The man chosen for the government’s ‘flusek lura’ billboard campaign is one of those calling drowned immigrants ‘zibel’ on Facebook

Published: June 12, 2014 at 8:25pm

This is Carmelo Ellul Grima, the man in the government’s publicity campaign and also the man saying on Facebook that there’s no need to report the drowning of immigrants because they’re trash (‘zibel’).

Oh, and he also wants them to eff off because Malta Taghna Lkoll.


carmelo ellul grima

carmelo ellul grima

9 Comments Comment

  1. D says:

    Tghid min hu tassew iz-zibel, hu jew huma?

  2. Dott Abjad says:

    Sur Carmelo Ellul Grima, jien mejjet biex ninzertak fit-triq jew x’imkien halli nghidlek jien min huwa zibel!

  3. Jozef says:

    Keep them coming.

  4. Foggy says:

    Another manifestation of a modern, progressive and liberal movement bringing European values to the people of Malta.

  5. TinaB says:

    Sur Ellul Grima qabel tghajjar lil bnedmin zibel ahjar tmur titghallem tikteb il-Malti. Imbasta taparsi patrijot.


    “il klandestini LI qighedin jithlu bid dajjes jigu it testjati min habba MARD??? MINISTRU TAS SHHA QUM MIN HEMM fgieh Alla……”

  6. Rita Camilleri says:

    I am not an aggressive person, but a person like this brings out the worst in me. I hope this guy is not one of those who makes it a point to be seen at a Sunday mass going up to receive Holy Communion. Hypocrites.

  7. Xejn Sew says:

    I wonder what the US Ambassador to Malta, who seems to be so taken with the Taghna Lkoll brigade, makes of these examples of progressivi u moderati.

  8. francesca says:

    I have more respect for these immigrants than I have for this government. What an uneducated immoral lot.

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