Manuel Mallia’s ‘blackmail’ letters

Published: January 2, 2014 at 6:15pm

manuel mallia

Given the Minister of Homeland Security’s claims a few days ago that he did not, in his role as lawyer to PowerPlan Ltd, seek to blackmail George Farrugia with threats of reporting him to the police if he did not return the funds he had embezzled, I think it’s time to upload these two letters again.

I first uploaded them on this website on 23 September.

The letters are dated 2010 and show clearly that when the story broke in the thick of the general election campaign almost a year ago, Manuel Mallia had known what was going on for more than two years already.

He now claims that he didn’t know about the bribes. But one of these letters makes it clear that there are crimes other than embezzlement of company funds which are at issue with his clients, and for which documentation of proof has been collected. These crimes are unspecified.



4 Comments Comment

  1. Riya says:

    Ahseb u ara dan il-bniedem, fil-posizzjoni li ghandu issa, x’kapaci jaghmel lil xi persuna, jew persuni, li ghal xi raguni jihduha kontrih jew ma’ jaqblux mieghu personalment. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li dik is-seftura li kellu kienet qalet dwar il-moghod ta’ kif kien jittrataha.

    Min jaf kemm hawn nies jafu bi stejjer, jew ghaddew min xi esperjenza simili minn that idejn Manuel Mallia u ma’ jistghux jitkellmu.

    Miskin il-poplu Malti onest.

  2. Xejn Sew says:

    Didn’t Minister Mallia recently give us a lecture on the obligation of a lawyer to maintain utmost confidentiality of his clients’ affairs as a reason for not reporting George Farrugia’s crimes tot eh police?

    If that is so, why was he threatening George Farrugia with reporting him to the same police unless he came to an agreement with his brothers?

  3. J. Borg says:

    What if Manuel Mallia knew about the bribes and had access to a hard drive that could be made to fall into the hands of the press at just the right time before the election?

    And if he told Joseph Muscat that he could do this?

    And if Muscat promised him a cabinet post in return?

  4. vittorio says:

    Tghid dahal ukoll fil- kwistjoni tal- magistrat Farrugia Sacco min wara dar il- kummissjoni? Inkunu nafu il- gimgha id- diehla. Korruzjoni lampanti f’kull qasam ta’ tmexxija .

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