They’re really into threats and blackmail, aren’t they?

Published: January 2, 2014 at 7:02pm


...and after

…and after

That scum Tony Debono (Anthony de Bono) was interviewed by The Malta Independent last Sunday. It’s an interesting piece, and gives away so much of Debono’s ghastly nature, his modus operandi and the way he thinks the behaviour of a street-villain is how normal business is conducted.

Read this excerpt, for instance.

Mr Debono says that at this point he threatened to go to the media. “When I saw this, I told them that I would call Christine Amanpour from CNN and hold a press conference right outside their office. I told them that I would harm TOTAL’s shares with what I would say. I insisted that they had to take drastic action because they were going behind our backs. They were breaching the contract. I assured them that the time would come when legal action would be taken against TOTAL to sue them for damages.”

TOTAL reacted to this behaviour by refusing to renew its contract with Power Plan. But in Manuel Mallia’s letters to George Farrugia and his legal counsel, there is no mention of this being the reason why TOTAL failed to renew. Instead, he insinuates that it is because of something George Farrugia did.

12 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Imbecile. It’s Christiane.

    Or perhaps the imbecile is the writer of the piece.

    • La Redoute says:

      Like Christiane Amanpour’s gagging to hear from Tony Debono.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        They’re all gagging to hear from him. Don’t you know Malta is the precise centre of the entire Universe? All hail Sauron.

      • ciccio says:

        I do not quite understand why Tony Debono suggests that Christiane Amanpour and CNN would have been interested to know about whether Total or Totsa should have been dealing with Power Plan or with Aikon. This is purely a private issue between the two companies, and a person with the experience of Tony Debono, sitting as he was on the board of directors, assisted by a top criminal lawyer like Dr. Emmanuel Mallia, “bir-rispett kollu,” would have had no difficulty understanding this.

        Why would CNN be interested if Total colluded with Farrugia, or if Farrugia deceived Total by telling them that he represented both Power Plan and Aikon?

        And why should Total have believed Tony Debono about the criminal allegations he made about George Farrugia, if Tony Debono, assisted by Dr. Emmanuel Mallia, only privately threatened, but did not have the courage to take criminal action against George Farrugia and therefore never obtained a court sentence declaring George Farrugia guilty?

        There surely was something more spicy that Tony Debono wanted CNN and Christiane Amanpour to know about. Like allegations of corruption, perhaps?

        The only news value I can see there is how Tony Debono would have looked stupid in front of the global cable network.

        If Tony Debono claims that he and the Farrugia brothers – who were advised by Dr. Emmanuel Mallia – had an issue with Total, can he publish any legal correspondence between Dr. Mallia and Total in this sense? Maybe there are some more ‘blackmailing’ letters we have not seen? I don’t think so.

  2. Manuel says:

    It is of no surprise that this guy came out now and is spilling the beans. Why not before? Why not when Farrugia was granted the Presidential pardon? Why so vociferous now and not then? We all know the answer.

  3. Neil says:

    Ruddy complexion, ruptured blood vessels in those ample cheeks. Puffy, blotchy visage…….Triple Earl Grey on ice, anyone?

  4. ciccio says:

    Anke l-iskunks wicchom u sormhom xorta?

  5. Gaetano Pace says:

    If I were him I would go to rest and enjoy the pension lest anything would boomerang on him coming from a shady past. There is much to be said and written.

  6. anthony says:

    It is rumoured that when Amanpour and her husband James Rubin, the former assistant secretary of state, were told that the semi literate Debono was threatening to phone her up they were hospitalized because of an uncontrollable fit of laughter that lasted for more than twentyfour hours.

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    Malta is getting more Kafkaesque by the second.

  8. Gareth says:

    Dak ir-ritratt ta’ Tinto Brass jew? Kemm krieh bil-korruzzjoni li ghamel matul is-snin. Kollha hekk jispiccaw.

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