She who shall not be mentioned by name

Published: October 9, 2013 at 10:46am

The prime minister last night in parliament:

“Internet claims (about Nair World Bank debarment) are being looked into.”

“The Opposition is reading certain blogs.”

Times of Malta this morning:

“Details of the planned amendments to the Citizenship Act were leaked yesterday.”

Get out of campaign mode will you, and grow up. I can understand Times of Malta not wishing to give credit to a journalist who works for the competition, but it’s the decent thing to do. I acknowledge all their stories and information when I speak about the subject.

As for the prime minister, what is he scared of – that if he speaks my name I’ll become real? Or is it because, like so many others, he can’t pronounce the ‘a’ in Daphne and is painfully aware of it?

So sad.

66 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    He’s afraid that if he pronounces your name you might appear right there in Parliament, just like when we were children and thought that if we mention the devil he would manifest himself right there in the room.

  2. Jason says:

    Well done.

    Keep the up the good work. If they are honourable about the steps and decisions they make they should have nothing to fear.

    This government is Orwell’s Animal Farm.

    And they’re not intelligent or even clever, but just plain cunning and crafty.

  3. Wilson says:

    I haven’t seen one newspaper this morning that didn’t mention this story. Some journalists must be cringing! Well done.

  4. We are living in Financial Times says:

    It is my impression that certain men are scared of certain women. In any case, the approach isn’t a healthy one.

  5. Kurt Mifsud Bonnici says:

    I find it a little confusing that The Times of Malta is now taking an offensive position against the government when it was so steadfast in its support for the Labour Party during the elections.

    What happened? Was there a promised iced bun that never materialised? Or were they all so hopelessly brain washed that they are trying to salvage their now tarnished reputation?

    [Daphne – Don’t confuse Times of Malta with its reporter Ivan Camilleri. He didn’t vote for the previous government because he wanted it brought down to get rid of certain people in the party and of Lawrence Gonzi. He said this to me himself. However, he is now all-out enthusiastic against Labour because the Nationalist Party is now led by Simon Busuttil, and Ivan has managed to latch onto him and ingratiate himself into an inner circle of advisers, which rather dents his credibility and can’t be something his newspaper is too happy about. As for Busuttil, apparently he is impervious to the fundamental truth about people: that those who are untrustworthy are untrustworthy generally, and not untrustworthy only in relation to certain individuals but trustworthy where others are concerned.]

    • Last Post says:

      The fundamental truth about people:


      Please Simon Busuttil, Partit Nazzjonalista, you have been warned. The Nationalist Party has had more than its fair share of self-centred, self-important and self-aggrandising characters – Dalli, JPO, Franco Debono, Mugliett and others.

      Ivan Camilleri for one is definitely NOT to be trusted after what he has done to Lawrence Gonzi and the party. Nobody decent would ever behave like that, in whatever circumstances.

    • Sufa says:

      Well said. I have voted Natinalist all my life, and will continue to vote Labour out. Nex time round, however, with Busuttil at the helm and opportunists waiting in the wings, I will vote PN with a heavy heart, just to keep Labour out.

  6. Malcolm Vella says:

    Avada Kedavra :)

  7. GorgBorg says:

    as in Defni.. :)

  8. francesca says:

    Let’s face it, Daphne. I’m sure you scare the living daylight out of him. A man like him cannot begin to understand that outside his Burmarrad circle there are intelligent women with very strong views, who know how to get them across and most importantly who are not afraid to voice them.

    • Sufa says:

      Well said. He probably thinks women are to be seen (with ‘hairstyles’, at that) and not heard – unless they are reading ‘dee gingerrrrrrbrett menn’ to a group of too-old, bored schoolchildren.

  9. canon says:

    “Internet claims (about Nair World Bank debarment) are being looked into.” means that Joseph Muscat has to call a meeting of his think tank team to to come up with an excuse.

  10. Candida says:

    Everyone is reading certain blogs and that is the democracy we have enjoyed the past 25 years Mr Prime Minister. We watched and read whatever we wanted and then made our decisions. Whatever’s wrong with that?

  11. Alexander Ball says:

    The World Bank?

    No problem.

    There are no branches in Malta.

  12. TROY says:

    ‘Deaf knee’

  13. Jozef says:

    Let him to it, treat us like the idiots waving their Partit Laburista scarves under his podium.

    A ‘movement’ built on lies cannot sustain itself.

    Let alone one which can’t afford to acknowledge the arguments by this blog. That’s a slow PM we got elected, maybe too slow to catch up with Shiv’s party tricks.

    As for The Times, someone somewhere decided to follow Muscat’s diktat.

    Peppi at least, if there’s anything left, gets to read your reply on air this Friday. One thinks he would.

  14. etil says:

    When is Prime Minister going to grow up and stop behaving lika a child that stamps its feet when it does not get its way. I think he still cannot believe that he is no longer in Opposition.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      The way I see it, there was no way Labour could lose the last election; and there is no way it can win the next one.

      • Josette says:

        I hope you’re right but I’m afraid that people find it difficult to admit that they were wrong.

        Today I ended up unintentionally eavesdropping on a conversation between a switcher (li naturalment sar nies fl-aħħar għoxrin sena) and a staunch PL supporter about the Gozo Channel case.

        They actually called it a storm in a teacup (they’re even echoing him now) and said that after all that’s what the Nationalists used to do. And then they started complaining about people not giving the new government a chance.

        By the way, these are supposedly intelligent people.

        [Daphne – What you’re talking about is described as emotional investment. It’s on the same lines as sticking with a bad relationship with somebody you know is not right for you, just to prove to those who said it wouldn’t work that they were wrong and you were right, and if you had high hopes of the relationship, and put a lot of faith into it, you will even defy reality.]

  15. Yanika says:

    If there’s a prize for journalism, you must be the most deserving right now.

    Well done, Ms Caruana Galizia.

  16. Tabby says:

    Italy has today given a lesson to Malta on how to deal with the EU on the issue of irregular migration.

    No ultimatums, not threatening to violate human rights, no poor attempts at British humour, and no smelling the coffee.

    • Jozef says:

      Italy finally has a leader. Soft spoken, moderate by example and capable to decision, he managed to undermine the public’s allergy to cheap politicians and their endless talk.

      Latest poll gave him 80% approval.

      Berlusconi’s fading away, Grillo’s in an ideological rut and Renzi, supposedly the whizz kid, rendered redundant.

      To think he wasn’t even party leader, originally demochristian.

  17. anthony says:

    In essence what this poor excuse for a PM is saying is that he is investigating claims made in black and white on the World Bank website that his ’eminence grise’ is a fraudster of international repute.

    Joey, stop looking into things.

    You are the PM.

    It is about time you started doing things just for a change.

  18. Bullivant says:

    A Prime Minister who speaks in soundbites and who probably thinks in soundbites too.

  19. H.P. Baxxter says:

    My favourite pronunciation was by one Aryan Ubermensch speaking at a Norman Lowell gathering a few years back. The video’s on Youtube.

    “Toffnee Coreetsia Caruana”

  20. Norman Vella says:


  21. Daffid says:

    How come no one has mentioned the PL and their former accountant, ‘Smoking Joe’ Sammut from Mosta. It seems he is being investigated by an outfit contracted to search for Gaddafi’s money, some of which is reputed to be still in Malta. Could there be some embarrassing connection to some of the missing millions?

  22. Deep throat says:

    Well Daphne, it seems that our dear PM will soon have to jettison Nair, if he is to retain some sort of decorum.

    Having just wiped the floor with the PN, equipped with all the power of incumbency, he never expected to be dealt such an ‘Exocet’-like blow from a woman. Having heaped on you all sorts of filth, adjectives, attributes, etc little did Muscat and his army of beavering little bootlickers expect such a devastating scoop.

    Single-handedly you have thrown a big spanner the ‘Malta taghna lkoll’ works. Keep it up.

    • Jozef says:

      Five years on the defensive, even though he has a nine seat majority.

      How shortsighted is that?

      And don’t you just love the inherent paradox in Scicluna’s statement?

      So they deserve a pay rise, but not in this legislature. Are we to understand they’ll be monkeys?

      The coconut risks being cracked.

    • ciccio says:

      “We cannot reduce the water and electricity rates because of that one whose name cannot be mentioned.”

    • C Falzon says:

      “it seems that our dear PM will soon have to jettison Nair”

      But can he?

      Besides, to retain decorum one must first have it.

  23. Deep throat says:

    How can JM bring himself to admit that you are a one (wo)man army with a second to none network of spies which put to shame his ‘faberge egg’ led Malta Secret service.

  24. Joe Fenech says:

    Claims? As if this was something Daphne made up? Is he for real?

  25. George Grech says:

    Dan ifisser li l-gvern ma’ ghamilx ricerka fuq l-integrita ta’ persuna qabel ma gie fdat fi rwoli daqshekk importanti ? U mbaghd talab il-log tat-telefonati li saru minn cittadin komun li gie akkuzat innocentament.

  26. Paddling Duck says:

    Twanny Bronka teaches us how to say hello…

  27. Even Pol Pot would be jealous says:

    This is typical of the illiberal attitude of the Party — or should we say Movement — that so rides the ‘liberalism’ word even though it has no idea what it actually means. The lack of basic culture and knowledge of the classics in literature mean that most people these days take what they hear at face value.

    They don’t mention you because they are scared of the truth. It is yet another case of shoot the messenger I’m afraid. Meanwhile, the prince is standing naked in front of his Court.

  28. Corvo Attano says:

    Daphne, they can’t pronounce the words Tender, Direct Orders and Strategy either. They spun them so fast in the years in opposition that they are now obliged to call Tenders ‘EOIs’, refuse all direct orders (even for medicines; effectively crippling the government) and call Strategy ‘Road Map’.

  29. Liberal says:

    The prime minister avoids mentioning you by name as if that would make you disappear, and yet, every time you expose his incompetence or deviousness, he panics.

  30. Ghar u Kasa says:

    Daphne, for your perusal…..see the one response to the article

    • Tabatha White says:

      I wonder how far in advance of the S&P upgrade Nair had arrived in Columbia with his strategies?

      Didn’t we get something similar lately? On the basis of what?

  31. Such a Liar says:

    Have you read this.

    It is blatantly untrue that Joseph Muscat has never met Shiv Nair.

    I know from Nair himself that he has been meeting Joseph at least once a week when he is in Malta. I also happened to meet them, Nair and Muscat, a couple of years ago, when they were sitting at the same dinner table. A small one at that – just 8 people.

    Joseph Muscat, you are quite simply a liar. And if you are prepared to lie about this you can lie about anything.

    Moreover, do you think us such fools to believe that Shiv Nair was appointed as an envoy of the government without you ever having met him?

    At this stage you should publicly declare that you made a gross error of judgement and have Shiv Nair’s appointments revoked.

  32. canon says:

    Il-Ministru Edward Scicluna ghandu jkun jaf li min jikriha jkollu joqghod ghaliha.

  33. tieghi 49 says:

    Pero jien ma nghidx li Muscat ma kienx jaf minn veru hu dan Shiv Nair u fuq il-korruzzjoni tieghu li waslet lill Bank Dinji biex jiskwalifikah.

    Jekk ma kien jaf xejn minn dan kollu li hareg dan l-ahhar, allura ghandna Prim Ministru inkompettenti ghall-ahhar.

  34. Scott Summers says:

    So you think this passport thing is odd…

    I think this is even more odd… Last night at 2am Malta time ABC in the USA aired the 3rd Episode of its marvel series Agents of shield…

    Look what was said on this clip and you decide.

  35. Antoine Vella says:

    The events of the last few months – since the election, basically – and especially the Shiv Nair story, have laid to rest the myth that this blog was ever “an asset to Labour” and “pushing people away from the PN”.

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    [Daphne – Yes, well, I’ve always known that. People tend to forget just how long I’ve been around, or that this is the one field I know quite a bit about. The worst thing that can happen to a person – still more a political party – is to believe its own propaganda. Labour actually believed theirs. It was quite incredible to watch.]

  36. Makjavel says:

    Keep it up, Daphne, for he is at the stage where he cannot pronounce your name for fear of being turned into a frog.

    Or a pumpkin.

  37. Crockett says:

    Dear Daphne, there is an upside to all this. It’s been fun for those of us who have absolutely no problem mentioning your name.

    It has worked wonders in detecting switchers, pseudo-Nationalists and undercover Labourites.

    Just walk up to a bunch of them (usually easy to spot, and preferably in public) and confidently say loudly: “Allura, did you read DAPHNE today?” Squirms and general awkwardness guaranteed.

    Cruel perhaps, but interesting to watch them mumble and grumble whilst doing their utmost NOT to mention your name.

    [Daphne – It’s even more fun for me, Crockett. I am a walking, talking switcher/Laburist/a detector. People ask how I can be sure within seconds of meeting somebody how that person votes. Isn’t it obvious how I know? By their reaction to meeting me, by the way they address me, and by the expression on their face. I even know how shop assistants, policemen, wardens, waiters and all manner of service people vote in precisely this way. It’s absolutely fail-safe.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Laburista detector? I know it’s not your thing, but try doing a little tour of the ‘Dar Centrali’. Even there they won’t mention your name. It’s “certu bloggers”.

      [Daphne – Oh those are the ones who voted Labour or didn’t vote in this election. Do you imagine I don’t know who they are? They’re the Laburisti who think they’re Nationalist because their parents were and that’s how they were raised. They really have no idea that politics is not like a band club. Franco Debono is the prime example, Jeffrey PO another one: proper Laburisti in character, personality, attitude, beliefs and sentiment, who thought they belonged to some club called PN. But under pressure, the real truth came out. They don’t like me because I stand for everything they don’t believe in – the same reason Laburisti don’t like me.]

      The Nationalist hierarchy loath you. They don’t see you as one of their own.

      [Daphne – Now, now, let’s not go over the top. Some loath me, others like me, some even like me too much. And it has nothing to do with politics, either. As for me, I tend to be indifferent. I am not a politician and consider their feelings to be their problem, not mine.]

      They never listened to you and did the exact opposite. Now they’re in opposition. And you saw it all coming (and I don’t mean just the electoral defeat). And yet to them you’re still The Other One.

      [Daphne – That’s exactly the way it should be, H. P.]

    • Victor says:

      Brilliant. Must be loads of fun for you Daphne.

      Keep up your excellent work.

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