You really must read this article (link below – pasting not allowed) about how over-reliance on Facebook can literally change your mind/brain

Published: August 9, 2013 at 12:18pm


A quote:

But if you’re anchored increasingly in the present, consequently constantly catering for and to the demands of the outside world, that inner narrative might be now even harder to sustain. The mind might remain more child-like, reactive and dependent on the behaviour and thoughts of others.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:

    Well thank God I won’t get Facebook Home and at present try to keep my private life out of it as much as possible.

  2. Jozef says:

    In 2002 I was involved in researching the long term strategy of a major car maker.

    The future is automated transport, no one at the wheel,

    The main dilemma being whether this to signify one’s private car defeating the purpose or public transport which would put ‘customers’ off. A delicate balance had to be found.

    It also implied people would change their behavioral patterns if it was to work.

    At the time, concepts of cyber community were still in their infancy, an offshoot of physical products.

    It was envisaged people could at one point share their way home and be open enough to keep their life’s appointments online. essential to the algorithms controlling the vehicles to maintain flow. The problem remained whether people were ready to give up their privacy.

    ‘………..Perhaps because until now, privacy has been the other side of the coin to our identity. We have seen ourselves as individual entities, in contact with the outside world for sure, but at the same time always distinct from it. We have interacted with that outside world, but only in the way and at the times we have chosen.’

    No Facebook then.

  3. kev says:

    Very true. Facebook is like a black hole. Once inside it’s hard for victims to escape its forces. It’s a new form of kazin – an open kazin where you can even share your secrets with the CIA or NSA. Clearly a very depressing way to waste one’s time and mental energy.

  4. wormfood says:

    The problem is that at times I can only turn to FB for intellectually stimulating conversation and debates (as strange as it may sound but you do find it if you know where to look).

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