Another one on the cronyism list at Marie Louise Coleiro Preca’s ministry

Published: December 12, 2013 at 9:00am

Marie Louise Coleiro Preca

The Malta Independent ran a good story a few days ago about the list of cronies and family members who Marie Louise Coleiro Preca has employed in the Ministry for Social Affairs, or whatever it’s called.

I’ve since discovered that there’s another one: Generoso Seychell, the ministry’s head of customer care, who is married to the minister’s sister, Ruth.

He left his job at GO right after the election, knowing that he would be put on the state payroll.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Niku says:

    Viva l-Lejber. Hekk sew. All in the family.

    • Last Post says:

      “Malta TAGHNA Lkoll” said the Lejber election campaign slogan.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Until the Maltese parties both take on board some of the fault rather then pointing at the other side, matters will never change. Corruption has become endemic and firmly ingrained in the Maltese psyche.

    • Calculator says:

      Truly an example of incompetence if there ever was one. The one task she had for that session, and she couldn’t even press the correct button.

    • Last Post says:

      Freudian slip, miskina.

      Forsi (min jaf?) mhux tant minħabba l-pożizzjoni tagħha dwar l-abort, daqskemm minħabba li r-riżoluzzjoni kienet ġejja mill-EPP – u hi parti mill-grupp tal-PSE.

      Taf int, kif jaħdem il-bi-polariżmu politiku (u anke mhux politiku) f’Malta.

    • Gahan says:

      Marlene Mizzi admitted she made a (grave) mistake and now people will make sure not to make another mistake by voting for her and her party.

  2. cikku l-poplu says:

    Joseph Muscat and the forty thieves jisirqu fil-berah u editorjal fit-Times ghadna qatt ma rajna biex jikkundanna dan is-serq.

  3. Xejn sew says:

    It’s the same Generoso who had commented under one of your blog posts, dealing with his now Minister:

  4. robert says:

    Marie Louise Coleiro Preca’s brother, George Coleiro, was appointed head of the Ospizio School in Floriana.

  5. Tinu says:

    Well, Mr Seychell must have got a lump sum from GO, thanks to the early retirement scheme, and then got another job with his sister-in-law. That is how his sister-in-law eradicates poverty.

  6. Mariella Caruana says:

    Mrs C-P has the cheek to reply by saying it goes to show that many competent people were sidelined by the previous government. So now only direct contacts of this minister are competent, the rest are imbeciles! This is the new meaning of Meritocracy, as found in the newly issued Thesuarus for Simpletons.

  7. Clueless says:

    Her reply:

    Sidelined? They had a job from which they resigned to get onto the state payroll.

    People working within a private secretariat are by definition people of trust whose jobs are dependent on the minister’s tenure.

    The issue here is that her secretariat is composed of people related to Labour politicians or concurrently holding positions within the Labour Party.

    Some, like Richard Matrenza, were handed out three or more positions within her own ministry. So much for the infamous hames mitt Ewro.

  8. Augustus says:

    The PL is the opposite of the legendary Robin Hood. Robin used to steal from the rich and gives it to the poor. on the contrary, the Pl steals from the poor and gives it to the rich.

  9. Silvio farrugia says:

    Nearly like Miriam Dalli who left her job at Vodafone. I do not think she was earning 41 thousand euros there.

    By the way she is a consultant …one of those mushrooming all over the ministries.

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