Oh come on, Nikita – tune in to Owen Bonnici the Justice Minister instead

Published: November 5, 2014 at 2:30pm

We’re dying to know what you think of the fact that he can’t keep his fly zippered. Or would that count as conflict of interest?

So instead we are going to hear about buses.

Owen Bonnici Nikita Zammit Alamango

16 Comments Comment

  1. Changing of the guard says:

    Oh good (rubbing hands in earnest) perhaps if we are good little boys and girls he will tell us how much the public transport tickets will cost, and if we are REALLY good, then he might tell us what the new transport system will be called as well.

    I can’t wait!

  2. The Shadow says:

    Many years ago, during the short-lived Sant government, I was called to a meeting with Joe Mizzi, who was at the time Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister. His office was furnished from top to bottom, wall to wall with Chinese furniture, fixtures and fittings. Weird. An interior designer’s nightmare.

  3. Not Sandy:P says:

    Nikita Zammit Alamango was another of Owen Bonnici’s conquests. I doubt he’d dare face her on air. The potential for live revenge might prove irresistible.

  4. pablo says:

    The Spaniard Arrivera Manjanas are taking their time, according to Minister Joe Mizzi, checking the draft contract “clause by clause”.Obviously, their lawyers know the inside of the Arriva story and the track record of the crooks on the other side of the deal.

    And the Mizzi nonsense talk continues
    – Arriva went under because it was bankrupt (it was targeted and forced out)
    – The 23 milllion subsidy is half of what Arriva asked for (and its more than double what Arriva subsidy actually was);
    – Ticket prices might “go down or up” but no matter what they will be “affordable” (so if they go up Arriva was even more “affordabbli”);
    – The new service will have a soft opening (its going to be a skeleton set up in the indefinite).

    • kapxinn says:

      X’jifdal mill-partit minghajr il-veteran Mizzi Joe, pilastru li ma jista’ jigi qatt jigi sostitwit, ahseb-u-ara rikostitwit, istitwit jew jisthi ftit?

  5. qahbuMalti says:

    Daphne – put me out of my misery – how can we page from blog to blog in sequence without going back to the main page?

    [Daphne – You cannot be serious. Just go back to the main page. All other sites are like that – it’s standard. The understanding is that you would want to choose what you read and not read whatever comes up next. Then there are numbers are the bottom to allow you to go back to earlier posts in chronological sequence.]

    • Chris says:

      The numbers at the bottom are an improvement, however the next button was really handy.

      I would have preferred if you added those buttons at bottom, just below the comments.

      Don’t forget the readers that use smartphones. That extra click, or scrolling back up to the top of the page can be a nuisance.

  6. canon says:

    Who was that fellow who got a good grab of her?

  7. mf says:

    What I have been doing since the first days of this website is, first dedicate a browser just for this Commentary, namely Opera (I use Chrome for news sites only and Foxpro for whatever).

    Then open each subject in a separate tab. Better start at the very top (heading) and keep on ‘open in a new tab’ until you reach the last one read. This way they will open chronologically with the oldest on ones right.

    When I read a page I leave it at the bottom without closing it so that when re-opening Opera next time, after closing it at the ‘X’, each page will refresh at the last comment I read.

    Normally I close off any tabs where no comments were added or which are older then 24 hours with no new comments.

    Then I go to the main page and start opening the new ones, again starting at the latest. At the moment I have 29 tabs open at once and can move from one to the next with ease without losing as much as one comment.

    Hope this helps.

  8. mf says:

    Another thing, because the main page is always on the left, if there is one tab subject which interests me more than others, I ‘clone’ this tab and drag it to the very left where it will stay until subject is exhausted.

    This way even when closing tabs from the right, these particular cloned tabs are still open on the left for as long as I want.

  9. mf says:

    And every now and then refresh main tab to check for new entries. If there are again, start at the top, when main article has changed, and keep ‘open in new tab’ until all unvisited are opened.

  10. mf says:

    errata: Foxpro > FireFox

  11. muddy waters says:

    It does not matter how it is laid out. Daphne’s information is indeed vital for those who want to know what is going on in Malta. Keep the good work going

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