Ah, that’s better

Published: May 19, 2014 at 12:09pm


The President at an engagement some days ago: black pumps with a heel, stockings, a shift dress and jacket. She could have done with a silk scarf in a strong colour to lift the black, but this is so much better than a crumpled white trouser suit and hooker heels with open toes.

32 Comments Comment

  1. bored says:

    Much better, although she should stop having nail extensions especially the ‘French manicure’ style. She should switch to having a regular manicure and stick to her natural nails or at best, have the extensions in a neutral shade.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    Train for balance on the instep.

  3. ciccio says:

    Daphne, your website is making a difference.

  4. G says:

    I just hope those are unusually pale fingernails and not white nail polish.

  5. Bob says:

    The thing is that if these people listen to the right people they might manage to pass it off.

  6. Twanny borg says:

    Veru tidher eleganti u sabiha. Ghalhekk tajba l-kritika.

    • AE says:

      “Sabiha” may be pushing it. But to her credit she is listening to criticism. Daphne, she should appoint you as her consultant.

      [Daphne – Gordon Refalo and I would make a fine team, but I’d say he’s more than capable of helping out with the rest (not the clothes, but there’s so much more to it than that) and not just as spiritual adviser.]

  7. C C says:

    Maybe unlike others she is willing to look better and appropriate

  8. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Always better, much better, than a former lady President who had complained that she was being kept so busy as an MLP Minister that she was not finding time to change her underwear.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Her washing machine was in Gozo

    • Spock says:

      Do you remember that too ?! If I’m not mistaken she said that to taunt Gozitan secondary school teachers about being lazy – and this was when their students were getting some of the best O level results from all the government schools in Malta . When one of the teachers whispered a comment to one of his colleagues that now he knew the source of the pong he was smelling , she overheard him and went absolutely ballistic , using language a fishwife would be ashamed of . Heqq those were the days – the Golden Years .

  9. Salvu says:

    Daphne, this is precisely what I like most in your blog.

    Your criticism can be both negative and positive. So when you note an improvement, you make it a point to include it in your blog as well.

  10. bob-a-job says:

    ‘She could have done with a silk scarf in a strong colour to lift the black,’

    Lime green, bright orange or Italian pink come to mind and would have looked nice and given focus to the figure (as in figurehead not shape), still it is an improvement.

    • Marie says:

      Actually i dislike the thought of a coloured scarf. I like this sobriety….or else turquoise (or similar) through and through.


  11. anthony says:

    She is just beginning to look like the real McCoy.

    If she follows this blog more assiduously she might even start behaving like one.

  12. Mrs M says:

    What an improvement, this is a look that suits the president and makes her look elegant. She also has good legs so no need to hide them under trousers.

  13. Toni tat-Trukk says:

    Agatha Barbara used to wear something like that in her time. Maybe the new president found it tucked away in some senduq at the new Hyde Park.

    Daphne, I’m surpised that you actually commented positively about that outfit.

    It’s springtime for heaven’s sake!

    [Daphne – That’s why I said she needs a coloured scarf. It’s a good outfit, so don’t mock it. It’s actually really difficult to dress that height and shape, and age reduces our choices anyway. You can easily end up with the QEII look, if you’re not careful, and she’s skinny.]

  14. Mandy says:

    She’s now got to ditch the gel nails and white nail polish.

  15. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Ten points for listening and following good advice.

  16. Linda Kveen says:

    She looks so much better. This is a look that is appropriate for the occasion and flattering to her body type.

    The dress and jacket combo are slimming and elegant and the right length.

    The pearl jewelery is a nice, classic touch. You can’t go wrong with pearls.

    The black pumps look good and flatter her legs. I have to agree, the President does have nice legs. She is on the right track.

  17. observer says:

    Bil-Malti nistghu nghidu “liebsa ta’ persuna pulita”.

  18. chully says:

    The string of pearls is of the wrong length. It is neither here nor there.

  19. Natalie says:

    Ahh! That’s much better. She looks very elegant.

  20. caroline says:

    Thank you Madam President for listening to us lesser mortals.The outfit, shoes and even the hair are better.Know please take off the nails and let your own grow and a soft colour will look so much better. Well done

  21. Tabatha White says:

    Perhaps someone can now ask Mr Preca to get a new pair of shoes and drop the gummisohlen.

  22. Rover says:

    Much better. Shame about Kermit in the very short dress on the right.

  23. Persil says:

    Mr.Preca looks impeccable. A very nice companion. I can see that the change is already there. Give her some some time until she settles down.

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