-diskors ta’ Simon u fl-ahhar ta’ Gonzi.

  9. Alexander Ball says:

    Since when is a shadow minister ‘responsible’ for anything?

    Joey, take it from a brit, you are about as funny as an orphanage on fire.

  10. Corvo Attano says:

    Why are they obsessed with PN when they’re sailing the ship. I’d like the PM to tweet the pillars of reform he is proposing for health.

    Will he be for example, clamping down on 1500 rosters abusively imposed by our irresponsible unions? That would dramatically reduce the overtime bill.

  11. Jozef says:

    I sense utter panic.

    • ciccio says:

      You’re right, Jozef. I sense loss of control. Has he started the electoral campaign already before asking the President to dissolve Parliament?

  12. Neil says:

    Multiple Choice: How does the PM pronounce the word ‘KIDS’?

    a) Kidz
    b) Kidssss
    c) Kitts

    I’ll go with c)

    • Catherine says:

      All good, but I’d say it varies, depending on how agitated he is or how venomous his intentions are. I urge you to add a 4th option: “all of the above”.

  13. Vanni says:

    Interesting this:


    In a reaction, Dr Muscat when asked, said he was against insults against anybody, but this was the reality of social media.”

    Ah, so I guess he won’t mind when we call him what most perceive him as being, a boorish, rapidly ballooning, fat cnut,

  14. parent says:

    The answer could be “because he saved a son like mine who has learning disabilities and through his guidance and mentorship is now on the brink of entering university”….is this reason enough?

  15. Tania says:

    And Simon did not “Put him responsible” either

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