The Kohlrabi Tweets

Published: October 28, 2014 at 1:14pm

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mammaries - Copy

smuggler - Copy

sucks - Copy

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23 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    What does Luciano Busuttil do when he is not tweeting?

  2. P Shaw says:

    Excellent – these tweets make my day. Is Justyne Caruana on Twitter by any chance? She should be hilarious.

  3. A.Sammut says:


  4. Josette says:

    This seems to have become the new sport.

    And is Luciano Busuttil really that clueless?

  5. Grezz says:

    Luciano Busuttil fails to realise that as a politician he is open to scrutiny, but his interlocutors among the electorate are not.

  6. Jozef says:

    80% of respondents to Times of Malta’s latest poll want Armier to be demolished.

    Ejja, legality now.

  7. George Grech says:

    Dear Luciano, no need to force yourself and call us ‘gay people’. You can go ahead and call us pufti – after all, your comrade Cyrus found no objection to this on his FB page.

  8. Lizz says:

    Luciano complains that was left out of ‘Idea Malta’. So what exactly did he want to share or enlighten us with?

  9. Kevin says:

    The dawn of a new sport – turnip-baiting.

  10. chico says:

    Speaking of a girl with a microphone in her hand…I once walked into a bar…

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I have to admit I’ve grown quite fond of him. Stockholm Syndrome perhaps.

  12. Pajjiz Tal-Genn says:

    1) “I come from humble origins. I have loans.”

    2) “Ask gay people to start with”

    1) Rich people have loans too irrespective of their “humble origins”.

    2) Gay people have been living in peace and together in bed for as long as we all can remember. Registering their status at Law is just an extra plus for them so please don’t make it sound like they were missing out on something great.

  13. pale blue my foot! says:

    What a turnip this guy is.

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