Oh dear, it gets worse – and then they go ballistic when I see these things and say it’s no surprise they’ve been voting Labour all their lives

Published: August 7, 2013 at 12:53pm

Anton Rea Cutajar is going nuts on Mrs Malmstrom’s Facebook page because, he claims, he only said ‘fox l liba familtek’ to a ‘Taljan’ on the same thread, and not to the EU Commissioner (does he know what an EU Commissioner is?).

Oh, so that’s all right then, even if we believe him.

Min hi dik il-haga kerha?

Min hi dik il-haga kerha?

Anton Rea Cutajar
tridu taraw tighei kemm i tajba melaa niggiled ma persuna taljana u dik l haga kerha daphne tigi iggibni fuq il blog tahha

(he’s got a nerve calling me a ‘haga kerha’ when his wife/girlfriend looks like something he scraped off the wheel off his truck and then reconstituted with the aid of the entire contents of Is-Serkin’s oven)

Anton Rea Cutajar
u qet jitqazaw bija ghax attila fox il familja tieghek

Anton Rea Cutajar
johduwom litalja meta kollox hawn malta u kollox halfar u l marsa

And ara, he spijk di ingliz u dik gabitni fuq il-blogg TIEGHU:

Anton Rea Cutajar
mrs malmstrom i did not offend you in any time i was fighting with italian person and i tell him those words in maltese because DAPHNE CARUANA GALIZIA in malta say that i offend you and bring me on his blog

28 Comments Comment

  1. Adrian says:

    Should we laugh or should we despair?

  2. Mark says:

    ‘Mrs Malmstrom’ must be thinking, ‘Geez, the summer heat really does get to those people’. L-aqwa fl-Ewropa indeed.

  3. dutchie says:

    “fuq il-blogg TIEGHU” “On his blog”

    haha Who da man, Daphne?

    P.S. “attila” also brilliant

  4. Volley says:

    Iktar ma jifthu halqhom dawn in-nies,biktar jaqghu fir-redikolagni. Imma taht dan il-gvern hekk kont qed nistenna, xejn ahjar.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    His initials A R C are very apt.

  6. Rumplestiltskin says:

    When I think that we hit rock bottom, we plunge further down into the abyss. This is becoming really scary.

  7. K. says:

    Hang on. I think it’s trying to communicate.

  8. Tracy says:

    I wonder what Eddy Privitera wrote on Cecilia Malmstrom ‘s blog.

    On today’s ‘The Times’ an article entitled ‘Muscat dissociates himself as commentors protest and insult Malmstrom on her FB page’ Eddy wrote :
    She deserved what she got. I sent her my own greetings too !

  9. Roberto says:

    I think we should create an NGO that gives out condoms to those with a propensity to inbred idiocy.

  10. Liberal says:

    ‘You did not have to bring him on his blog. He was only fighting with italian person.’

    He can’t resist making more of a fool of himself. No wonder he voted for the National Socialists of Malta, like his father before him (li kien “dejjem mal-perit”).

  11. Joe Fenech says:

    Who is he?

  12. T. Cassar says:

    Jeeeeeezzzz! X’livell waqqajnieh pajjizna.

  13. Jozef says:

    I like when you bring me on this blog. Is nice.

  14. Manuel says:

    Sur Anton Rea: tghidha lil Taljan, tghidha lil Ms. Malstrom hija l-istess. Int u shabek Laburisti-Mintoffjani-Muscatjani hammigtu l-isem ta’ Malta. Hammartulna wiccna ma’ kulhadd. Dak li thobbu intom. L-aqwa li Malta taghkom ilkoll u taghkom biss. Ghadnkom problema b’persuni diversi minnkom ghax il-PM taghkom takom il-lala mbaghad ried jahsel idu.

    By the way, Mr. Cutajar, take a good look at yourself in the mirror.

  15. Ramon says:

    @ Manuel.

    Fl-opinjoni tieghek il Prim Ministru aghmel hazin? Xi tridu? Nibqghu twapet tal-barranin? Ma kienux fl-ibhra territorjali Maltin u niehduhom ahna?

    Insomma ghadkom ma hadtux ruh minn Marzu l hawn ghadkom taht it telfa ta 36,000 hahahahahahahaha lol. Hudu pacenzja stennew ghandkom ragun tikkritikaw ghax m ghandkomx xi tghidu.

    Hekk ghandu jkun PM mela bhal Gonzi li tghid l ewropa benfatt anke hekk ikollna ragun.

  16. Ramon says:

    @ Manuel. taf min ihammarulna wiccna mal barrani min joqghod ixewwex biex ma jinvestux f pajjizna, u min qaghad paxxut jiehu l commissions min fuq ix xiri taz zejt.

    Insomma ir rizultat ta l elezzjoni tkellem wahdu, imma milli jidher SIMPLE SIMON l istess ghadu( insomma anke intom provokattivi)

  17. Chicago Bulls says:

    Facebook automatically underlines in red the words which are spelt wrongly. Now if you right click it also gives suggestions to the word you may be looking for. Does it take a genius to understand that? Apparently, yes.

  18. ciccio says:

    I can’t see the difference between that Cutajar and an African immigrant on that boat.

  19. Theo says:

    The woman with him in the photos you posted previously is his girlfriend. His actual wife is very beautiful. Ghax ma jmurx ibiegh xi loki, ghax hekk biss jaf jaghmel.

  20. Gahan says:

    Minn dawn ir-ritratti sirt naf kif il-gvern ta’ Gonzi qatel il-klassi tan-nofs.

  21. Evergreen says:

    I also know his wife (not personally) and she is not the one he is with in the pictures. She looks like a decent woman not deserving of this chap.

  22. pale blue my foot! says:

    This guy is a cabbage.

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