Oh how nice. A brown suit. With a flowered tie.

Published: June 6, 2014 at 10:07am

Manuel Mallia brown suit

Police and Army Minister Manuel Mallia, already a terribly unprepossessing chap, turned up to the EU’s Justice and Home Affairs council meeting yesterday wearing a brown suit with a shiny flowered tie.

The press photographs do not allow us to see his shoes, which I suppose is fortunate.

53 Comments Comment

  1. Rita Camilleri says:

    What an imposing figure, Alla jbierek.

  2. A.Attard says:

    Biex ikun iktar qisu harja

  3. Kevin says:

    A man talking to a hobbit.

  4. Ivan says:

    That must be the first Faberge egg made in brown crepe.

  5. manum says:

    Was he invited for the free wine and pizza afterwards? You can tell he’s already thinking of scoffing the lot.

  6. N.Z. says:

    Can we drum up a petition and get enough signatures to make them wear a uniform?

  7. wacko says:

    At least the jacket is not buttoned… if it bursts, he could kill the poor guy in front of him.

  8. observer says:

    “Yes, that’s right. In 10 litre jerrycans – stacked on a child’s pushchair, of course”.

    “Yes, sure the pizza keeps hot. The police cars have their sirens on – all the way to the customer who ordered them”.

  9. Gahan says:

    Isma’, ma naqsitx xi biċċa damask daqs l-ingravata tal-ministru minn xi knisja hux?

    Xi dwejjaq iqabbduni in-nies matnazzi meta jippuppaw zaqqhom jew sidirom li prattikament qisom l-istess ħaġa.

  10. Alexander Ball says:

    How rude of him to sit down in the middle of a conversation.

  11. canon says:

    The EU’s Justice and Home Affairs council meets approximately every other month.

  12. ghost buster says:

    Since when has the prime minister’s wife become the first lady?


  13. Dorian says:

    He looks like my great-aunt’s armchair.

  14. Barney says:

    Hemm pied differenza fit-tull u mijja fil-hsieb.

  15. M. Borg says:

    Not only does he behave like one. He’s also dressed like one.

  16. ken il malti says:

    With Mallia’s dumpy figure it would not matter what colour suit he had on.

    Although he might look slightly better if he wore a pink suit with large white polka-dots, with a red carnation in his lapel.

  17. Botom says:

    His Romanian wife who called us ‘injuranti’ on Facebook isn’t even capable of making sure her sugar-daddy leaves the house and country properly dressed for the occasion.

    Mrs Mallia, one bit of advice: burn his brown suits and while you’re at it, tie that horrid neck-tie up in knots and give it to a stray dog to chew.

  18. edgar says:

    Tan-nylon minghand Tal-Lira.

    • ken il malti says:

      I thought it was made from worsted Romanian tweed and dyed in a slurry of fresh cow manure and slaked lime?

  19. H.P. Baxxter says:

    At least it wasn’t a brown shirt.

    See what I’ve done there.

  20. Jozef says:


    I suppose the next step is to jail him right? The question here isn’t whether deducing is breach of privilege, but why the deduction made caused Muscat the hissiest of fits.

    If I deduce the same, the day the prime minister takes on Farrugia Sacco’s legalistic defence against anything decent, do I get to be questioned by these new boys on the block?

  21. nmic says:

    What is your email address, please?

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  22. Socrates says:

    This ‘minister’ will surely be greatly responsible for Joseph Muscat’s downfall in a few years time: even PL supporters hate his way of saying and doing things.

    By now, Mallia should have suspended on half pay Silvio Scerri just for what the latter has allegedly said most recently about Norman Vella and the way he treated others before the incident with Norman Vella.

    He’s definitely not the right man to represent us abroad.

  23. Maradona says:

    Perhaps his Romanian wife is his fashion advisor. Remember she is not an injuranta like the rest of us.

  24. helen says:

    At least the buttons are undone. Thank God for small mercies.

  25. vittorio says:

    Tghid iddubbaha minghand il-Bortex? Il-vera ghammilhom reklam sabih.

  26. nutmeg says:

    More liberal habits by our Minister for National Security, as revealed by The Guardian this morning. A Government that Eavesdrops.

  27. Purveyor says:

    Just when I thought my terrible day was done and out with, I stumble across this picture which instills my long lost saying ‘life is a comedy, laugh at it’. Thank you, Mr. Mallia!

  28. Joanna says:

    My husband’s reaction to the pic: “Il-l** qisu bott h?$a “. Somebody please flush him.

  29. bob-a-job says:

    That’s what one gets when reverse engineering a kiss to a prince.

    Funnily enough the Brown Toad’s Latin name is Bufo bufo. (‘bufo’ means ‘toad’ in Latin.)

    Please note that it’s one ‘f’ not two so let’s not speculate further.

  30. Timon of Athens says:

    Propju qisu bajda iebsa li hdaret.

  31. silvio farrugia says:

    How embarrassing for Malta: a fat, short guy with a suit like that. X’misthija.

  32. Joe Fenech says:

    He’s simply showing his true colours!

  33. anthony says:

    If only our politicians and their wives could peruse the thousands of pictures taken in Normandy today.

    Maybe they will one day learn some dress sense.

    I do not expect the wives to wear Queen Victoria’s fringe brooch like the queen since no one in Malta can afford it.

    Maltese ladies are often heard saying: L-Inglizi ma jafux jilbsu. Just have a look at a picture of Sam Cameron at Sword Beach.

    Unless you are a downright idiot you cannot help but saying: “Wow”.

  34. Joe Fenech says:

    He reminds me of Mr Toad from ‘The Wind in the Willows’


  35. Roy says:

    Is that suit from army surplus?

    I think the Americans had that kind of tent for D-Day.

  36. Rover says:

    Is there a job opening for an EU mascot?

  37. aidan says:

    “Telghatli Carmela fil-lotterija tal-iskejjel tal-knisja, ta – anzi lahhaqt nigi hawn ghax tghidx kemm domt nistenna fil-kju biex niccekja”.

  38. La Redoute says:

    Be specific: a shiny purple tie heavily decorated with gold flowers.

    What does Baxxter have to say on this particular sartorial horror?

  39. Spock says:

    Would he be Tweedledum or Tweedledee?

  40. Connor Attard says:

    I’ve always ascribed brown suits to detectives. Maybe he fancies himself as one, who taps into live calls in search of his next victim – which isn’t limited to suspected criminals, but tradituri u xewwiexa too.

  41. Tabatha White says:

    From the unwritten rules:

    “Never trust a man in a brown suit…”

    No need to guess whether his on-looker is au courant.


    How encouraging for Malta Fashion Week…

    From jabot reminiscent frills for the ladies to floral ties in hitherto unseen combination….

    Triple gaudy. Is this the ultimate Romanian turn-on?

    Please put a lid on it.


    Quite a case study demanded as to what lurks beneath the veneer – or lack thereof – of a short and ugly criminal lawyer with imperfect vision from Malta’s marshlands.

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