The Police Minister and Codruta lead by example

Published: October 21, 2014 at 8:50am

His ‘mobile’ police station, unveiled with so much pomp with a priest and Codruta in tow, doesn’t have the necessary permits and authorisation.

And it’s not going to collapse like Chris Fearne’s Ebola tent because it’s one of those container things.

manuel mallia station codruta

28 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    So they have to fill one of those Enemalta forms for a temporary SMART meter, right, like the ones in Armier?

  2. Gahan says:

    Why is Minister Mizzi asking the police for the autenticity of the document he’s doubting.

    With all this internet and “investigative” journalists around one can easily find out whether Mizzi’s suspicions are real.

  3. Lizz says:

    Well it’s a mobile police station after all, so it’s supposed to move around.

    If it’s a temporary structure, then why this obsession with calling it ‘mobile’?

    And if it’s really ‘mobile’ then why doesn’t it have wheels and a towing hook?

    So typical. In Malta all illegal wooden structures are called ‘temporary’ and anything not built in stone or concrete is ‘mobile’.

    Meaningless terms to try to justify illegal development.

  4. Denis says:

    Oh well, they can always turn it into a police catering kiosk.

  5. observer says:

    X’jitnejjek Mallia – l-importanti li jippoza mal-kugin.

    Kodruta kienet hemmhekk b’kumbinazzjoni – ghaliex ghaddiet tixtri l-haxix.

  6. curious says:

    Well, first the government does not inform the US embassy of the arrival of the Libyan prime minister and other ministers. Then, when things take another turn and after a few hours of their arrival in Malta, the US ambassador meets the Libyan prime minister.

    If only we knew what happens behind the scene.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    Will MEPA get police protection if it decides to take direct action – that is, tear down – this illegal structure?

  8. Joe Fenech says:

    ‘Inauguration’ (of a mobile police station)? Have they lost their bloody mind or what?

  9. bored says:

    Codruta looks like a child. Mallia resembles/is a pig.

    Can’t he do something right for once? Just once, to give justification to him being made minister of a meaty ministry.

    Even the people he surrounds himself with are worthless – Silvio-wife-beater-don’t-you-know-who-I-am. He even had to get rid of a Labour crony of his, that good for nothing ex police commissioner Zammit who served his purpose and then was dropped like a hot potato.

    Kangaroo-Jeff Curmi, watch your back.

  10. Jozef says:

    ‘…Admiral Templeton Cotill, who took Lord Mountbatten to the informal lunch, reported that “Lord Mountbatten really enjoyed his lunch. I might add that although the food was slightly better than usual the wine was, if possible, even more undrinkable, but Lord Mountbatten surmounted that hurdle without remark”….’

    ‘….Mintoff also had a goat – “In a very recent interview for a book, which I had with Eddie Fenech Adami, it transpired that the milk being served to him with the coffee at l-Gharix was from Mintoff’s goat: ‘minn taghna dan, minn taghna’ (‘this is our own produce, our own)….’

  11. pablo says:

    The headline should read “Starsky and the Hutch without a permit”

  12. gaetano pace says:

    Tajba din. Minflok il-pulizija ghassa biex jaraw li ma tinkisirx il-ligi, issa sar ghandna pubbliku ghassa biex jara kif u meta l-pulizija ser tikser il-ligi u l-pubbliku jkollu ghazla kif kien dejjem ikollu fi zmien l-amministrazzjoni precedenti.

    Jew jidhaq jew jibki. Jaghzel liema jaghzel it-tnejn ghandhom l-istess prezz: it-tberbiq u sparpaljar tat-taxxi u flus il-poplu. Mod tal-qamel kif tistma lill-Korp tal-Pulizija, Sur Profs tax-Xehha.

  13. A. Charles says:

    It is still in pristine condition because it is rarely open and occupied by the police.

  14. Min Jaf says:

    X’trala par msielet ohra Manwel, jew dawk l-stress li gabet fuq il-fejsbuk?

  15. curious says:

    Alla jibghatha tajba. Who’s going to oversee the project?

    “It will also include the construction of visitors’ centre in the garden to encourage tourists to visit the villa.
    “This will enhance tourism to Lija, Attard and Balzan, thereby enhancing their economies,” Borg said. ”

    Tourism to Lija, Attard and Balzan? Yes, the residents are going to be ultra pleased.

  16. Nighthawk says:

    I like the CNN caption:

    “Of note: architect Renzo Piano’s parliament building, a gateway to the city, and his open-air auditorium.”

    • Nighthawk says:

      Of course this comment was deleted by the Times’ moderator.

      • Melissa says:

        I tried to explain to many people what a privilege it is to have Renzo Piano’s work in Valletta and that it will be a huge tourist attraction simply because he is the architect. But no reasoning with people who think Primark is a top London attraction :)

  17. M says:

    Leading by example, straight into the gutter:

    At one point, Mr Mizzi, who repeatedly referred to Mr Pullicino as “Georgie”, said…

    However vile this seems it is the action of a desperate man. Is this sort of name-calling action that makes him a better option of a politician?

    What comes next, boasting about the size of his member or gonads? Shame? Some people have no idea what shame is even if it hit them in the face.

    • canon says:

      Minister Konrad Mizzi told us during his press conference that work on the new power station has started. I can’t imagine how you can start a project without scheduling. Konrad Mizzi should go back to school to learn the basics.

    • Josette says:

      He has neither (member nor gonads). His wife took them with her to China.

  18. Betty says:

    This “mobile” police station is located just beside a restaurant/snack bar and right in front of the backwater of Marsascala called Il-Maghluq full of mosquitoes.

    They could have chosen somewhere more appropriate.

  19. Felix says:

    Probably it has a smart meter as well.

  20. Kapxinn says:

    Dan hu biss il-bidu, tfal.

    Skond il-pjan eklektiku hekk-straordinarju, kull ghassa f’Malta u Ghawdex se tkun fuq ir-roti ma’ tmiem il-hakma ta’ Joseph il-benjamin taghna lkoll.

    B’hekk, l-ghassa se nsibuha kullimkien.

    Taf tqum filghodu thares mit-tieqa u ssib kuntistabbli gustuz isellimlek minn metru l-boghod. Jaf jigik ir-risq u tinzerta sumprin-tin-dent. Is-sigurta kulhadd iridha.

    Kien hemm zmien meta tal-bigilla kien jigi hdejk bil-hmar. Il-kumdita kulhadd ihobbha.

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