Abuse of power

Published: October 28, 2013 at 1:31am

Bear in mind that the police are harassing Norman Vella, and still have his mobile phone and other devices sequestered, based on a (false) report that he took a picture of…the Police Minister’s public relations officer.

The Police Minister's public relations officer (left) with the Labour mayor of Zurrieq, Ignatius Farrugia. Don't worry, Kurt - you know he's not into women.

The Police Minister’s public relations officer (left) with the Labour mayor of Zurrieq, Ignatius Farrugia. Don’t worry, Kurt – you know he’s not into women.

The Police Minister's public relations officer, second from right

The Police Minister’s public relations officer, second from right

The Police Minister's public relations officer, far left.

The Police Minister’s public relations officer, far left.

The Police Minister's public relations officer

The Police Minister’s public relations officer

6 Comments Comment

  1. sammy says:

    Re-Moan-Ah: imdellka and has no idea how to construct a sentence in English let alone…. and I stop here.

  2. botom says:

    Daphne watch out. Posting pictures of Police Minister’s Communications Officer is a very serious crime which merits an arrest, five hours interrogation and confiscation of your lap top, tablet and mobile.

  3. matt says:

    Within a few months in office they took total control of the police, the army and the secret services. Now they are going after the journalists. They picked on the well known Norman Vella to intimidate him and all the journalists. It is back to the 70s again. Expressing negative opinion of this government will send you to jail. Make no mistake, fear is once again the motto of this government.

    Unless the PN wakes up from their deep sleep, the country is heading back to the horrific days. Busutill must take a tough stand.

    Daphne, I am very worried.

  4. Carmelo Micallef says:

    The reins of power in Malta are in the hands of `pimps, thieves and scoundrels`

  5. curious says:

    Quite frankly I am more interested in the photo where Michelle is seen with the Nairs. Muscat had better explain why he said that he didn’t know them.

    Let us keep focused on that.

    But I still have to ask why Norman Vella gave his mobile and tablet to the police. He should have asked for the necessary court documents giving authority for such a search.

    Should the police turn up at my home or place of work and ask me to hand over my personal belongings without any authorization?

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