A timely reminder

Published: August 29, 2013 at 5:46pm

12 Comments Comment

  1. QahbuMalti says:

    Only those who normally do not make use of the bus service are pleased to see the old rubbish back on the roads, though to be fair, the roads around Sliema were less congested without the bendy buses. The solution is obvious.

  2. curious says:

    Will Joseph Muscat tell us what he promised the previous bus owners? I think not.

    During the first week after the election the rumour was that Muscat will bring back the old buses. Well, it’s happening.

    • Weird no ? says:

      Three bendy buses in flames within a couple of days exactly two years on the road…smells fishy to me.

  3. ciccio says:

    Mela, jew dan ix-xufier progressiv u liberali marritlu l-magna Perkins, jew halltilha pitrolju zejjed mad-diesel, jew ma xeghelx il-bozza tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja li ghandu fuq id-dexbort.

    Imma l-aqwa li ghandu ftehim sigriet mal-Partit Laburista progressiv u liberali halli wara l-elezzjoni inehhi il-bendibassis u jerggha johrog dir-racanc mil-garaxx. U jekk ukun wajs, forsi l-garaxx ikun jista’ jikrih lil Willie Mangion.

    • Victor says:

      My thoughts exactly.

      To me this looks very much like a pre-election promise to the old bus owners.

      Am I the only one who thinks it is too strange that all those bendy buses caught fire in a matter of a couple of days, to be quickly replaced by the old ones?

  4. Watchful eye says:

    Remember this please:

    Some two years ago or so, just before the commencement of the Arriva services, a driver from the old regime is on record on TVM news predicting that they will be back on the roads in two years’ time. Anybody else remember this?

  5. Unbennant says:

    If they bring the old drivers back, I’m keeping well away from the buses thanks very much.

    I’d rather walk or drive everywhere than deal with them again.

  6. Candida says:

    Last year was a scorching hot summer. Bendy buses were on the road working endlessly with the seasonal extra flow of foreign students and tourists, but I do not recall these “fires” on the road at any time.

  7. Matt says:

    While the new buses are definitely welcome, the bendy buses are (or well, were) obviously not made for the kind of roads we have in Malta. I cannot imagine what possessed anyone to think they’d function properly here; they were a complete disaster.

  8. canon says:

    The bad publicity on Arriva by PL is now out of control.

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