Caption competition for this new Department of Information release

Published: July 12, 2014 at 8:00pm


26 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Slow down on that botox, Jeffrey. You can hardly smile.

  2. Carmel Said says:

    “What nice teeth you have. Who’s your dentist?”

  3. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    “U int, allura, x’int, proprjament? Nazzjonalist, Lejburist, Egoist? X’tip ta’ -ist, istra?”

  4. Mark Vella says:

    “Jeff, smajt li t-tieni mara telqitek ukoll.”

  5. A. Charles says:

    “Madam, who is your dentist? You have a Hollywood smile.”

  6. Tabatha White says:

    There are pearls and pearls. These are very boring and mediocre. I thought that before, thought about holding in the comment and letting her fudge along in that mediocrity but really, again, little things make a big difference.

    Is that a ring on her index?

  7. bob-a-job says:

    “A bit to the left, Marie Louise. No, no, right, higher, higher, almost there now, yes, yes.

    Shit – you’re wearing socks.”

  8. Gahan says:

    Kemm ħeles minna tajjeb, Joseph!

  9. Chris says:

    Her Excellency: “Dear God, what’s that growing on his nose? Never mind, keep smiling, keep smiling.” (Grits teeth) “Keep smiling”

  10. Grezz says:

    A signet ring on the little finger of his left hand. Did he buy it for himself? Or is it a gift from Lara Boffa?

  11. Erasmus says:

    “Ilek ma tmur s’għand is-Serkin?”

  12. Another Three Years And Carmen Can Divorce Me Too says:

    “Gibtlek wiehed tal-pizelli minghand is-Serkin, Marie Louise. Imma daqsxejn mghaffeg ghax ilu fil-but mil-hamsa ta’ filghodu.”

  13. M says:

    “I’m sorry about this, ma’am, but my pocket dog is distractingly active right now in my…errr…pocket.”

  14. Min Jaf says:

    MLC + JPO = 0

  15. observer says:

    “You’ve been naughty again, haven’t you. Tut, tut, don’t say ‘no’ because it shows. I can see it from your shiny noise”.

  16. A montebello says:

    “I’ve been photoshopped to within an inch of my life. What’s your excuse, Jeff?”

  17. Joe Fenech says:

    “Mulej, issa li ltqajt mieghek nista’ nikkancella iz-zjara li kelli naghmel lill-Papa.”

  18. H.P. Baxxter says:

    MCST. Malta Council for Sycophants and Twats.

  19. Hot Stuff says:

    “Hi baby! Smajt li int tghidx kemm kont tigri ma’ l-irgiel mizzewgin. Jien kont mizzewweg darbtejn. Xi tghid, eh?”

  20. Mike says:

    “No, Jeffrey. You have had far too much Earl Grey already.”

  21. Alexander Ball says:

    “That’s not the pearl necklace I had in mind”

  22. Malta ta' Pacciani says:

    “Jeffrey, when you get married for the third time, you and Lara Boffa can film your pre-wedding video in the palace garden in exchange for a small donation to the Community Chest Fund. If you get married for the fourth time and I’m still here, it’s free.”

  23. nitpicker says:

    “You are supposed to cross your fingers like this, because in Western culture slipping the right finger into the left hand means only one thing.”

  24. Rosie says:

    “When I get married for the third time, I want a wedding just like your inauguration ceremony, Ma’am.”

  25. A Chihuahua Called Chu says:

    “My God, have you seen the state of the prime minister’s teeth?”

    “I only do his botox, ma’am. I’m not actually his dentist.”

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