CAPTION COMPETITION – PM to Cyrus: “Is that a pen-drive in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?”

Published: May 10, 2014 at 11:41pm

muscat engerer

The caption in the heading came from Pablo. Please send in your captions below, bearing in mind that this is not an X-rated website.

34 Comments Comment

  1. moi says:

    “Cyrus, iltlaqli l-bajd. Deborah se tibda tahseb hazin.”

  2. carlos bonavia says:

    “No tongues.”

  3. ciccio says:

    “I think one of your balls of steel just landed on my foot.”

  4. Ganni Xewki says:

    Nuxellina (alias Rosianne Cutajar, Qormi MLP mayor): “Dak kif Joseph jhobb lil Cyrus u lejja qatt ma jhares?”

  5. Philip says:

    What’s the plural of Judas?

    • Gahan says:

      Yes, I can spot two Judases hugging in the picture while other Judases watch enviously.

      Backstabbing while smiling has become the preferred pastime in Labour circles.

  6. Arturo Mercieca says:

    I think that the timing of the Court of Appeal’s decision is suspect, and I don’t mean in terms of the court itself. It would have been fairly easy for Cyrus Engerer to request a deferral at this stage, especially now that he is in the middle of an electoral campaign. I am sure that such a request would have been acceded to.

    This scenario begs the question: did the PL and Engerer deliberately manoeuvre to have judgment given at this point in time in order to get maximum mileage out of the anticipated acquittal ?

    If this is the case, the PL’s strategy went spectacularly awry and an own goal was scored.

  7. kev says:

    I happen to know what’s on Nuxxelina’s mind.

    [Daphne – Is that a caption or a statement, Kevin.]

  8. El Mundo says:

    “Jo, missek tirrangali ghall-Eurovision. Tini cans halli tikbirli l-lehja.”

  9. Rumplestiltskin says:

    “I may share your values, but, please, that’s all I want to share.”

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    JM: “Mank nehles minn dawn tal-ex PN ghax issa dejquli l-bajd.”

  11. Spock says:

    “Must remind him to brush his teeth more often.”

  12. El Mundo says:

    Cyrus: “Issa wara hawn ejja mieghi sal-bar tad-daddy ha npejpu wiehed flimkien u nurik zewg ritratti interessanti.”

  13. Mr Meritocracy says:

    “Jiena nemmen f’Cyrus ghax Cyrus jemmen fija.”

  14. Mark Busuttil says:

    Cyrus: “Smajt li Michelle waqat ghan-nejk regat dil-gimgha flis-speech li taghat il-Girgenti waqt fashion show hemmhekk.”

  15. Matthew S says:

    Muscat: “Will this photograph be used against me?”

  16. kev says:

    “Mmmmm mmm mmm…”

    “Għidtlek, promise mhux se nerġa nigdimlek ilsienek.”

  17. Weird no ? says:

    “F’gieh kemm hemm Cyrus. Ghax il-mara msiefra ma jfissirx li tista taqbez fuqi hawn fil-berah.”

  18. Oh yeah says:

    “Cyrus, mhux hawn quddiem in-nies.”

  19. Joe Micallef says:

    Muscat: “I must keep a straight face – this can’t last long. I hope.”

  20. Habib intimu Ta' Gowzef says:

    Cyrus: “One wrong move and I’ll release those recordings.”

  21. albo says:

    “Hold me, daddy.”

  22. Joe Micallef says:

    PM: Is that a pen-drive in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?

    Cyrus: No it’s your autobiography. I keep it close to my heart

  23. MoBi says:

    “Oh my god, I’ve never been so close to one of these people before. I hope it’s not contagious.”

    Looking at his body language, I’m pretty sure I’m not wide off the mark. Besides, we all know that the whole Labour Party is secretly homophobic.

    • bob-a-job says:

      You are perfectly right. I noticed the body language the minute I saw that photograph.

      Photos like that were only taken during the plague.

  24. bob-a-job says:

    “If I say you have a beautiful body will you hold it against me?”

    • l-ghoqda says:

      Cyrus: “Bhalissa Michelle qeghda Catania ma’ Elena. Now’s our chance for a Girgenti sleepover. Don’t say no, because I’ve got a tape.”

  25. gorg says:

    ‘Ha nghin lil partit b’ruhi u b’gismi; aktar b’gismi milli b’ruhi’.

  26. bob-a-job says:

    “Now to conclude this momentous evening with the twining of our forked tongues.”

  27. rose says:

    Is that another Ice block back there?

  28. verita says:

    Cyrus: “This won’t hurt.”

  29. emax says:

    Cyrus: “Ghal xejn nibqaw nahbu! Busni issa, u wara l-meeting inhallik tilghab bis-suldat tal-azzar.”

  30. Ta'sapienza says:

    “Kiss me, Hardy.”

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