Well, at least he wasn’t brawling alongside Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, this time

Published: July 22, 2014 at 10:44pm
The Law Commissioner - drinking steadily at Hugo's Terrace at 5am on Sunday

The Law Commissioner – drinking steadily at Hugo’s Terrace at 5am on Sunday

From a member of my international worldwide network of spies: the Law Commissioner was spotted rather the worse for wear at Hugo’s Terrace in Paceville at 5am on Sunday.

And it wasn’t because he rose at the crack of dawn with his cock collection and went there for his tazza te u pastizz.

It was because he’d been knocking it back through the early hours on his Saturday Nite.

The Law Commissioner should take Judge Wenzu with him next time. He’s a real barrel of laughs and a girl-magnet who’ll light up Hugo’s Terrace.

And unlike the dentist from Wied is-Sewda, he’s unlikely to get into a brawl with somebody his children’s age.

9 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    When a man is still out drinking at 5 o’clock in the morning, we all know what that means.

  2. ken il malti says:

    He will eventually get his wallet stolen by someone wearing Bermuda shorts.

  3. anthony says:

    When I was his age, at 5am on Sunday mornings I got out of bed to contribute my small part to the housework that a family of seven entailed.

    • observer says:

      Franco Debono doesn’t have a family, and dusting his cock collection is no pressing reason to get up at dawn on Sunday.

  4. bun-seeker says:

    He will certainly be in good company when/if he is made a judge. What a pity our judicial system has gone to the dogs.

  5. Pablo says:

    He was not alone. He was there with his ego and his magical smart-phone. His ego, now sedated by the public payroll, paid for the drinks and tried to get back into the race.

  6. Francis Said says:

    If I were a gambler, which I am not. I would bet that Dr. Debono would refuse at this stage to be appointed Judge. Purely for monetary reasons.

    He has made a name for himself as a criminal defence lawyer, the moment he started his antics in Dr. Gonzi’s Government (oh how I miss those ” bad ” old times), added to his salary and perks thanks to the Malta Taghna Lkoll – big joke government.

    Kindly note, that I referred to Dr. Gonzi’s term with a capiral G, whilst this great con of a term with a small g. Reasons – dictatorial, mismanagement particularly of public funds galore, appointment of people without the minimum of qualifications, expertise or experience ( apologies, the majority graduated at the University of Super One TV and radio ), PL’s employment agency – forget ETC, employing wives, friends, relatives and business associates for other prestigious jobs. But the best as they say comes at the end. No publication of contracts in which Henley & Partners will be earning millions in fees and estate agency fees, part privatisation of Enemalta, and the gagging of the GWU, the workers’ union! Ha!

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