“My friend the toppled despot, now a fugitive in the Kremlin”

Published: February 28, 2014 at 11:38pm

Here’s a lovely photograph of a golden handshake: this picture of a meeting between Viktor Yanukovych, then the tyrant of Ukraine, and Joseph Muscat, prime minister of Malta, was released by the Malta government department of information last September.

Looks like the famous hindsight he deployed in the matter of EU membership for Malta is at work here once again. It was obvious which way things were going in Ukraine already back in September, let alone in November, when Muscat invited Yanukovych over to Malta to be decorated by the president.

Viktor Yanukovych and Joseph Muscat

13 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Ah, you see, now the prime minister of Malta has got important “contacts” at the Kremlin.

  2. Mandy Mallia says:

    They look like two used-car salesmen.

  3. Alexander Ball says:

    The John and the Pimp.

  4. ciccio says:

    A number of documents found on or around the properties of Yanukovych are being examined by Ukrainian journalists in what has been called Yanukovych Leaks. Apparently some of the documents are being put online. The documents contain information about the whereabouts of his assets, his spending etc.

    Can’t wait to see information about his connection with Malta.

  5. Jozef says:

    Damn, so Muscat wasn’t the first one to meet Renzi, these Rumanians, tsk.


    And does he have to do a Benny Hill and keep it in? Ejja Guz, ha tlahhaq ma Matteo.


    The video says it all, one quick handshake and he’s over and done with.

  6. Jozef says:

    Nearly bent down to kiss his hand there. Sucker.

  7. Bou says:

    Given ALL of this evidence that has accumulated about this government and its misappropriation of EVERYTHING, when does someone or something push him off/out the/of cliff/office?

    We cannot just sit here and watch.

    That is self-mutilation.

    Is there not something in place in the democratic world, that can shackle his hands before he grinds what is left of Malta’s dignity into dust?

    • Cikku says:

      L-istess ħsieb tiegħi. Meta se nqumu qawma fuq tagħna? Se nibqgħu nistennew sakemm ikun tard wisq? Nittama biss li ma nerġgħux nibdew bil-protesti tagħna mill-ġdid: Xogħol, Ġustizzja u Libertà. Diġà qed inħossni fgat.

  8. J.Vella says:

    Crimea is the new Sudetenland. Dictators never change. Democracies never learn.

    Dictators have to be crushed before they become too strong. If Czechoslovakia had not been sacrificed for the sake of convenience, millions of lives might have been saved.

    I`m afraid the West is about to repeat yesteryear`s mistakes. We should stand up to Putin. What this shows is that we`ll never be safe until we join NATO.

  9. Foggy says:

    A pathological liar cannot tell the truth even in so unimportant a matter as who met the Italian PM first. Pathetic.

  10. kev says:

    Undetectable in Lady Deafley’s B&W repertoire, Sorositis is a decrepit disease that afflicts insolent leaders who fail to bow to Western demands.

    It will not afflict our Joseph, however, since Eurozone leaders enjoy immunity on the road to serfdom.

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