Labour’s new billboard boy gets a job in the Office of the Prime Minister – and boasts about it on Facebook

Published: May 10, 2014 at 6:18pm

Carden Mizzi, a man whose trade is decorating cars (what use can there possibly be for him in the Office of the Prime Minister), has been given a job in the Office of the Prime Minister just days after featuring in the Labour Party’s ‘charge the vote – positive energy’ campaign.

Carden’s father is GWU and Union Press diehard Ray Mizzi.

Carden Mizzi 1

Carden Mizzi 2

Carden Mizzi 3

Carden Mizzi 4

Carden Mizzi 5

Carden Mizzi 6

Carden Mizzi 7

Carden Mizzi 8

Carden Mizzi 9

30 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    He says he is in the “Secretariat for Planning and Development”. May I ask what planning? What development?

  2. The Observer says:

    How sweet, am now waiting to hear about Mr Engerer’s next iced bun.

    Am I wrong in thinking that civil servants should resign upon being served a court sentence? And if so, and IF Mr Engerer resigns (unless his is a political appointment with the full support of the PM and the LP) will he be served a larger iced bun, which the rest of us have to fork out from our taxes?

  3. Edward says:

    When politics and religion meet, there is always hell to pay.

    We can see this in just about every case where it has happened. If you build your political ideology around a certain set of religious beliefs, you have far more power than any secular politician would, especially when you have created that religion and its perameters yourself.

    You can decide what is and what isn’t a “sin” and tailor your campaign accordingly. In this case Muscat is using the think positive religion that pyramid schemers use as the basis for his political career.

    When used in the context of a pyramid scheme, it stops anyone experiencing the inevitable crash from speaking up. So when they realise that they aren’t making the money they were promised, they are afraid to say anything because the group believes that saying something negative will threaten their entire prosperity.

    If you’ve created a religion based on the power of positive thinking, pointing out flaws and missed targets makes you a threat to the whole system.

    I think it s something like the natural perameters we impose on ourselves and how breaking them make us feel guilty. For example, there is nothing wrong with eating a slice of chocolate cake, but then if we put ourselves on a diet and we see a chocolate cake in front of us and give in to the temptation, we feel guilty that we have broken our diet. The guilt in a way is backed up by the science involved in losing weight: chocolate cake means not losing weight. As the good old saying goes “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”.

    The difference, however, between that example and what Muscat seems to be using is that the diet perimeters are actually backed up by science. With the think positive religion, there is no science, just a belief that if you think positive the universe will re-arrange itself to give you what you want. That’s not science, that’s stupid. And no, there is no science to back that up. If you live in a finite world, claiming that your abundance is infinite makes you extremely foolish.

    Really, the PN should be attacking that religion, and dare I say that the Church should step in too and remind people that nothing is forever. As much as I disagree with the Church on many issues, there is a place for it in the world, and combatting religions that promote such ridiculous ideologies should be a priority. Although I am the first to admit that perhaps it is not in the best position to do so.

    Politics should be firmly grounded in the reality. Regardless of what your religion says, even if it is the think positive religion, we should not be forced into taking on its beliefs to judge our politicians. The facts and figures are what actually matter because no amount of positive energy, or prayer, is going to put food on the table.

    No politician gets kudos for standing up in front of the unemployed and starving and says that he prays for everyone every day. Likewise, Muscat deserves no such support for saying that he thinks positive. He may well want to think positive, whatever works for him is fine. However forcing us all to judge him based on the values of his own religion is unfair and undemocratic, especially when he is the one who dictates what is and what isn’t a sin.

    He has managed to take control of our yardstick and tells us what is and what isn’t allowed. How undemocratic.

    The stupidity of his religion is plain for us all to see. A load of hype for a 2c reduction- and how dare you comment on the insignificance of it. If there is hype you must go along with it or else you are a threat to its success. Some small rise in stipend, and you’d better not be cynical about it. And now this issue with Cyrus just goes to show what sort of control he has over his followers.

    Even the most desperate can only agree that giving the PL another chance has been the biggest mistake of their lives. Even those who so desperately and passionately believed that we needed a change can’t deny how futile it is to have let Labour have another crack at the whip.

    Let’s hope that it doesn’t go too far. Let’s hope that at some point the reality will sweep across the nation blowing the smoke screen away and people realise the importance of dealing with hard facts and not madness.

    Politics should be secular for a reason.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      My dear Edward, nothing is ever secular in Malta.

      • Edward says:

        This is true, or at least has been true for as long as the Church has been in Malta.

        However, it is something we should try our best to move towards for exactly this reason.

        Positive energy my foot!

      • Joe Fenech says:

        The Church groomed the nation and the parties reaped the benefits.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I think you should specify which church it is you’re talking about. I suppose you mean Catholic. The other churches never had a problem with secular politics.

        What this country needs is more non-Catholic, Christian politicians. Our “atheist” politicians just don’t cut it.

      • Edward says:

        In Malta’s case, it is always the Catholic Church.

  4. Cikku says:

    L-istess glekk jilbes…donnu wahda biss ghandu!

    Mur obsor ghalfejn gie impjegat.


  5. Alexander Ball says:

    This is the same website that had PL adverts on reflection day last year.

  6. back to the 80s says:

    Perhaps Carden has been engaged at the OPM to pimp Joseph’s ride.

  7. The Shadow says:

    Ray Mizzi was deputy mayor of Pembroke local council some years ago.

  8. gorg says:

    Is Carden his real name?

  9. Gee Dee says:

    Imma kif ma jafux jisthu dawn in-nies u jiftahru b’dawn Il-kummidji fuq FB!

  10. michael seychell says:

    Another bun from our taxes

  11. boo il-labour says:

    Why are we even a democracy anymore? At this rate we will be a third world country.

  12. Socrates says:

    ‘I’m in’ – depends where.

  13. Rumplestiltskin says:

    One thing that Labour are sure good at is squandering our tax euros on jobs for ‘tal-qalba.’

  14. Jozef says:

    Pimping a Bentley isn’t art, Carden. Being appointed by Crewe to create the shooting brake is.

    These kids have no idea who’s holding them back. The fact they’re grateful for it is tragic.

  15. anthony says:

    Secretariat for Planning and Development.

    What planning and what development?

    What a disastrous farce.

    Those Maltese, with a brain, who voted for this are guilty of high treason.

  16. Kevin says:

    How long can this keep going on? When will the system implode?

  17. Gaetano Pace says:

    Ghal li jista jkun u xejn izjed. Mhux ser jibdew jaghmlu it-tberfila fuq il-karozzi ta- Ministri hux?

  18. claude says:

    Did you hear Daphne, the Junior Eurovision is going to be held at the Malta Shipbuilding. The aim is to instill in young Europeans the values and work ethics that made this place the great venture it was.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Le le ma nichdek qatt ja art twelidi
      Kull fejn immur niftahar bil-helsien
      U jekk xi hadd ikasbrek hu pjacir
      Ride me, ride me,
      Come on boys come on girls,
      Till the concrete angel falls.

      Tajjeb hekk?

  19. U Le! says:

    Maybe he is going to give an exterior upgrade to the Alfa to make it look like a brand new model. Like painting it a fluorescent orange to make it more visible under the flashing lights of accompanying police cars and we mere mortals can make way for his highness.

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