Now Alfred Sant really needs to watch his back

Published: April 16, 2014 at 3:26am

JPO Sant

JPO Mistra 2

Get ready for an attempt against Alfred Sant in his EP election campaign. The Dwarf King of Vicious Vendetta must be hatching his plots as we speak.

20 Comments Comment

  1. ken il malti says:

    The Earl Grey boy will soon be building a grassy knoll in front of the ” House of Wigs and Toupees ” shop.

  2. giac says:

    Did he call Peppi to coach him and after go on Xarabank to show us some tears. Viljakk!!

  3. Rahal says:

    Guda…waslet is-siegha.. Dak li ghandhek taghmel, ghamlu malajr.

  4. Pecksniff says:

    I thought Joseph Muscat wants Alfred Sant firmly ensconced out of the way in Brussels after EP elections, in case the latter starts getting fancy ideas about another bid for MLP leadership. Shall we witness block vote (first preferences) in favour of Alfred Sant so as to weed out/discard the other expendable MLP candidates ?

  5. observer says:

    But, do you really think that anything JPO(S) throws against Fredu will in any way affect the latter’s devotees and swing them against their idol?

    Some vain hope on your part indeed, sur JPO(S).

    I still have very vivid memories of your ‘accidental encounter’ with Fredu at the PBS studios before the 2008 elections where you made a very distinguished appearance under the guise of an ‘accredited journalist’. So do many other thousands – none of whom are to be counted among the 18,000 switchers of March 2013.

  6. C.G says:

    Ma bekiex quddiem il-magistrat forsi kien ihenn ghalieh? Grazzi PN talli hlistna min dawn it-tip ta’ nies opportunisti u purcinelli ta’ din il-kwalita mill-partit.

  7. Angus Black says:

    JPO will somehow find a way of pulling Sant’s rug off his scalp.

  8. John T says:

    Are you sure that there are people out there still listening to this rat? I hope he knows that he’s rapidly becoming a nonentity in Malta.

  9. TROY says:

    Cry me a river.

  10. M.Vassallo says:

    Alfred Sant was 100 per cent right.
    JPO was 100 per cent lying.

  11. M. Cassar says:

    And since Alfred Sant and the EU issue are such compatible bedfellows:

    If anyone would like a crash course in ‘how to credit the government for EU funds’ one should start here:

    Note writing on the perspex sign, which should actually read ‘Gvern li qal li ma l-EU ma niggwadanjawx’. Note the first line of the article crediting the government with the investment, the use of ‘cohesion’ NOT preceeded by ‘EU’, and lastly the use, at the end of the article, of the term ‘European’ funds and not ‘European Union’ funds which will be used for the Bahrija church. The last paragraph is a fine example of throwing in additional information, late in the day, in order to further fudge the issue.

    What is the malady one wonders, extremly poor journalism or unashamed regurgitated propoganda?

    • Calculator says:

      It’s actually against EU co-financing regulations for the beneficiary not to give full credit to the actual fund being tapped (title in full). If they gave a fig they would have called Times of Malta and made them insert the details missing (something I’ve had to do myself a couple of times).

  12. Nighthawk says:

    Well he’s off somewhere with Lara Boffa, so he’s got other stuff on his mind. Saw them going through security at the airport today. She’s bigger than he is, in all geometric planes.

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