Any chance of a comment from Meritocracy Frendo?

Published: October 31, 2014 at 12:59am


Ramona Frendo

In this news report published in Malta Today, Bortex says that it has been subcontracting work to Leisure Clothing “for the last 15 to 20 years”. Given that the report was published seven years ago, Bortex has been subcontracting to Leisure Clothing right from the outset of the latter’s operations.

Perhaps David Thake should ring Ramona Frendo again and this time ask her what it feels like for a member of the Malta government’s Justice Reform Commission, and current member of its Law Reform Commission, to find out she has been living, unwittingly, off the proceeds of indentured slavery for years.

And I said ‘unwittingly’ to be charitable.

28 Comments Comment

  1. Madoff says:

    Perhaps one should also phone Alfred Sant and Leo Brincat. Both worked for Bortex when in opposition if I am not mistaken.

  2. Madoff says:

    Oops…..and also Lino Spiteri.

  3. Natalie Mallett says:

    The last sentence gives it away. They must have known that they were being paid peanuts otherwise why mention the deduction for the cost of lodging specifically?

    We have trusted economists to run our lives for far too long. Money has become the only god they worship and unless one has plenty of it, there is not much room for him in society.

    Perhaps it’s time to change direction and realize that these money grabbers are not doing such a fine job after all and in an ideal world there should be equal and fair distribution of wealth and choose our leaders based on this principle.

    So dear Prime Minister please stop this fascination with the Chinese economy as it is now becoming frightfully dangerous. It is high time you publish all the contracts you signed with these dictators and give us our democracy and freedom back.

    You can keep the money you pocketed and pay whatever is due with whatever you have. There is no amount of money that will compensate for the democratic freedom we were all enjoying until you came to be the leader of OUR country.

  4. gaetano pace says:

    Why was the GWU not aware of the fact that Chinese exploited workers were replacing hard working, honest, decent Maltese workers? Why was Konrad Mizzi in seventh heaven dreaming of a power station in collaboration with China when the Chinese government was littering his back yard?

    No wonder the universe is so vast. It has to cater for all these dream weavers.

  5. jack says:

    That vase in the background looks suspiciously oriental

  6. AE says:

    Well if she didn’t know, her husband Peter Borg of Bortex surely did. Or if he didn’t know the details he just conveniently turned a blind eye.

    The savings he was making by subcontracting to Leisure Clothing were just too good. Shame, shame, shame.

  7. Pablo says:

    In days gone by we used shun people with no sense of decency. Nowadays our institutions are overrun with them.

    These are people with parasitical values who have nothing to offer society but who succeed because they work in groups.

    It’s like a barter system gone mad where instead of goods, they swap their souls.

  8. muddy waters says:

    A gift of a clock comes to mind

  9. Denis says:

    Get rid of the Maltese and get in Chinese slave workers instead.

    Is this the meritocratic change you were so looking forward to, Mrs Borg (Frendo)?

  10. M says:

    As soon as I read this I got a mental picture of someone standing in front of very small cages with birds trapped in each one, as if it were something one should be proud of. Now what could have brought on that image?

  11. pablo says:

    Someone in the Electrogas Conradsortium managed to obtain a MEPA permit for 33 storeys when previously he was knocked back on 32 and resubmitted an application for 23. How convenient for all concerned.

  12. La Redoute says:

    Bortex closed its production line because it was unfeasible. A company with inside knowledge of the industry must have known that Leisure Clothing’s production was only feasible because its workers are exploited.

  13. Slaveocracy says:

    David Thake should also ring Javier Zanetti and ask for his comments on how it feels being sponsored by a sweat-shop operation?

  14. gn says:

    Le, ma naqbilx li David Thake ghandu jerga jcemplilha…ghalinqas did-darba jekk icemplilha bl-appuntament; kif talbitu.

    “…ghall-gid ta’ dal-pajjiz u ghall-igid tal-poplu kollu (minbarra c-cinizi sfruttati)”.

    Taghna Lkoll.

  15. Jozef says:

    Ghax mhux lil min taf imma kemm taf bic-Ciniz.

  16. Malti ta' Veru says:

    Perhaps it is time these incidents are channelled to the EU Commission for investigation. How is an EU member allowed to get away with this sort of abuse?

  17. Jozef says:

    We forget he’s the minister responsible for work, its terms, conditions and ethic.

    Here he is, doing a radical chic. How ironic.

  18. Ta'Sapienza says:

    So have I got this right? Bortex laid off its Maltese workers, vacated the premises, and Chinese slave workers working for Leisure Clothing moved into the same factory instead of them, doing the same work for Bortext.

    Where are the unions? Where is the Employment & Training Corporation? Where is the Labour Office?

  19. Pajjiz tal-Genn says:

    I always wondered how Bortex manages to price its suits as it does. The prices are too good to be true.

    If it’s too good to be true, it probably is NOT.

    The price of a suit is cheaper than a pair of plastic boots.

    • ken il malti says:

      But plastic boots are worth every cent when you have to waddle through this pile of steaming horse manure of the Labour Party trying to absolve themselves in this Chinese slaves affair.

  20. Jozef says:

    The next film to watch.

    His last days.

    His last interview. ‘In Italia sono diventati tutti borghesi’.

    One gay man who would have found Muscat’s movement sickening.

  21. Spock says:

    Rappurtagg serju mill-“Malta Today”. Veru hrigt ta’mazetta Saviour ; credibilita incomparabbli u gurnalizmu ta’veru . Hallina trid .

  22. Joe A says:

    Mentioning meritocracy, a certain Ivan Falzon has just been appointed Mater Dei Hospital CEO. Times of Malta reported it with this headline “Ivan Falzon appointed Mater Dei CEO” as if we know who Ivan Falzon is.

    I checked his publicly available Linked In profile today to see from which highly acclaimed managerial university he has graduated. Linked In shows he has attended two schools, the Qala Primary and the Victoria Upper Secondary, which means he must have failed his Junior Lyceum exams at Year 6 and decided never to sit for another exam again.

  23. Spagu says:

    This is a sordid and squalid affair but please let’s cut the hypocrisy.

    The EU removed all levies on goods made in China and established free trade with a country where child labour, indentured labour and slavery were and still are the norm.

    This has led to China overtaking the USA as the largest economic power in the world.

    The result on Europe’s small businesses and workers has been devastating.

    The EU is fighting Chinese cheap labour by importing millions of immigrants into Europe which in turn is leading to incredible tensions in our continent. This is globalisation gone mad.

    But then in the height of the removal of levies debate Lino Spiteri then argued the case that the consumer should decide. Need I say more?

    [Daphne – That’s not what he argued when he was Labour Minister of Finance, though, and Malta was the Third-World protectionist economy par excellence.]

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