“Ommi ma kieku!” (I quote the chairman of Valletta 2018)

Published: February 12, 2014 at 2:41am

Jason Micallef is the perfect reflection of a nation of infantilised fools. No wonder Labour was elected.

“Ommi ma kieku!” This is the Valletta 2018 chairman speaking, if you please – on Facebook.

Jason Micallef shared a link.

Disguztanti. Storja bhal din ghandha tqajjem tempesta fic-crieki tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea / Parlament Ewropew. Nistennew u naraw. Mur gib li grat f’pajjizna minn xi kaccatur/i ommi ma kieku! PS jien ma naqblix mal-kacca.

Don’t you just love that ‘PS’?

Ommi ma

14 Comments Comment

  1. J says:

    what’s he on about ?

    • La Redoute says:

      Marius the giraffe. Apparently, he thinks that’s the equivalen of Maltese kaccaturi hunting down and killing a giraffe and then feeding it to the lions.

      I’ll say this for him. He’s got a rather wild imagination for someone of limited creative experience.

  2. ciccio says:

    The thought that comes to mind:

    If only growing up was as inevitable as growing older.

  3. La Redoute says:

    The film of Jason Micallef’s life on Facebook. His first moment is the picture of him labelled ‘CUNT ON ONE’. We know it’s really CLINT ON ONE, but all the same…


  4. A Montebello says:

    Jason Micallef was spotted at the Manoel Theatre on Sunday at the “kontroverxjil plej tal-gejssss”. By his own admission in an interview, the last time he saw a play it was at the Oratory in Mosta and he can’t remember what it was. But he went to this one. Why – because it is fashionable among the Labour crowd, or just for the thrillingly progressive nudity?

    • Conservative says:

      It’s because socialists everywhere just love to position themselves as the protectors of the minorities.

      It just escapes the local breed of reds that immigrants of whatever type (regular, irregular, legal, illegal, asylum seekers, refugees, economic, expatriates, etc.) are always also a minority that is very vulnerable and needs protection.

      If you want a country to go to dogs, get the reds in (wherever in the world) to do it, and they usually succeed in 4 years or so.

      I live overseas and Sunday’s Le Figaro said that French President Hollande’s popularity ratings have tumbled to 19%. He succeeded in destroying France and its economy in record time.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      He will now start attending theatre, not that he’ll get any of it – it’s just an airbrushing.

    • Neil 2 says:

      He was there on Monday also.

  5. Len says:

    ‘Ommi ma kieku!’?

    He is camper than a row of tents.

  6. el bandido guapo says:

    “PS jien ma naqbilx mal kacca”

    That sort of statement would only be made by someone who is not particularly smart, of low IQ.

  7. Mariella says:

    Kieku minnu nissakkar id-dar u lanqas nuri wicci barra. Xi dwejjaq ta’ bniedem. Mill-pjanti ghal Chairman tal-V18, bis-Super One u l-Partit Laburista in between. Career trajectory tal-genn.

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