Facebook group against the sale of Maltese passports

Published: November 10, 2013 at 3:47pm

Alaine Apap Bologna

Yesterday, a Facebook group was set up against the sale of Maltese passports. By this afternoon, it already had 1,500 ‘Likes’.

Looking through some of the comments, one by Alaine Apap Bologna, sticking up for the sale of passports, caught my attention (obviously).

What Mrs Apap Bologna failed to mention for the elucidation of those she seeks to influence or impress is that:

1. she and her husband Peter voted Labour and actively campaigned for Joseph Muscat and against the Nationalist Party;

2. her husband’s nephew and niece (son and daughter of his brother Michael) are among those Maltese individuals who negotiated with the Labour Party and secured the power station contract through the Electrogas consortium, except that they are not known to the media which is why the focus is only on Fenech/Gasan.

It seems there is no limit to some people’s self-demeaning behaviour. I would rather slit my own wrists than prostrate myself, publicly or otherwise, at the altar of Joseph the Money-Grubbing Liar of Burmarrad, there to be held in contempt by him. But it seems that others derive some perverse pleasure out of doing so and apparently they haven’t read the news-flash which says that you can’t take it with you when you die and so are kitting out their own version of Tutankhamen’s tomb, complete with embalmed Filipina servants.

But don’t get me started or I shan’t stop.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Silvio loporto says:

    Mrs A.Bologna”s comments should be taken with a pinch of salt and filed under “vested Interests”.

    But please don’t run to the conclusion that all those who voted Labour (like myself) agree with this scheme.

    I think it cheapens us.

    If what you say about the power station contract, that has nothing to do with the sale of passports. It is just a business deal which according to my experiences has nothing to do with politics. It’s just a matter of money which is neither red or .blue, it’s either yours or mine.

    [Daphne – Bollocks, Mr Loporto, and you know it. There’s the world of difference between competing regularly for a power station tender, and working to put a political party into power, including campaigning for it and giving it money, so that you can build and operate that power station. The latter is called, in all civilised countries, corruption.]

    • La Redoute says:

      You voted for this scheme, Mr Loporto, now lump it.

      • It all Stinks says:

        He actually didn’t as Labour didn’t have it in its electoral programme. Labour cheated and lied even to their own.

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      Well said Daphne. Hear Hear

    • manum says:

      Just a matter of money? The end justifies the means – believable. Sell your mother up the river, why don’t you. It’s just a matter of money, a business transaction.

    • Anthony Briffa says:

      Mr. Loporto, because you voted Labour, you should now hang your head in shame for contributing to this mess.

      It is too late to say now that you do not agree with this scheme. You voted for it when you helped Muscat and his Forty Thieves obtain a nine-seat majority to enable them to steam roll over everybody.

      As Franco Debono likes to say “Hu go fik issa, Sur Loporto”.

      Did you think you voted corruption out? You were wrong. You voted corruption in.

      As for the power station deal, the Auditor General will fail his responsibilities if he does not investigate and report to parliament. I am sure that now he will be able to find the forest fire not just the smoke.

    • Silvio loporto says:

      NO. Mrs.Caruana Galizia. In my book it’s called APPRECIATION. and knowing on which side your bread is buttered.
      Coruption is when you get something for which you have no right
      , and others were more qualified to receive than yourself.
      Believe me I could supply you with names of some who I consider experts in this field.

      As for Redoute,does your comment imply that you voted for corruption and arrogance by voting P.N.?
      To quote Daphne -BOLLOCKS-

      [Daphne – You are so corrupt di natura, Mr Loporto, if this is your value-set and your way of reasoning. Honestly, no wonder you feel more at home with this crowd of scum.]

  2. Katrin says:

    Alaine has, due to her German mother, also a German passport – or at least the right to obtain one. Perhaps that’s why she feels generous throwing citizenship around. Though of course her German passport comes much cheaper to her. It’s always nicer to make others pay for things that are your birth right.

  3. Manuel says:

    And her husband still tries to convince people in Sliema that they voted Labour because GonziPN did nothing for the Arts and because the Piano project in Valletta should not have been approved.

  4. It all Stinks says:

    There is a second facebook page:


    and a petition on Avvaz:


    So a nerve has been touched here. I hope that people can see beyond Labour and Nationalist and look at the real issues.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      The first one I won’t sign because the motivation is all wrong and I don’t wish to associate myself with anyone throwing the “proud” label around.

      The second I won’t sign either because anyone who can’t be arsed to spell “citizenship” correctly cannot be arsed about opposition to its sale.

  5. Matt says:


    Malta is not for sale – support the cause.

    • It all Stinks says:

      And this one Baxxter? I haven’t signed any of them but they are an indication that people have been upset by this scheme.

      Unfortunately these petitions only serve to apply moral pressure which is as we know totally lost on these corrupt amoral scum.

      I say “unfortunately” because in this day and age, electronic based petitions should be accepted. If anyone starts a petition to force the Government to hold a referendum in the form required by the Referenda Act , then I will sign.

  6. nadia says:

    Excuse my language (or what the hell, don’t) but another bloody Facebook group and online petition? People, get out on the streets and make the government take note of the thousands who are against this.

    • La Redoute says:

      Online communication serves the immediate purpose if blowing a colossal raspberry at Muscat and his sociopathic scheme.

    • Sad but true says:

      Totally agree with Nadia here. We are back to the 80s with corruption, police interference etc.

      Back then we took to the streets holding demonstrations and mass meetings weekly. I clearly remember being taken to a ‘jew b’xejn jew xejn’ school protest as a young teen.

      Even though we live in a digital age where information spreads like wildfire, there is nothing like taking to the streets to foster an esprit du corps and to show force in numbers. Hopefully we will be spared the tear gas this time round…but one cannot be too hopeful nowadays.

  7. Alf says:

    Here’s another facebook page with over 1400 likes in nine hours.


  8. Riya says:

    I really wonder what Malta can gain with the selling of citizenship?

    Only corruption and Mafia comes to mind.

    All EU foreigners you speak to about this issue tells you that this is crazy.

  9. Spock says:

    Do you honestly think that any online petition, Facebook page or street protests are going to make Muscat and co budge an inch even if they wanted to?

    We only have an inkling of the tip of the iceberg of the kind of covert, shady deals and promises he has made with China and God knows who else before the elections.

    Muscat and his associates are now in this too deep to renege on their deals with the devil, for fear of their very lives and those of their loved ones. Literally.

    Boardwalk Empire style, if you know what I mean. That’s not all. This might only be the first of many deals he is fulfilling; judging from the emerging pattern of these few short months during which we have already got used to smelling the coffee each morning, wondering what unpleasant surprises our resident kangaroo will spring on us that day, only heaven knows what other rowdmep horrors are in store for us during the next 4 years 2 months.

  10. Pandora says:

    This Labour government will get this law through regardless of who disagrees. They have no choice, they have to. The pressure they are under is palpable. You don’t mess about with China.

  11. Denis Muscat says:

    Sur Loporto never expected this of you!

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