Joseph Calleja – getting involved in Taghna Lkoll politics

Published: March 12, 2014 at 10:01am

The choir which opens this government (for which read ‘Joseph Muscat’) propaganda video is the Joseph Calleja Children’s Choir.

The parents of those children received an email inviting them to allow their children to participate in the recording of the national anthem, with the National Orchestra, at the Manoel Theatre.

The recording, the email said, would be used in various government/national celebrations.

The choir was not actually recorded at the Manoel Theatre. The children were filmed ‘singing’ and their voices were recorded elsewhere.


43 Comments Comment

  1. Coronado says:

    Wrong move by Joseph Calleja – apparent from before elections. He does not need any stale local iced buns…..or does he ?

  2. ciccio says:

    Isn’t this use of children for government propaganda purposes?

    Reminds me of North Korea and the People’s Republic.

  3. T. Cassar says:

    So the parents were not told that the recording will be used in PL propoganda I understand. Shame on you Joseph, and I mean both of you.

  4. Alexander Ball says:

    I thought it was a Benetton ad at first.

  5. Gahan says:

    So now we have to spot in which theatre box, Joseph Muscat’s daughter is seen singing?

  6. Harry Worth says:

    Everything is staged with this government … nothing to be taken for real

  7. Chicago Bears says:

    It’s payback time for the summer concert when government bought all the standing area tickets.

  8. Dez says:

    Never seen or heard anyone as sly as this man. He is thanking the people for giving him the opportunity to make his and his friends’ pockets overflow. HE IS SO REVOLTING.

  9. pirellu says:

    Why do I get the feeling that he thinks of himself more of a film star than a politician?

  10. Black arrow says:

    Seen this morning in the middle of Republic Street deep in conversation – Lino Farrugia Sacco and that bully Toni Abela. And then they have the cheek to claim that their efforts to protect Farrugia Sacco from justice are not partisan.

    Is there one single decent honest upright human being on the Labour side of government. Perhaps Marie-Louise, which is why she is no longer wanted amongst these pathological liars.

    [Daphne – Don’t be so quick to attribute a moral conscience to Mrs Coleiro Preca. She had absolutely no problem with being secretary-general of the Malta Labour Party under Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, during the worst of that party’s excesses.]

  11. Angus Black says:

    Was Calleja not also involved in the ‘roofless theatre’ controversy?
    Maybe he has found his natural place within the ‘Taghna Lkoll’ environment.

  12. Bob says:

    Is this for government propaganda or for national celebrations? Is the nation celebrating the 1st year of Joseph Muscat? Have we totally lost the plot?

  13. Wot the Hack says:

    Has anybody spotted the twins, I mean, THE twins? They must be in there, somewhere.

  14. nadia says:

    l cannot stand to watch all 15 minutes and 49 seconds of this mis-directed, self-glorifying rubbish. Right away I just wanted to grab him, literally, by the scruff of his neck and straighten out his tie. Did nobody look at him before he started filming, or did somebody try saying something and he retorted “why don’t you look at your tie?”

  15. helen says:

    Amazing how people change. Only 3 weeks ago Joseph Calleja was at the My Journey launch, boasting how he remembers as a child begging Eddie Fenech Adami for his autograph. I give up, and will probably give up on my annual treat of listening to Calleja singing at the Fosos.

  16. Aunt Hetty says:

    If Lou Bondi saw fit to get involved in the latest edition of Gensna, why should Josef Calleja not end up at the beck and call of the Maltataghnalkoll Co Ltd as well?
    What a mad mad mad mad world.

    • Tabatha White says:

      When you listen to children of that other class of Maltese “the importers,” now well into the equivalent of quasi-arranged inter-“class” marriage – itself a reflection on exactly what a small inward looking community this is – going on about Joseph Muscat because their parents – not even an action of their own merit – have negotiated and cashed-in the pre-election promise of favour with this Government, your last reflection is precisely what I feel and enough to give me a massive, massive headache.

      How petty and absolutely small-minded when the conditional promise of favour is enough to sway principle – provided it was there to begin with.

      And if it wasn’t, what exactly are our communities built on besides glorified hypocrisy?

      Each of these people on about their little vegetable patch, wanting to acquire influence on their neighbour’s and little consciousness of climatic and terrain conditions of the collective territory being polluted before their eyes.


  17. Grezz says:

    Did the parents know that their children were to be used for this kind of Labour propoganda? I see at least one familiar face there.

  18. xejn b' xejn says:

    f’ dawn ic- cucati l- ewwel jiehu ‘l Gvern Lejburista. Halli ghalina biex nonfqu il- kaxxa tal poplu fil- “PR stunts” to Joe. Hemm xi hadd mill P.N li saqsa fil- parlament kemm qed jiswew dawn ir reklami u cerimonji kollha?

  19. Joe Fenech says:

    Daphne, is the choir credited anywhere?

  20. Nerd of Redhead says:

    Ma nistax nifhem…

    Jien kif nafha: nies kbar fil-kamp artistiku internazzjonali ma jassoccjawx lilhom infushom mal-politika u l-politikanti.

    Ezempju kemm fl-Italja tisimghu b’Bocelli imur jiltaqa ma’ Matteo Renzi?

    Kemm fi Franza tisimghu b’Gerard Depardieu imur jiltaqa ma’ Francois Hollande?

    Kemm fi Spanja tisimghu b’Ines Sastre tmur tiltaqa mal -Gvern Spanjol?

    Kemm Fl-Ingilterra tisimghu b’Madonna tmur tiltaqa ma’ Cameron jew ta’ L-anqas Boris Johnson?

    Sakemm tkun xi hadd bhal Carla Bruni li bhala kantanta falliet u iddeffset ma’ Nicolas Sarkozy.

  21. Jozef says:

    Here she is, the LNG Gemini. That’s five koppli tal-Mosta.

  22. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Joseph Calleja has been involved in Taghna Lkoll politics for ages.

    In telling his story, I must admit that very few people will understand what I’m about to say. Jozef will understand, because he works in design.

    There is a very powerful marketing tool called association. Joseph Calleja was probably the Labour Party’s strongest hook to the glitterati/intellectual/pepe/switcher crowd. And we all know the results.

    The Nationalist Party spectacularly failed to see this, and still does, which is why I have no hope for them. But Labour are past masters of the art.

    They took Joseph Calleja, a national icon, and made him their own. When Calleja appeared on TV, it was on Taghna Lkoll programmes such as Xarabank and Bla Agenda. But who would there be alongside him, full of gushing praise? Arch-pepe figures like Richard England and Alec Lapira. The latter is something of an eminence grise, and one of Lawrence Gonzi’s confidantes.

    But it wasn’t Lawrence Gonzi who appeared alongside Joseph Calleja The Hero. It was acolyte Norman Hamilton, who positioned himself as Calleja’s de facto agent. Who organised trips to London and New York so Il-Maltin could cheer and applaud their national hero at Covent Garden and the Metropolitan?

    See what I mean?

    Joseph Calleja – Norman Hamilton – Labour

    Marketing by association in only three steps.

    Meanwhile, the Nationalist Party was boring the pants off everyone by appearing alongside the dullest people on earth, like EU officials.

    I wish they would understand this, but they won’t. It pains me to say that they are not particularly intelligent.

  23. John Higgins says:

    Hope that Joseph Calleja will be man enough not let himself being used by the other Joseph.

  24. ciccio says:

    The joke of the day has been Libyan prime minister Ali Zeidan’s short visit to Malta last night.

    According to, “Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said on TVAM early this morning that Mr Zeidan was in Malta for a two-hour ‘refuelling stop’ and then left for another European country.”

    1. Why would a private jet leaving Libya need refuelling in Malta? Didn’t Joseph Muscat tell Fox News last year that we are “just 30 minutes away from Libya”?

    2. Isn’t Ali Zeidan the same Libyan prime minister who signed a deal with Joseph Muscat just a few months ago to sell Libyan fuels to Malta at a cheap price? Why would Ali Zeidan need to come to Malta to buy fuel for his plane when he has got it in abundance and cheap in Libya?

    Was Joseph Muscat asked the following questions on TVAM?

    1. Did Ali Zeidan pick up a freshly minted Maltese EU passport while in Malta?

    2. While in Malta, did Ali Zeidan use or administer any money from the alleged financial corruption for which he was under investigation in Libya?

    3. Did the Labour Party or any of its officials receive any funds from Ali Zeidan in connection with the recent events in Libya?

    4. Where does the escape of Ali Zeidan from Libya leave Joseph Muscat and his agreement with Zeidan under which Malta will be obtaining cheap fuels from Libya?

  25. ciccio says:

    One more observation about Libyan prime minister Ali Zeidan’s visit to Malta.

    Why is it that Joseph Muscat continues to associate himself with corrupt political fugitives?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Why is it that Lawrence Gonzi is hailed as the liberator of Libya and the staunchest and first ally of Ali Zeidan’s lot?

      Come, come, Ciccio. It’s not that simple. Zeidan is corrupt. Gaddafi was worse. All Maltese prime ministers since Mintoff have made a total asses of themselves in their dealings with Libya.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        HPB, the UK and other countries would be unrecognisable without cash flows from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, China… Dealings with dictatorships have become the order of the day – it’s quick dirty money, but that’s how unregulated hyper-capitalism works. What Malta is experiencing is just a sample of international politics and economy.

  26. fm says:

    This ‘ahna kollha Maltin’ stuff reminds me of a fascist country.

    It seems we have to indoctrinate people all the time that we are all Maltese.

  27. albert Floyd says:

    Why has only the string section of the Philharmonic Orchestra was used for the National Anthem and the brass, woodwind and percussion sections were left out?

    I wonder whose arrangement/idea was this?

  28. Nerd of Redhead says:

    I saw the video and it looked wayyyyyyy out of control. Perhaps it is similar to the situation the country is in.

  29. Vigillanti says:

    It just shows how our PM meets the wrong people, be it Libyan, Ukrainian or Chinese. He just can’t get it right.

  30. mattie says:

    Surely, the Manoel Theatre can NOT take that amount of people in the boxes, and producing a video to make it look as though it can, is nothing but pure imaginary, untrue, a lie and a fake supposition about something that is NOT possible. I hope this video has not left our Maltese shores.

    A bit like the PL politics of promises which seemed beyond far-fetched and impossible and which still seem far-fetched and impossible, to the extent that nothing, in so far, has materialised.

  31. ron says:

    He has always been. Now he is doing it more openly.

  32. grech stephen says:

    Just some corrections on your info. The children appearing in the video also form part of at least another two choirs.

    In fact it was these two choirs whose voices were recorded elsewhere. As somebody also pointed out, at no point were any of these choirs given credit and, as a parent I can confirm that we were told that this recording will be used for government and national activities.

    I leave it open to interpretation whether a prime minister’s message is a national occasion.

  33. silvio farrugia says:

    So what if the choir of joseph Calleja was used.How little minds we have.One can tell easily that we live on a tiny island or else we have nothing better to talk about and criticize.
    What a place

    • Tabatha White says:

      It’s not “so what” if the parents weren’t informed of the end use but only a general “promotional use.”

      Just as it wouldn’t be “so what” if your own image was used in the promotional video of some terrorist organisation.

      Not minding is one thing, but ignoring the rights and wrongs of the decision to use such material to promote the Labour Party:- let’s be under no illusion that it’s for the benefit of “Malta” – is another.

      Little minds are those who refuse to see the obvious because it’s cool or whatever to do otherwise in the spirit of “kollox jghaddi.”

      Attention to the little things – like truth – is what makes the enormous difference between one set of people and another.

      Truths are not there to be flexed to our convenience, but to shape the individual – something Joseph Muscat has yet to discover.

      Little wonder that his body shape is a direct reflection of this confusion.

      Little wonder that Simon Busuttil’s indicates control and mastery.

      Our state of health is directly affected by our thinking and both are dependent on our values.

      A state of health triangle for you.

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