COMPETITION: for the best answer to the question ‘Why didn’t Kurt Farrugia want his picture taken?’

Published: October 28, 2013 at 1:12am


The best answer wins a lovely bunch of coconuts.

To get you going, here’s a good one somebody sent in from Facebook:

Person 1: Kurt Farrugia is a public person! Why didn’t he want his picture taken?

Person 2: It’s illegal to take photos of minors without a consent form from their guardians.

20 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Was it this guy who said once on Facebook that if you fuck with him you, fuck with the best?

    [Daphne – No, it was his Super One sidekick, born to that woman with the over-sized labia in Stephen Ciantar’s amateur porn movie shot at the Macina (former Labour HQ) in 1990, Byon Jo Zammit. And those are not his words, but the usual unimaginative quote from Al Pacino (Tony Montana) in Scarface.]

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I have an out of competition entry, a quote from Helmut Newton.

    “I like photographing the people I love, the people I admire, the famous, and especially the infamous.”

  3. Banana republic ... Again says:

    Because Snow White wants him back for a good spanking.

  4. botom says:

    Manwel Mallia’s police arrested a man for allegedly taking a photo of Manwel Mallia’s communication officer.

    On the same day that a person was murdered in Kalkara our police spend more than five hours investigating a photo which never was. I used to think that these things only happened in China.

  5. sammy says:

    Ghandu xorti Kurt Farrugia….hadulu ritratt u gie jidher ghal darba.

  6. Valent says:

    Kurt is Joseph Muscat’s weapon of choice to punch someone below the belt.

  7. P Shaw says:

    If Kurt had taken the precaution of hopping into Ramona’s handbag, none of this would have happened.

  8. gorg says:

    He must have been cyber bullied before.

  9. Ronnie says:

    Dimitri Medvedev and Vladimir Putin have a similar complex about their height. This story comes to mind:

  10. Osservatore says:

    Actually Kurt Farrugia is only half a public person as he does not have sufficient body mass to qualify for full.

  11. Osservatore says:

    Yet another accidental dick slapping right across his face as he tried to clamber up the pissoir. Must have really lost it this time round. Oh the daily trials and tribulations this little, little man has to go through.

  12. Joe Micallef says:

    He wasn’t wearing his 6 inch platforms.

  13. The chemist says:

    Mirror, mirror which is the smallest coconut of them all ?

  14. helen says:

    Ghax Ramona tiekol minn fuq rasu.

  15. M. Borg says:

    If Norman Vella was checking his phone like a normal person would it would be pointing to the ground. That’s where they assumed he was taking a picture of Kurt Farrugia. Mystery solved.

  16. Gandalf says:

    The Hobbit was caught with his pants down.

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