Pamela Seychell, lady’s maid to Mama Michelle, travels with the Prime Minister and Joseph Muscat, all expenses paid by the state

Published: October 18, 2013 at 11:38pm

Here’s another fine photograph of the prime minister and Joseph Muscat on tour in Israel, completely out of their depth, bored out of their wits, and lacking the grace and/or ability to pretend otherwise for the sake of their host.

And, oh dear God, is that really Michelle Muscat’s ex-public registry PA there, peering over her boss’s shoulder, in Israel too? Should the public be paying for Pamela Seychell to jet about the globe as lady’s maid to Mama Michelle?

bored out of their minds and not afraid to show it


'Insinwa' employee Pamela Seychell, currently seconded to the Office of the Prime Minister as lady's maid to Michelle Muscat, travels with the PM and Mrs Muscat, all expenses paid by the state

‘Insinwa’ employee Pamela Seychell, currently seconded to the Office of the Prime Minister as lady’s maid to Michelle Muscat, travels with the PM and Mrs Muscat, all expenses paid by the state

20 Comments Comment

  1. hello who is there says:

    She looks exceptionally close to him.

  2. Charles says:

    Glad you read my comment, and thanks for taking the trouble to meticulously delete it, proving me right by living up to your racist upbringing and warped political views on censoring freedom of speech and preventing other people from voicing opinions which differ from yours.

    Another point scored, and a million thanks.

    Now if your I.Q. can manage it, try to figure this out, try it, it’s not really that hard.

  3. P Shaw says:

    Did Mama Michelle take her hairdresser and the babysitters with her as well – all paid by the Maltese taxpayer? Probably the EUR 50 million increase in taxes and the EUR 21 million cut in essential services will not be enough for these ridiculous delegations of freeloaders.

  4. Pepe' says:

    George Vella in Israel! Wow. Never thought I’d see the day.

  5. Gahan says:

    Lady in waiting.

  6. rjc says:

    Is that ‘perit’ Charles Buhagiar, Sant’s public works minister, next to George Vella? What is he doing there?

    [Daphne – Yes, and you might well ask. Haqqu safra, miskin.]

  7. Bullivant says:

    Body language says it all. Beware those who do not know what to do with, or where to place, their hands.

  8. Yad Vashem says:

    Who is that woman placing her sunglasses directly on top the glass case displaying objects of victims of the Holocaust?

    There is also a male hand placed on the glass casing. This is an incredible lack of cultural sensitivity. The Yad Vashem treasures the memory of all Jews murdered during the Second World War.

    The Maltese Foreign Office should start organising cultural sensitivity training sessions to Maltese delegations visiting Israel. They should have at least informed the members of the delegation that memory – of anything ranging from the Shoah to the Passover – is crucial in Jewish culture.

  9. michael seychell says:

    I do not have any Seychell relatives in Malta. My father had one brother who went to the United States as an illegal immigrant in 1919, and ended up as a chief draughtsman with Ford Company.

  10. SHAME says:

    Irnexxilha Pamela Seychell tilhaq fejn tant hadmet ghalih.

    Meta kienet tahdem ghand l-Inland Revenue ta’ Merchants Street, hlief fuq il-mobile, tohrog u taghmel propaganda ghall-MLP ma kienitx taghmel.

    Zgur li ma kienetx taghmel xoghol daqs il-paga, ghax mill inqas tlett darbiet fil-gimgha kont immur fil-kamra li kienet taqsam ma’ 3 impiegati ohra biex tircievi l-formoli tal-boll fuq il-propjeta.

    Dan id-dipartiment kien u nahseb li zgur ghadu, fortizza Laburista u l-ftit li kienu Nazzjonalisti li kienu jahdmu hemm raw il-martirju minghand dawn in-nies.

    Issa ma nafx x’hemm ghax ma ghadniex immur, imma nista nimmagina minn huma il-haddiema li qed jahdmu hemm.

    Jien naghti tort lil gvern Nazzjonalista li kontra kull parir li seta kellu biex jiftah ghajnejh minn dawk is-sangisugi Laburisti li kienu jahdmu hemm, baqa ma ghamel xejn u halla li ssirlu hsara kbira.

  11. Peritocracy says:

    Look how radiant we are in that second photo. I hope Jo Jo doesn’t smoke cigars or we might have a Lewinsky on our hands.

  12. Tracy says:

    They used to say ‘Join the Navy and see the world.’

    They’ve taken the easy way out and joined Labour instead.

  13. anthony says:

    The Camarera Mayor de Palacio, the head of the Damas de la Reina, is expected to accompany S.M. wherever she may travel.

    There is nothing unusual in this.

    Ahleb Dward.

  14. Rationale says:

    Gosh, Mrs. Muscat must be a handbag lover. In every photo she blatantly carries a rather obvious designer WAG bag, this time a rather indiscreet Cavalli. Does the bag make the woman? Eh, bilhaqq ghax issa taffordja.

    [Daphne – Not ‘issa’. Remember that she’s married to the only, kept son of a fireworks merchant, who even paid for the home they live in.]

  15. A.Farrugi says:

    Hallas, poplu. Ara veru waqajna fil-fond tal-ipokrezija.

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