A timely reminder of what you voted for when you voted for Norman Lowell

Published: May 29, 2014 at 10:23am

Norman Lowell poster

Norman Vella has put this up on his Facebook page, reminding people of what they voted for when they voted for Norman Lowell: the forced elimination of all those who are weaker or somehow physically or mentally deficient, or not quite up to their superior standards of what the European ‘race’ should be like.

I can’t help thinking, as I look at their electoral promise plastered beneath their faces, that they would be among the first in line for elimination under their own policy.

Norman Lowell’s psychiatric problems were obvious long before he entered ‘politics’ after undergoing criminal prosecution for planning to defraud the bank where he worked of around Lm1 million. The police (and the bank) had to drop the case when the file containing all documentary proof was stolen from the courtroom during a break in the proceedings.

Oh, didn’t you know this? Well, you should have found out before you gave him your vote.

He hasn’t worked since, and that was 20 years ago. Ask yourself what he might have been living off.

Arlette Baldacchino would be eliminated under her own policy for the purification of the European race, on grounds of genetic stupidity so catastrophic that she couldn’t even make it out of St Dorothy’s Convent, Mdina, which was hardly the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

She struggled even in our form’s (I was in the same year) Stupid Stream, and eventually quit – in the fourth form, as I recall – without a single O-level to her name. You can tell, of course, when you listen to her speak on television. She’s barely coherent. That isn’t inarticulacy. That’s stupidity – you can only form coherent sentences when you have first formed coherent thoughts.

Antoine Galea? I don’t know him, but there’s something clearly wrong with a young man who wants to hang about with those two freaks who are twice and three times his age. What is he – the third wheel to their couple?

132 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:

    Hitler would be proud.

  2. jack says:

    “He hasn’t worked since, and that was 20 years ago. Ask yourself what he might have been living off.”

    His paintings of course.

    [Daphne – He doesn’t sell any. And even Malta’s best-known and high-selling painters have a day job so that they can live.]

    • Knejjes says:

      Iffroda miljun lira fi flus Maltin, u hadd ghadu ma rnixxielu jiskopri kif.

    • @jack

      I am a gallerist and I often have people asking me about artists, even those I have never heard of. No one has ever asked me about Norman Lowell’s artworks.

      I have seen his artworks once: on a TV programme when he first came out in politics and was busy ranting his racism. They are as useless as he is himself.

  3. SS says:

    I once read something Norman Lowell had said: that when Maltese women are pregnant he will check who the father is, and if he is not European he will force the woman to abort the baby, and then force her to undergo a hysterectomy so that she can no longer have children, as a punishment.

    This is what those 7,000 people voted for and I am sure that most of them had and still have no idea of all of this. It is horrendous. And it is not just Antoine Galea who is hanging out with them. I am sorry that there are some teenagers as well who are very proud to be a part of their team.

  4. Chris M says:

    Norman Vella is garbage who called those who voted for Imperium Europa idiots. (See his FB page) He clearly has a problem with anyone whose opinion differs from his own.

    After the 2013 elections I felt sorry for him, having his show cancelled and then arrested for some incident at the airport.

    Now, after showing what he really is, I don not feel sorry at all for him and he probably deserved all the crap that he got and worse.

    If he is ever a candidate in the next general election, I will make it a point to vote each & every PN candidate (like I always have done in General Elections) EXCEPT him. I will also make it a point to convince others to do the same.

    [Daphne – Why are you so upset? Is it because you’re one of those who voted for Norman Lowell and are taking Norman Vella’s accusation personally?]

    • just me says:

      Norman Vella was too kind when he called those who voted for Imperium Europa idiots.

    • C Mifsud says:


      You’ve got me wrong on this one. Yes I did vote for Norman Lowell but I did not take Norman Vella’s accusation personally.

      But I did find Norman Vella’s “idiots” comment offensive. He has every right to his opinion but by his comments he has shown that he does not tolerate anyone who has an opinion which he does not agree with.

      I have never called MLP or AD voters idiots even though I disagree with their vote.

      [Daphne – ‘Norman Vella does not tolerate anyone who has an opinion which he does not agree with.’ That’s rich, coming from somebody who voted for Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino.]

  5. Alexander Ball says:

    Anyone under six foot would be first in the mincer.

  6. Joseph says:

    For Antoine Galea it’s probably the 15 minutes of fame for playing a role in the freak show

  7. NYOB says:

    This is a plain wrong. Mental disability may not be obvious for a number of months or years after birth.

    As for physical or chromosomal differences not all are detected at birth either.

    What is he going on about? He has no idea of the complexities of human development.

    But when you are an amoeba like him and all his cronies, you wouldn’t expect anything better.

    • Neo says:

      What do you mean? What does this have to do with it? These arguments should not even be mentioned, let alone discussed.

      • Satine Christian says:

        Neo huh?


        This is an article about our daily f***ing horoscope, not the sheer dufusicity of those allowed to contest our “dignified” electorate.

        Should have taken the blue pill. No, that doesn’t mean vote.

  8. Paddling Duck says:

    Antoine, current age 26/27: unfortunately I and many others had to endure him at Junior College.

    He was the one always ensuring that lectures are disturbed by shouting, mimicking and other childish stupidities at age 17.

    Few people wanted to relate with him. Always wearing heavy metal rock band t-shirts (when they were no longer cool) and always had dirty long hair. Yet, he went to private lessons to ensure he gets his grades.

    • Neo says:

      Heavy metal has got nothing to do with these people. They ‘pose’ in heavy metal gear to look tough.

  9. catherine says:

    It’s a like a Harry Potter film poster. Are they going to whizz away together suddenly, still holding on to that stick?

  10. Pippa says:

    A statement just copied from Nazi Germany.

    Perhaps recent European History should form part of the schools’ curriculum so that the new Maltese generation will have an inkling of what Europe was like before the European Common Market – the precursor to the EU – came into being.

  11. vic says:

    “Dawk b’dizabilita severa jew mentalment difettuzi jigu abortiti”. We shall soon be hearing these words from the Labour Party.

    • wow says:

      Vic minhabba nies li jahsbu bhalek il-PN se jibqa sejjer lura aktar mil-granc!

      • Neo says:

        Allura skond int, nibdew nitilfu kull sens ta’ principju halli nirbhu l-elezzjoni. Naf partit li ghamel hekk.

        Grazzi mela, ahjar il-PN ma jirbah xejn.

    • Peter Busuttil says:

      Vic, keep on dreaming!

    • Painter says:

      Here is someone who doesn’t know the difference between socialism and National Socialism (which isn’t even socialism).

    • Calculator says:

      If eugenics become fashionable enough, I’m sure we will. They’ll do anything for a couple of votes.

  12. Josette says:

    Norman Lowell should be ashamed of even having such thoughts, let alone writing them in a political manifesto.

    I wonder who will have the good heart to take care of him when he gets older and has needs related to old age, or even to conditions like dementia or stroke or any other ailment whichever it may be.

    [Daphne – Arlette will. She’s a generation younger than he is, has been seeing him for years, and is utterly devoted. She thinks the sun rises and sets at his command, and her face still lights up when she talks about him. Check the videos.]

  13. El Pibe says:

    Letty to his left. Lowell has time and again said that once IE is in power, women would not feature in the top ranks of the Imperium. They then have a go at Muslim countries for treating women as second-class citiziens……..

  14. Jozef says:

    Saw him on taht il-lenti, slow is being generous.

    kev, Saviour may be right.

  15. David says:

    Did the bank take civil proceedings to recover the ammont allegedly stolen? Didn’t the bank and the prosecution keep a copy of the documents presented in court?

    [Daphne – You know as well as I do that photocopies of documents are not acceptable as evidence because they can be forged or tampered with. The court file contained the originals. I really don’t know why you are trying to question this. It’s an established fact. Norman Lowell was caught trying to defraud the bank where he worked out of around Lm1 million in the early 1990s. He was fired instantly. The police were called in. The police investigated. He was prosecuted. The proceedings began in court. During a break, when the file was left unattended, it was stolen. Proceedings could not continue without the proof. He never worked again – nobody would take him on, because the case was public knowledge. In 1992, when I was associate editor at The Malta Independent (it had just been set up), he rang me looking for a job. I politely said that there was nothing available. When I put the phone down, I turned to my colleague and said: “Can you believe the gall of this man? He’s just tried to rob a bank of Lm1 million, he’s facing trial, and he phones up a newsroom looking for a job as though nothing’s happened and as though we don’t know about it.”]

    • David says:

      We know that say contracts and other important documents can be copied and signed by a lawyer or notary confirming they are true copies of the original documents. Unfortunately you are not familiar with court procedures.

      [Daphne – I am extremely familiar with court procedures, David, much as you might hate to admit it. We are not talking contracts here. Anybody planning a major bank robbery scam is not going to get his plans notarized and detailed in contract. The documents we are talking about here are the paperwork Norman Lowell uses to perpetrate his scam. And yes, I’m correct, photocopies of that kind of thing are not acceptable as evidence in court.]

  16. Simon says:

    Its a pity he is such an extremist , if he would only tone down his message I believe he would have done much better in the elections . The people are fed up with the EU Federalistic push , and its immigration policy amongst others.

    I agree with much of the core of what he says especially on the correlation of infectious diseases and influx of immigrants , Just see what the French Government did in Calais yesterday . I was there a few weeks ago , and the town is quite literally terrorized by these immigrants especially at night . We could not find a hotel receptionist who would open his hotel door to us to book a room out of pure fear ….

    On Euthanasia however he is of course way off the mark…

    [Daphne – He is way off the mark on euthanasia, you say, and yet you still voted for it. As for the terror in Calais, please don’t be ridiculous. And I trust you realize what you are saying when you claim that no hotel receptionist would open his hotel door to you out of pure fear. Now you know what it feels like when people won’t let you in because of the colour of your skin. I’m assuming that’s what scared the receptionists – if your story is to be believed.]

    • Simon says:

      Sure and Calais is good example of what happens AFTER you let them in.

      [Daphne – If that had not happened with Malta over the last few centuries, Simon, neither you nor I would be here today, and nor would anybody else who now holds a Maltese passport without having bought it or obtained it through marriage.]

  17. David says:

    If Norman Lowell had psychiatric problems, did no one at the bank notice this?

    I do not think that he has such problems. Such a person would not have got 7,000 votes.

    [Daphne – ‘I do not think that he has such problems’. Well, you wouldn’t, would you.]

    • drood says:

      David, have you ever had the dubious pleasure of having Norman Lowell as a work colleague?

      He was always skiving this task and that, as they were below his intellectual abilities, to be done by the drones not him.

      His favourite author then was David Irving, the Holocaust denier.

      He was sacked by the bank for setting up a scam which, if undetected, would have left him in financial clover to the detriment of his close colleagues, who he tried to implicate, unsuccessfully and nefariously.

      • wormfood says:

        A backstabbing, lying, pretentious shit who cannot be trusted with a plastic knife. I can see why Antoine Galea is devoted to him.

      • Optimist says:

        Drood, I want to see Lowell banned from ever giving a speech again. His financial crimes, even those attempted but stopped, need to be published in detail.

        The public needs to know and he needs to see jail time.

        Please respond and provide as much info as possible. I am interested to know what he tried to do and what amount if any he got away with.

      • drood says:

        Optimist : See Daphne’s comments to posts by David .

  18. Auntie Liberal says:

    Anyone who votes for PL or PN must surely have something wrong mentally. Any establishment political party in Europe is a self serving, fraudulent entity capable of the most vile acts. Expense fiddling, warmongering, perverted sex scandals as common as night and day. These disgusting creatures need to be kicked out by someone. It wont be tree huggers from the green party.

    • Satine Christian says:

      It’s terribly sad that you might believe voting Imperium Europa can have any impact – big or small, direct or indirect – on reducing such atrocities as you’re outlining.

    • Painter says:

      Go back to the asylum, grandma.

  19. Natalie says:

    ‘mentalment difettuzi’

    Wow. Just wow. The terminology is appalling. At least he didn’t use the word ‘immankati’. Apart from the fact that I struggle to understand how he proposes to identify one hour old babies who are ‘mentalment difettuzi’.

    He should thank his lucky stars that our culture is much more tolerant than he likes it to be, otherwise he and his companion freaks wouldn’t be here today.

  20. Adolf says:

    Norman Lowell’s background is very much more sinister than what you write.

    [Daphne – I know. I also know that his cane, for many years, was not an actual cane but a weapon. It had a blade inside the tip (perhaps it does so still) and he used to boast about it. But the police would never have thought to stop a man with a walking-stick and charge him with carrying a weapon.]

    • il-Ginger says:

      To be fair, a lot of people carry concealed blades. Some for malicious reasons others for personal protection and he falls in the latter.

      [Daphne – He’s been carrying a blade since the 1980s at least, way, way before he became a public figure. I knew him from round Sliema – absolutely nothing to do with politics because he was a bank employee at the time.]

    • Alchemist says:

      I agree that he he is much more sinister. Like some here, I have known the man since the early eighties. Even back then, he would use every opportunity to brainwash young minds with his poison.

      What’s interesting is that those young people (13-18 years) lived on every word he uttered.

      Believe me, they were not stupid. A good number of them now excel in their chosen profession and still indulge in the same thoughts as Lowell.

      • Jozef says:

        I nearly lost two of my friends to his influence. They both attended his martial arts classes. This was the late eighties.

  21. Connor Attard says:

    Reprehensible, but hardly surprising given Norman Lowell’s unwavering admiration of Hitler.

    What we have here is effectively a Maltese version of the NSDAP.

  22. R.Bonavia says:

    I voted Norman, and I voted well! This is democracy We have the right to vote to anyone! If you have a problem about this now go fuck yourself Daphne!

  23. bob-a-job says:

    On March 27, 2008, Norman Lowell, was sentenced to a two-year jail term, suspended for four years beating Cyrus Engerer’s sentence by an extra two year suspension.

    Le, qedin tajjeb hej.

  24. Lumia says:

    All we can say is that Mr. Lowell is mentally unstable. What we can’t say is in what mental state are those people who voted for him and the rest of his mental party? Unbelievable.

    • Satine Christian says:

      Mr Lowell is perfectly healthy, so let’s not make any excuses for him.

      Whilst I completely and without a doubt – hands down – agree with your sentiment, we must accept this: most of these people *choose* to be this way.

      Perhaps the truth is that they’d rather not face reality and simply deal with their own basic issues [jealousy, greed, anger, over-blown superiority complexes etc..] like the rest of us do. Instead they scramble for attention and ‘cheats’ to life by any means possible.

      They choose to personify Fear. What an indescribable waste. In many ways, more dangerous than a gun.

  25. Drinu il-buras says:

    “that they would be among the first in line for elimination under their own policy”. I am sure you would be 2nd or 3rd in line.

    [Daphne – Not really. I’m twice Ms Baldaccino’s height and there’s most definitely nothing wrong with my IQ. If you mean my classically Punic face, well that means a good third of the Maltese population will have to follow me into the Imperium Europa death camp.]

    • rosie says:

      Drinu il buras , nahseb rasek kbira izda vojta , mur habbatha ma hajt tal-konkos u forsi jirnexxilek tifqaha u jekk issib lil- Lowell jqabbzek zgur.

    • ninnu says:

      Drinu il-buras: and what will be your place in line for elimination?

  26. Lomax says:

    Incredible. Words fail me. We have so much hatred lurking in our midst that I’m really almost scared.

  27. Lomax says:

    And allow me to add, and society crucifies a cat killer (who wasn’t) and who clearly was (is) very (mentally) sick.

  28. Aunt Hetty says:

    Incredible.This Monsinjur should be sacked from his UNESCO post.

  29. Mary says:

    130,000 Maltese voted in favour of Martin Schulz who is in favour of abortion of the disable and the perfectly healthy ones alike. As for abortion just after birth, check Obama’s history.


    [Daphne – There is no such thing as abortion just after birth. That’s infanticide.]

  30. L.gatt says:

    Is Arlette Baldacchino Alfred Baldacchino’s daughter?

    [Daphne – It depends which Alfred Baldaccino you mean. Arlette’s father was the member of parliament who crossed the floor to join Mintoff’s government party some time in the 1970s.]

  31. Painter says:

    Nobody knows a lot about this Antoine but I have a wild guess that he has a fetish for Nazi-style flags of Malta.


  32. Lorry says:

    This goes to show how racist our society was, is and or has become.

    I believe that our society, no longer acts on principles.

    I remember Joseph Muscat saying that the ends will justify the means.

    That means that if the majority hates African immigrants lawfully renting an apartment next door, they are willing
    to go at great lengths in order to get rid of them. Whatever it takes.

    That means that they are willing to sell even their identity. As long as it’s a quick buck, anything will do.

    This is what the majority of our society is made of.

    Speaking about European values is all a waist of air time in today’s environment.

    People still want to hear that petrol price has gone down by two cents.

    The majority wants tangible promises.

    Promises that pleases them personally. They don’t give a turd about social fabric, and all this jargon.

    “Il – Malti dejjem hasel id – dar tieghu u rema l- ilma mahmug barra fit- triq. L- aqwa li jinqeda hu!”

    Our society has become a corrupt, self-centered and immoral.

    I believe that our party won’t stand a chance against this reality.

    It all boils down to a simple decision:

    Either start being immoral but popular or standing by your beliefs and be ditched.

  33. Why ? says:

    Some comments being posted on Norman Vella’s FB are just unbelievable. They are out to get him and I bet that they don’t know why Vella has called Lowell-voters idiots.

    I mean, if it were Charlon Gouder who came out with this, much as I don’t like him, I still would have backed him up. I have almost given up hope.

    • C Mifsud says:

      Norman Vella is the idiot for calling 6700+ people idiots just because he does not agree with them.

      This will not be forgotten should he stand for election in four years time.

      • mf says:

        General elections are held on district basis. So taking an average on those 6700 + voters it all boils down to around 500 per district; and that is not taking into consideration that Normal Vella may contest in a district which is known to be alien to IE.

  34. davidg says:

    Didn’t Arlette Baldacchino have a child by a Pakistani after her marriage failed? Bit of a double standard there.

  35. Lowell xjah u ma ghadux iffokat u jidher cjar li minghajru jispicca kollox. Il-hsiebijiet tieghu jiswew ftit aktar minn ta Zaren ta Ajkla.

    F’wahda mill-intervisti qabel din l-elezzjoni dehru sinjali cari li beda jinsa. Wasal iz-zmien li jirtira w jikteb il-bijografija tieghu.

    • Ibella r-Ross bil-Bastun says:

      Kollha xjahu hlief dak il-guvni li f’kull riratt li deher fih, jidher li iridha ta’ Humphrey Bogart.

  36. jack says:

    I had the misfortune to meet a Maltese migrant in Australia during an airport stopover. He was flying over to meet family and vote at the MEP elections – naturally for Norman Lowell.

    The mind boggles.

  37. Kevin says:

    Lucky his laws were not around when he was born. He would have been killed for being mentally defective.

  38. Ibella r-Ross bil-Bastun says:

    Daphne, I saw you the other day, and I must say you look smashing!

    I mean, what’s 50? 50 is the new 40 although there are some fifty year old Maltese who look like 70 year olds especially those who throw themselves in the arms of older men. These somehow have a tendency to age faster.

    So, I say this honestly: Daphne, God Bless You. You must be in the new 40 group.

    [Daphne – I live with somebody a decade my senior, so that kind of puts paid to your theory…]

  39. Grace cassar says:

    By Norman Lowell’s own reasoning, his mother should have been forced to abort him.

    I have a disabled brother, so I have no sympathy for his cause at all.

    I would so much like to meet him to tell him this to his face.

    And the people who voted for him are in the same boat – if they understood what and who they voted for, they should be ashamed of themselves.

    • La Redoute says:

      You don’t really want to meet Norman Lowell. He’s a crashing bore with a voice like a eunuch’s.

  40. Conrad Zammit says:

    Daphne — There was no other party to Vote for !! Now when we have a party as good as front national (Marine Le Pen) I will vote to that party, but up to now Imperium is the only party close to that. I tell you why I voted because I am not a robot and don’t want the EU program to continue. I am very happy with the results not in Malta but for the new parties elected in Europe. Now they will not force immigration as they wish , too much is too much & not just that now they will face a strong opposition in everything and these parties will continue to grow(Far-Right). Here in Malta we still vote to the party that our family always voted for & in countries like France , Nederlands , Sweden… ect they voted with their Brains….. Please note that I am 100% stable , not unemployed and educated too & very busy …. but still am concerned for our country’s safety , Culture , and many other things. It’s not a question of racial hatred but lets be honest what has then Pn / PL done about immigration ? Nothing ! Secondly every one is free to vote to the party he/she likes and it’s very undemocratic to insult people with different views!!!! Good night

    • Raymond Ambrogio says:

      Well said and I agree with 100%.

    • La Redoute says:

      You’re living proof that there is no such thing as an intelligent voter who votes for Norman Lowell and his loons.

      The rise of the Far Right across Europe is WORSE for your crazy cause. How easily, do you think, will other countries now be persuaded to relocate migrants from Malta?

      • Optimist says:

        Conrad, I see you copied Malcolm “White Power” Seychell’s link, out of context as always.

        That bus incident was 4.5 years ago, in one tiny town in England by one or two people and it was addressed and resolved years ago.

      • RC says:

        @Conrad Zammit

        Then you must be a double idiot. Lowell is not against the EU programme like Le Pen is, far from that. Alleanza Bidla were anti-EU. Lowell wants to conquer the EU and become its emperor.

        Triple idiot, actually. Lowell not only wants to remove Christian crosses but abolish Catholicism altogether. He blames this religion for the Maltese becoming too soft, and calls it Jesus Poison.

      • Conrad Zammit says:

        @ RC And Optimist – 4.5 years or not my point is that it should have never started. For your info I did read the article before posting. Referring to the muslim drivers issue. Rc — you call people idiot which I think the only one is you. IF elected Lowell was against the Eu program and not just illegal immigration 2nd Le Pen is also against immigration if you followed Le Pen regularly but anyway. I don’t support all his views but in this election there was no choice Pn/PL/Ad and on the illegal immigration issue non have done anything about it. I am very happy with the results in Eu election not in Malta but around Europe. Le Pen joined Lega nord and Wilders now we see what the e.u will do… I wish that one day there will be a party close to Lega , Le Pen or of Wilders but up to now we have what we have in Malta….. Not happy 100% but that’s what we have here in Malta. http://www.corriere.it/economia/speciali/2014/europa/notizie/fronte-si-fa-trucco-sedurre-francesi-azzoppare-l-europa-19516a1c-e5c6-11e3-8e3e-8f5de4ddd12f.shtml

      • Conrad Zammit says:

        Just hope that by the time the next general election comes I will be able to vote PN again …. Just hope!!!

        [Daphne – Four years is more than long enough to relearn how to write numbers 1 to 10 in pencil in a set of little boxes, Conrad. Start practising now if you’ve forgotten how.]

      • kev says:

        Conrad, if elected, Imperium Europa would not have been accepted by the EAF (which is Le Pen’s European party). Not only because it is too extremist, but also because what Imperium Europa want is an elite-governed ‘Imperium’ made up of European regions, where the nation state is abolished. That is the complete opposite of what European freedom fighters want.

  41. bugarrun says:

    Is-surveys urew b’mod car li l-akbar concern tac-cittadini hija l-immigrazzjoni illegali.

    Mela ghalfejn skantaw li l-kandidati tal-IE gabu daqshekk voti? IL-PN u l-PL, tul l-ahhar snin m’ghamlu xejn konkret dwar din s-sitwazzjoni u allura hafna cittadini qed iwasslu messagg.

    Rigward l-opinjoni personali ta Norman Lowell fuq l-abort u l-ewtanasja ta trabi b’dizabilita, jien ma naqbilx, bhal ma naf bosta persuni li vvutaw ghal Imperium Europa u ma jaqblux lanqas.

    Dawn l-elezzjonijiet urew bic-car li hafna cittadini Ewropej huma mxebbghajn bl-immigrazzjoni llegali u l-federalizmu fl-UE!

    [Daphne – Your comment does not make sense. A vote for something is exactly that: approval. That is why it is called a vote FOR. There is something seriously wrong with the reasoning of people who vote for things they do not agree with. The vote itself signifies approval. You can’t vote for something and then claim afterwards that you don’t agree with it. When you vote for a party, you give it your mandate to fulfill the electoral programme/manifesto it has presented you with – including, yes, the forced abortion of those who Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino consider genetically deficient.]

    • Lorry says:

      I totally agree with you that voting for a party means that you are endorsing the policies and ideology.

      But unfortunately only the minority of the population knows this or thinks that way. They don’t make the connection between their vote and an electoral mandate.

      Although somewhat hidden, the Maltese population is facing a huge dilemma. Most, and I say most of the people from all walks of life, cannot tolerate African immigrants on our shores anymore.

      They are ashamed to admit it, but it is the truth.

      So, although the majority agrees that the current administration is making havoc of our country they still believe that Muscat and/or Lowell can do something to stop Africans coming to Malta.

      I heard it from others who vote PN and who admitted to me that when Joseph Muscat tried to adopt the push-back policy, they were super-delighted only to be let down by their own party when it criticized him for trying to do that.

      Unfortunately it is a very weird reality.

      These people are willing to ditch their moral values and vote for the persons who share their “concerns”.

      Yes, they agree that the LNG tanker should not be berthed in Marsaxlokk bay, but they still hope that Muscat can stop immigration.

      Yes, they agree that the government appointments are atrocious, but they still hope that Muscat can stop immigration.

      Yes, they agree that the sale of citizenship is wrong-headed, but they still hope that Muscat can stop immigration.

      Yes, they agree that gays should not adopt but again they still hope that Muscat can stop immigration.

      Now that Muscat seems to have failed in stopping the Africans from coming to our shores, their last option seems to be Norman Lowell.

      Sure, they are totally against abortion or the persecution of disabled people, but still Lowell might be able to stop immigration.

      Sure, they are absolutely against most of his ideology but they are willing to buy a farm in order to get their fillet.

      As you can see, the Nationalist Party is nowhere to be seen in this reality because they always took a humanitarian stand-point, a truly liberal and progressive one. The true test of how liberal and progressive a political party and its supporters are is their attitude towards asylum seekers. Human rights are indivisible. You can’t champion gays while calling for a purge of Africans.

      The PN never adopted extreme measures and that is the majority, with its extremist views on immigration, prefers not to vote for it.

      This is the gruesome reality down here in the streets. It stinks but it’s there.

  42. Chris M says:


    Omar Osman, an illegal immigrant from Somalia who has been convicted of:

    Being part of a gang rape against a Maltese woman
    Grievous bodily harm of a Maltese man
    Theft of a laptop and other items
    Breaching bail conditions

    God knows what else he’s done and was not caught out.

    All this, aside from the fact that he came to Malta illegally and yet he gets awarded 5000 Euro for HIS human rights and is allowed to roam free in Malta.

    Then some of you wonder why we voted for Norman Lowell. I know that even had Norman Lowell manage to get a seat he would not be able to solve the problem, but as you can see through the EP election results (Not just Malta) , people are sick of immigration and are sick of being told what to do by Brussels.

    [Daphne – Chris, I know of at least two Maltese men who, in the last few years, stabbed the mother of their children 50 times and left her to die bleeding. Is this a reflection on all Maltese men? Are Maltese men less dangerous and destructive than Somali men? No, they are not. Perhaps you haven’t read this week’s newspapers, or seen the reports of that Maltese man who raped his own eight-year-old daughter and who filmed himself having sex with a woman while holding her three-year-old daughter?]

    • Joe Fenech says:

      People living in very abusive environments (war, ancestral traditions, misogyny, abusive households) are more likely to commit abuse. This has nothing to do with skin colour or racism.

      • Chris M says:

        @Joe Fenech

        Why should we have to put up with these unwanted guests who bring with them lots of baggage from Africa ?

    • Chris M says:

      Granted, every nationality has its bad apples, and these disgusting, evil Maltese men should be and hopefully will be punished to the full extent of the law.

      But my point is that whilst unfortunately we are stuck with these Maltese sickos who were born and raised in Malta we are also having to put up with crime, some not so serious and some very serious from third country nationals.

      Nobody seems to have statistics, I certainly don’t, but it seems that crimes committed by non-EU foreigners, especially immigrants is much higher per capita then it is amongst locals.

      In some countries, any crime, even a minor one such as tax evasion or petty theft committed by foreigners results in their expulsion from the country.

      In Malta, it seems that rather than expulsion, convicted criminals especially foreign non-Eu ones are given chances to reform, light prison sentences and 5000 Euro from our taxes.

      I can’t stand the fact that money taken from the pockets of us taxpayers is being given to an illegal immigrant who has been convicted multiple times for crimes including gang rape.

      [Daphne – I don’t understand what money you mean. And I also do not understand what you are suggesting here – not allowing into Malta any third-country nationals on the grounds that some of them might commit crimes? There is a system already for dealing with those who commit crimes. Imagine if no Maltese were allowed into Australia, Canada or the USA on the grounds that some Maltese have committed crimes while there. The perception that more third-country nationals commit crimes in Malta than EU citizens do is because you are predisposed to notice the reports, whereas you would probably not register a report about a crime committed by somebody French of Spanish.]

    • Lorry says:

      Daphne, again you are completely right. But we are talking with different languages here. People won’t admit they are racists and try to find all the arguments in the world to camouflage this.

      They can tolerate a Maltese criminal all day long just because he is Maltese but not an African.

  43. Andrew Busuttil says:

    Does voting PL mean that you automatically agree with gay adoption? (80% were against) or gay marriage? or sale of passport? or with so many other stupid socialist policies?… not really!

    [Daphne – No, Andrew, voting Labour in 2013 did not mean agreeing with gay adoption or the sale of passports FOR THE SIMPLE REASON THAT THOSE THINGS WERE NOT IN THE LABOUR PARTY’S ELECTORAL PROGRAMME. Same-sex unions were, however, in that programme and so, yes, voting Labour was a signal of approval and a mandate to carry out that policy.]

    You have to admit that the electorate is pretty voiceless on specific issues. No single party represents my views in their entirety, or the views of anybody with a mind of his own for that matter.

    We are merely presented with bundled manifestos!

    All the electorate can ever do, is settle for a fudged compromise, or choose to convey a message to whoever wins, by casting votes to candidates who represent particular issues! Judging from the EU’s (and Muscat’s) reaction to the results, one would say that the message was conveyed… loud and clear!

    And that message will only get louder, the longer it takes the mainstream politician to decisively address the irregular immigration problem.

    The voice of the electorate would have been muffled on the migration issue had Norman Lowell never existed! So in a way, we had better be thankful that someone chose to lend his face, to give a voice to the electorate.

    Lowell mitigated the huge democratic deficit of this country.

    What many seem unable to understand… is that a vote for Lowell only represents the voice of those who wish to register their great disapproval of the current (and planned) FAILED migration policy!

    A voting decision taken out of context, does in no way convey extremism… For the vast vast majority of Lowell voters, it does NOT mean “drown them”… or “hang them”… or “kill them”… etc…

    Lowell will be punished (and quickly dumped) for his extremist language, the minute a more moderate right-wing party is formed… and we sorely need one… All we have right now is an assortment of misguided socialists!

    • Andrew Busuttil says:

      I don’t agree with the PN on their stance on Gay Adoption and Spring Hunting…
      I don’t agree with the PL on their stance on the Marsaxlokk Tanker and Spring Hunting…
      I don’t agree with the AD on their stance on Vacant Property Tax…
      I don’t agree with the IE on drowning migrants and infanticide…

      Their positions are now clear!

      By your logic I can never vote to any of them ever again!
      So my only remaining choice is what?… Tal-Ajkla?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      “For the vast vast majority of Lowell voters, it does NOT mean “drown them”… or “hang them”… or “kill them”… etc…”

      Oh but it does.

      And it does too for the vast majority of very mainstream and decent Labour, PN or AD voters who say that a “solution must be found to the illegal immigration problem.”

      There is no solution. How stupid do we have to be? How stupid are Schultz and his buddy Joseph Muscat?

      There is no solution because the only way to stop illegal immigration is the unspoken one you’ve just mentioned. The sooner we give up, the better. Illegal immigration is not just here to stay, it will increase. That’s simple demographics. It’s fact.

      I’m not suggesting anyone should rejoice. That’s up to each one of us. But we can at least come to terms with it.

  44. Plutarch says:

    It has now been established in no uncertain way that Hitler was suffering from severe mental problems as early as the First World War, and yet he managed to mesmerise and manipulate millions because he found fertile ground, namely the political chaos, abject poverty and utter humiliation prevailing in Germany after WW1.

    Lowell & Co will remain harmless nutcases as long as their patch of fertile ground does not grow larger.

    This is not about democracy. This is about the preservation of the social order and harmony as we know it.

    Society as represented by political leaders must regard this festering disease (Imperium Europa) as a threat to its own well-being.

    There are other sane and democratic ways of dealing with the immigration problems. No room for complacency here.

  45. Mario Tabone says:

    Norman Lowell was caught trying to defraud the bank where he worked out of around Lm1 million. I presume therefore that he did not succeed to transfer the money from the bank

  46. bugarrun says:

    Fuckin mindless where are we going to put all those immigrants in your home’s you fool people wake up. We defended Europe from the Turks and now a silent invasion is coming directly upon us! you all should be mentally mind fuck and brain washed to favor this diabolic event of our nation you pricks.

    [Daphne – You make a truly wonderful advertisement for Imperium Europa. Maybe that’s what passes for pillow talk with Arlette Baldacchino, but most other women are repulsed.]

  47. kompz says:

    Although I don’t have a severe disability, my congenital kidney failure meant that for almost 19 years, and even now post-transplant, I have been using funds provided by the tax payer.

    Does that mean that if it were up to this menace I would have been aborted? I bloody well hope not. Although I do agree with abortion, to a certain extent, I think it should be completely down to the parents’ decision and not anyone else’s.

    [Daphne – So it would have been all right if your parents had aborted you of their own free will and not after being forced to do so by Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino?]

    Anyone who supports this man’s views needs serious help. Also do they even realise that if we were to breed among ourselves alone we’d end up with severely disabled people?

    Procreating with outsiders only gives us a vaster gene pool, which in most cases puts the human race at an advantage.

    • Chris M says:

      I agree with abortion to a certain degree too.

      At the very least it should be allowed in cases where a woman has been raped or where the baby is showing signs of disability.

      Not forced, but as a free choice as you said.

      So there you have it, I don’t agree with everything Norman Lowell says.

      [Daphne – I don’t want this to turn into a debate on abortion, because this is about Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino and not about abortion. BUT I’ll just say this: the only possible objection to abortion is based on the premiss of the intrinsic and inalienable right to life of the foetus. If that right is intrinsic and inalienable, it is not forfeited either because of the manner of conception or formative deficiency of the foetus itself. Using your tenuous logic (only deficient foetuses and those conceived through rape may be killed), it would be legally and morally permissible to kill disabled children or those children who are inconvenient to their mothers.]

      • David says:

        I disagree completely with abortion and therefore support your argument on disabled children. Lowell’s arguments are not new and date back to the times of the Spartans.

        However it must also be stated that unfortunately in many European countries, deformity and rape are among the reasons allowed for committing a legal abortion and sometime in the future we would hear more on such arguments from pro-abortionists.

    • kompz says:

      Unfortunately that is neither here nor there. Either way, I do not know the answer to that one myself, I’m afraid!

  48. Raymond Ambrogio says:

    “Il-mara għandha dritt tagħżel dwar l-abort” – Martin Schulz

  49. Raymond Ambrogio says:

    “Il-mara għandha dritt tagħżel dwar l-abort” – Martin Schulz

    Fl-2013 fir-raba u l-aħħar mandat ta’ Jean Claude Juncker bhala Prim Ministru ta’ l-Lussemburgo illegalizza l-abort.

    Mela ghax Norman Lowell qed jaqsam il-hsibijiet tieghu dwar l-abort huwa skandlu.

    Jien kburi li ivvutajt lil Norman Lowell kull elezzjoni tal-MEP.

    Ahjar inkun insultat bi kliem idjota jew zibblu milli nkun insultat bil kelma traditur.

    Nispicca billi nghid:

    It takes one to recognize one.

  50. Nana says:

    Disabled children should be loved all the more, and cared for more. We do have a disabled child in the family and we love him dearly.

    The people who voted for this maniac Lowell are either idiotic or utterly heartless. I ask them: if you had a disabled child in the family, would you allow Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino to kill her? Very disgusting.

  51. xmun says:

    If I recall well, the magistrate at the time had spoken something on these lines – “I am morally convinced that you are guilty of the charges that have been brought against you but my hands are tied and I have to follow the law and let you go free”.

  52. hayley says:

    I know i’ll get a lot of hate from this comment but I need to say it I voted pl that’s in my blood and I m not changing however I do admire you mrs daphne caruana galizia , you do speak truth!

  53. Norman Lowell is a complete failure in his persona, political, social and professional life. He has been pushing and promoting his ideas for donkey’s years and, 7,000 votes notwithstanding, has remained on the fringe.

  54. not impressed says:

    Who gets to decide what disabilities actually are ‘acceptable’ or not in society?

    Who gets to decide what parameters are allowed when setting IQ tests (I’m guessing that IQ tests will be used to determine mental ability)?

    What are the consequential health issues for the thousands of pregnant woman who will refuse to go for the regular visits for fear of being told their prodigy is less than perfect in the eyes of a manic few?

    Have those stupid enough to have given their vote to these psychopathic lunatics not realised that their own IQ would label them as being mentally defective?

  55. IHateJEWS says:

    Antoine is an intelligent individual . . he is not a freak !!
    watch how you speak about people…and you look like a bigger freak just saying..face and all hah.

    • mf says:

      This IP should be reported.

      • David says:

        Why? He may hate Jews, Muslims, women or dogs however he has a right to his views in a liberal society. I do not hate Jews or anyone else for thay matter. However the views of MF remind me of the attitude of Stalin towards Trotsky.

    • Painter says:

      Shalom friend. You seem to be an escapee of a mental asylum. Please return there and take these three dolts while you’re at it, thus doing humanity a favor.

  56. 123 says:

    Well, I too ‘knew’ Antoine Galea briefly 10 or so years ago, when he already held those views – but I would have thought he would have grown up by now.

    I got into many arguments with him and remember a so-called ‘hate list’ he marked on the Junior College walls.

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