And now, Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine. Why, oh why, must the Malta Labour Party always insist on having friends like these?

Published: December 5, 2013 at 11:02pm

Ukraine at the moment, including a Euronews cameraman assaulted by riot police desperate to break up the huge demonstrations that are taking place all over Kiev (but George Vella told us that it’s peaceful and people are exaggerating):

15 Comments Comment

  1. bob-a-job says:

    ‘Why, oh why, must the Malta Labour Party always insist on having friends like these?’

    Most probably because decent folk won’t be caught dead with them.

    • etil says:

      Because the Malta Labour party only feels comfortable with these types of persons. Slowly but surely the PL government is steering clear from countries where democracy, with all its faults, is practiced. It is easier to side with governments that do not allow freedom of speech, movement, etc. because in that way they can rule supreme.

  2. Makjavel says:

    Because it makes them remember the golden times of Mintoff’s dictatorship, when the same photos of masked police hitting protesters were the news of the day every weekend.

    Maybe Joseph Muscat will show this visiting prime minister the Tal-Barrani photos with their armed and masked thugs attacking a legally gathered opposition crowd attending a political meeting.

  3. Fernando says:

    Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.

    • etil says:

      Or from a cheap government that however has unlimited funds to cater for its own party diehards and to add insult to injury these people are being paid out of the Maltese taxpayers’ money.

  4. Augustus says:

    Min jitwieled tond ma jmutx kwadru.

  5. Mike says:

    Personally, I have my doubts whether the Ukrainian president will ever be leaving Malta. Or if he does I wouldn’t be surprised if we see hima again in the near future. From what I can gather, the protests are so widespread that toppling of the government is a real possibility, with even close presidential aides talking about snap elections.

    Why would such an embattled president go on a froiegn good will trip? It would be as if Colonel Gaddafi took a jolly trip around Algeria during the Libyan civil war. It makes no logical sense, unless he is trying to sniff out comfortable places of exile.

  6. just me says:

    Birds of a feather stick together.

  7. Tabatha White says:

    Is he coming here to buy a passport? A couple of them?

  8. unhappy says:

    These are all his potential markets for the Maltese passport when it goes on sale.

  9. George Grech says:

    Joseph Muscat jahseb ta’ bniedem opportunist. Jekk l-affarijiet jinbidlu gewwa l-Ukraina johrog jghid li kien hu li kkonvinca li Yakunovych biex idawwar fhemtu u l-boloh li vvutawlu jemmnuh.

  10. Paul says:

    With horrid choices and assessments like these, can you begin to imagine the level of due diligence which could ever be imposed by this trash Government of ours? Tal-biza.

  11. M. Cassar says:

    Because when you are five feet tall, a three feet tall person makes even you feel like a giant, a seven foot tall one makes you feel like a little person. And I am not referring to height here.

  12. Liberal says:

    Why must the Labour Party insist on having friends like these? It’s simple, really. It’s the only world they know.

  13. Gaetano Pace says:

    Megalomania, dictatorship, tyranny are the common factors and causes of such friendships as Joe`s cocktail of Old and New Labour.

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