And Anglu Farrugia described those elections as “democratic and transparent”

Published: February 28, 2014 at 11:27pm

World Post

Azerbaijan announced its election results before people had voted. And the Speaker of Malta’s parliament called the election “democratic and transparent”.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    Some journalist should now go and ask Anglu Farrugia about it.

  2. Gaetano Pace says:

    What was it he was staring at when he pronounced that ? His whisky glass or snorkling goggles ?

  3. observer says:

    Not only ‘transparent’, ‘open’, and ‘democratic’ but also most prophetically so. That must have impressed poor, elated Anglu to the marrow.

  4. Wistin Schembri says:

    Isn’t it strange that while the Speaker of the Maltese Parliament considers Azerbaijan’s presidential election of 9 October 2013 as “democratic and transparent”, the International Election Observation Mission (IEOM), composed of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly concluded that the election “was undermined by limitations on the freedoms of expression, assembly and association that did not guarantee a level playing field for candidates. Continued allegations of candidate and voter intimidation and a restrictive media environment marred the campaign. Significant problems were observed throughout all stages of election day processes and underscored the serious nature of the shortcomings that need to be addressed in order for Azerbaijan to fully meet its OSCE commitments for genuine and democratic elections.”

    Was the Speaker speaking of another election in another country?

    Is he aware of the conclusions of the mission that he was part of?

    Did he draw up a minority report?

    Was the Prime Minister involved in the Speaker’s assessment?

  5. John Higgins says:

    Anglu Farrugia is right. By Labour’s standards they are “democratic and transparent”. Anglu should know.

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