Saviour Balzan wheels out John Dalli to praise Muscat’s budget
Saviour Balzan’s newspaper, Illum, which was edited by the daughter of Il-Guy the Tourism Minister’s Golden Years driver, Il-Boton, has wheeled out John Dalli to praise Muscat’s Budget – and of course, it describes him as a former PN leadership contender and finance minister, and makes no mention of the fact he is NOW Muscat’s de facto health minister.
Cheap, ridiculous people.
John Dalli, a former PN leadership contender and long time finance minister said that this was a wide ranging budget. “It comprises several concrete measures as regards to incentives that will entice individuals who want to enter employment and even start a new job.”
“Naturally, the social measures in this budget are very positive. The reduction in energy tariffs is also very positive. This is not merely a reduction in the electricity bills, but it will generate a multiplier effect. The fact that people will have more money in their pockets, will encouraged them to consume and invest. This will generate growth,” Dalli said.
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Why has the King of Labour-Ass kissers, Saviour Balzan, not printed a word about Mary Swan/Emma Corbin, or whatever her name is at the moment?
He asked the opinion of a loser, Lino Spiteri, and a fired EU commissioner, John Dalli. Enough said.
People put their hands in their pockets to pay for this bollocks?
Malta is terminally fucked.
Please amend the word ” MALTA” by the word ” PN” !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The report doesn’t mention that he’s an ex-EU Commission forced out because of his suspect behaviour, and still under investigation.
And that he turned bitter because he lost the contest with Dr. Gonzi
Actually, that’s why IL-KLIKKA TAL-:HAZEN fil-PN riedet u baqghet trid, tkisser lil-John Dalli, ghax kien ikkontesta lil Lawrence Gonzi !
X’more money in their pocket? Jien se niġi nifranka xi 50 euro f’sena li jiġi ewro fil-ġimgħa. Ftit inqass milli qed iddaħħa is-sinjura Konrad Mizzi. Mhux hekk?
U kemm kien baqghalek fil-but meta Gonzi kien tghak €1.16 fil-gimgha ???
Ghadni kif rajt lil Joe Gasan ihabbar fuq in-Net TV, li Gasan Finance se johorgu lis-stocks bl-4.95% , dan biex flimkien ma’ ta’ Tumas u xi kumpanija ohra jibnu power station li ftiehmu fuqha ma’ Muscat u shabu tar-raba’ sular qabel l-elezzjoni.
Mhux ta’ b’xejn li ghajn Dr Anglu Farrugia ghokritu minn certu neguzjanti li kienu jidhru fil-kwartieri tal-partit. Issa dak li kienu semplici suspetti spiccaw li kienu provi quddiem ghajnejna.
I was also flabbergasted to see Mr Gasan given space on Net TV program Flusek. He promoted his new endaveour, the gas power station, describing it as a ‘progett interessanti’. More details were provided for those interested to invest in the company shares.
Now was this really necessary, knowing that the Nationalist Party criticises the power station as pointless? By now they should have figured out that the Gasan Group or their associates in Azerbajan had a piecemeal deal set up before the election, and that it was in their interest for the Nationalists to lose and Labour to win – a state of affairs they probably worked at bringing about.
This looks like inviting over your foe for a cup of tea like friends do, knowing that he speaks behind your back demeaning you.
Tidher mahruq ghax investiture Matin li zgur had ma jista jghid li xi darba kienu laburisti, qeghdin lesti jahdmu mal-gvern laburista ghax qed jaraw li dan gven li mhux biss iparla fil-vojt, izda dak li jwieghed , iwettqu !!!
Did Illum mention that John Dalli is a consultant of the Prime Minister, and therefore is not sufficiently independent to provide an objective view about the budget?
U John Dalli biss fahhar il-budget ? Mela soddejt widnejk u ma smajtx ahbarijiet l-ghada tal-budget ??? Il-Kamra tal-Kummercf. il-GRTU, il-Unions, LGhaqda ta’ min ihaddem etc..etc.. kollha fahhru l-budget, hlief Simon ” Buzullotti” u shabu . U s-soltu bloggers !!!
Mr.Dalli can you give us a hint (a clean one please) how to invest the more money that we will have in our pockets.
Meta iz-zewgti Qriema Lino Spiteri u John Dalli jitkellmu b’vuci wahda bhal kor tan-Nabucco, jfisser li jkun daqq nofs in-nhar sew.
Rumour has it that John Dalli is the author of this budget.
Ic-cucati li naqra f’dan il-blog tal-meravilji !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy Privitera – you are a cucata in carne ed ossa
Ghal li jista jkun Daphne, intix ukoll inkwetata dwar l-IDENTITA MALTIJA minhabba l-program : Individual Investor Program ??
John Dalli a former PN leadership contender, now consultant to the Labour government, said…