Men of 60 or thereabouts who tweet and FB about contemporary music are not cool or hip. They’re sad.

Published: March 31, 2014 at 11:31pm

This applies to anyone, still more to a cabinet minister. Grow up. You’re ridiculous.

Leo Brincat

19 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Well, given the total absence of anything to do.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    THIS is a must, in the circumstances:

  3. Qeghdin Sew says:

    A Maltese politician who listens to Elbow? I’m genuinely impressed.

    [Daphne – God, how tiresome. Don’t you know that 60-ish men who tweet about certain groups and discuss them on Facebook are the equivalent of those juvenile posers who walk about with certain books under their arm? Like Franco Debono walking into parliament when he knew the cameras were going to be there, with the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying in his hand. Men like that are no more attractive at 60 than they are at 20. You know they’re not really into the music but into the image they think the music gives them. Otherwise they’d just keep quiet about it. I read rapaciously, going through books like food, and have thousands of them at home. But do you ever hear me mention or write about anything I’m reading? Do people even know I read, let alone what I read? Do I upload videos of myself sorting out my library in alphabetical order, like some people who shan’t be mentioned do with their CDs?]

    • A+ says:

      Yes Daphne, one can tell from what you write and how you write that you read extensively. You don’t need to boast about it, facts speak for themselves. Whoever needs to portray an image in people’s minds generally feels the necessity to fill in emptiness.

  4. jerry says:

    Tinsiex li dak kien DJ idoqq il musika progressiva.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    It’s elbow grease he needs to use perhaps something will get done in the Ministry for Sustainable Development, The Environment & Climate Change.

    Just look at the news on the Ministry website. It’s produced sod all of any significance so far this year.

  6. P Shaw says:

    This applies to Lou Bondi as well.

    • tinna says:

      Another reader commented elsewhere on this blog: if you lie with dogs you get fleas. How apt.

      On second thoughts, one should not insult a dog by comparing it to Labour.

  7. Rahal says:

    You cannot be really happy at that age. You are neither here nor there.

  8. Carmelo Micallef says:

    A very little man in every possible way. And worse, one who thinks he’s cool because he listens to music his grandchildren like.

  9. canon says:

    Apart from listening to music what is Minister Leo Brincat doing?

  10. Kris De bono says:

    A really cool minister indeed. Wish all other Maltese politicians were the same. I’m 18 and will vote MLP for the first time.

    They are so in. Gotta love them :)

  11. Dave says:

    Maybe admire Mark Zuckerberg for making fifty million off Facebook, last year.

  12. Celtic Girl says:

    I am in awe of the person you are, Daphne, and your intelligent and sharp-witted writing. I spend ages just reading through your blogs :). Thank you.

  13. Celtic Girl says:

    Sorry…but I just had to go on You Tube and look up this group Elbow, because with all due honesty, I have never heard of them. I am into the more contemporary rock music scene.

    Il-vera kaz ta’ darbtejn insiru tfal. Poor Herr Flick.

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