This is real corruption and abuse – and we’re back to it with a vengeance

Published: November 30, 2014 at 9:07am

A look at the headlines in today’s newspapers shows that something sinister is the order of the day, not that many of those of us who already lived through it were expecting anything better.

The Sunday Times (page 6) – “Minister’s husband prevents publication of promise of sale agreement on farmhouse”

The Sunday Times (front page) – “Bullet casings removed from scene of shooting”

The Malta Independent on Sunday (front page) – “Records of car that blocked hospital helipad disappear”

Malta Today (front page) – “Scotsman’s arrest report is deleted”

Il-Mument (front page) – “L-Ufficju tal-PM involut fil-cover up tal-isparatura”

Il-Mument (page 7) – “Joghsfor il-file tal MEPA dwar il-proprjeta tal Ministru Dalli”

So all in all things disappear, are either deleted or removed. It is but one step from here to things being planted. Because after all, if there are no constraints on evidence being removed, then there are no constraints on evidence being created, either.

44 Comments Comment

  1. Someone says:

    What about the dubious timing of the “tortured dog” story. Just in time to deviate the population of sheep from the main issues. Do you remember my post about them creating a story? This could just be it.

    I went to check the Xarabank Facebook page to confirm my thoughts. There is not one single mention of the shooting affair, amidst a cornucopia of stories about the poor dog, presidential fun runs, song contests galore, singing nuns and priests, Natius, etc. This from a program which is purportedly about current affairs. Mur hudu Peppi.

    There is no hope.

    • curious says:

      Even the honoraria issue is a smokescreen.

      And yes, Peppi sejjer jiehdu mill-parlament, kif qaltlu Helena Dalli.

    • observer says:

      Mhux biss ‘Mur hudu Peppi’ izda anki ‘Peppi mur hemm int ukoll – ara kif taghmel u sib mezz – oqhghod hemm u tergax tigi’.

    • RF says:

      Which chocolate agent is foisting Peppi on our preferred TV station in that inane advert singing “itlaq l’hemm..mur u hallini” . Oh, if he would please go to hell.

  2. pazzo says:

    We are fast entering a blackhole where all political inquiries will vanish and addio trasparenza u gustizzja.
    Qabda lpup lebsin ta` hrief.

  3. ciccio says:

    I have one reaction to this, and I address it to the prime minister:

    Call the elections.

    Before it is too late.

    I know I am being draconian. But life teaches me that rot must be stopped at the outset, before it infests the whole system.

  4. raygrech says:

    Is this happening in Malta or some communist dictatorial faraway country?

  5. Tabatha White says:

    Just wait until the new AFM Fiscal squad get going.

  6. Lina says:

    I have been living with the consequences of this type of behaviour for almost a lifetime. It is vindictive to the core.

    Apart from the presence of psychopathic behaviour at times where guilt and conscience are totally absent, the worst consequence is that the justice system cannot curb it no matter how much you try.

    It is more serious than meets the eye for corruption flows through all attempts to redress any complaint or crime.

  7. Tabatha White says:

    Smith obviously agreed to it – signed a statement that backed the story they wanted released.

    Their backsides covered on that score. No official explanation for the broken mirror that wasn’t the cause of the dispute.

    Tailoring of evidence, in the fashion of Joseph Muscat’s mentor.

    How on earth do the police expect us to willfully cooperate with them or refer to them in the climate of distrust and corruption that emanates from their quarters.

  8. C Falzon says:

    That’s the transparency they promised. Records and files become so transparent that nobody can see them.

  9. canon says:

    Dalwaqt jibdew joghsfru in-nies.

  10. Mallia says:

    Daphne can you forward your email please.

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  11. chico says:

    I always said Times of Malta kept a pack of dogs locked away in some cellar at the premises near Castille. Guess it was time to let one out, so to speak.

  12. Jozef says:

    ‘..The Labour Party is challenging Nationalist Party Leader Simon Busuttil to order nine former ministers and parliamentary secretaries to return all the money they had received as honoraria in the last legislature…’

    From the ridiculous to the grotesque.

  13. Manilus says:

    Peppi? One of the puppets on a string. A clown without bells.

  14. Andrew says:

    What about the EXACTLY identical headlines of Illum and Kulhadd about the PN ministers’ honoraria? Shows the agenda of Saviour Balzan.

    [Daphne – KullHadd’s editor, Toni Abela (deputy leader of the Labour Party), is Malta Today’s lawyer. Whenever they’re involved in a libel suit, he’s there in court, fighting or defending their case.]

  15. anthony says:

    At this rate the entire country will soon fall victim to a nationwide cover-up.

    When they run out of cover-ups, as you say, they will start planting fake evidence and soon after that there will be nothing left to do but frame-ups.

    In less than two years this government has reduced the country to the sad and pitiful state that Mintoff and KMB took fifteen years to achieve.

  16. anthony says:

    The Sunday Times report confirms my suspicion which I had asked Daphne here last week to delve into.

    It is highly likely that Sheehan and the Scotsman were arguing about something that went wrong between them and that the Merc’s wing mirror was just a red herring.

  17. Jozef says:

    Manuel Mallia wasn’t lying when he said he had no idea what the contents of the statement were.

    And at the very bottom of the news article;

    ‘…L-istess rapport f’Il-Mument jiżvela wkoll kif dan l-inċident kien it-tieni wieħed li kien jinvolvi l-karozza tal-Ministru Manuel Mallia misjuqa minn Paul Sheehan. Fil-fatt f’Lulju ta’ din is-sena l-istess vettura misjuqa mill-istess xuffier kienet involuta f’inċident tat-traffiku f’Ħal Far f’post ftit il-bogħod mir-residenza li fiha jinżammu l-Asjatiċi fl-istorja tal-allegat traffikar uman li jinvolvi l-Leisure Clothing ttemm tgħid il-Mument.’

  18. 22 says:

    Back to the 80s

    • WOW says:

      With all evidence disappearing, let us all hope and pray that unlike the 80s no persons fail to be seen again. Lino Cauchi on my mind.

  19. Ruby says:

    Before the election I was expecting better from the Labour Party if elected (I still didn’t vote Labour).

    One would think that they would have learned, but there you go. The peace and tranquility we had is gone and will stay gone. I sure hope that the Maltese people will smarten up by the time we get to vote again.

    • anthony says:

      I cannot say, like you, that I expected better.

      However, I must admit that I never expected it to get so bad so soon.

      I do not think anyone did.

      Most people I have spoken to feel that the situation for the government has got rapidly out of hand and that even the MLP did not expect this state of affairs during their first five year term.

      They expected this free for all kleptomanic behaviour and this level of incompetence, corruption and sleaze to be a feature of their second term in office when the prospect of losing the 2023 election became a reality.

  20. mila says:

    It looks like the Prime Minister is lying AGAIN.

    Times of Malta today quoted Muscat as saying:

    ”The government had also given a bonus of €35 TO ALL over and above the cost of living compensation. This bonus and the 58c cost of living increase was higher that the cost of living increase of €1.16 given by the former governemnt three years ago, when the power tariffs were raised. The increase this year EQUATED TO €1.25 and power and fuel prices were going down.” (my caps)

    Extract from Official Budget document 2015:

    ”one-time additional annual bonus of €35 to all persons in receipt of social security benefits, all low income earners, and all those income tax payers working full-time not benefitting from the 2015 income tax reductions”

    The Eur35 is not a one time bonus TO ALL and it is therefore a complete lie for Muscat to say that AND include it in the calculation to state that the increase in wages this year is of Eur1.25 a week.

    Cola based wage increases are given to everyone AND the amount is cumulative from year to year, you do not take the amount given the previous year in order to give a different amount a year later. What utter rubbish the Prime Minister speaks!

  21. A. Pace says:

    I know it’s cliche’ but I can’t help thinking, ” Lupus mutat pelum ma non mores”. We, who lived through the 70s and 80s, know exactly what to expect. Unfortunately, young people do not and believed what they were told before elections. Whereas some old goats could not look past their noses.

  22. ken il malti says:

    The Labour honchos want to get rich in record time.

  23. These headlines show the present administration for what it really is. What action is Prime Minister Joseph Muscat taking in the face of such behaviour that goes against transparency and accountability?

  24. verita says:

    Today is the 28th anniversary of the incidents at tal-barrani.All the above mentioned cover ups, scandals, loss and deletion of files are a fit reminder of 28th November 1986

  25. Louis says:

    As Reno Calleja says, we are back to the golden years.

  26. mim says:

    Is Joseph Muscat shocked and disgusted that, as The Malta Independent is reporting, info regarding details of the ‘helipad’ car, have gone missing.

    I suppose that as long as Joseph Muscat is shocked, we should just forget about it because he has assured everyone that he will not shirk from his responsibilities. For Joseph Muscat words are certainly cheap.

  27. ChrisM says:

    We have the naive and more so the greedy selfish switchers to blame for this.

  28. Spock says:

    Very soon , i have a it will be “undesirable ” people who will start disappearing . Watch your backs .

  29. Fred the Red says:

    The above headlines confirm a very worrying state of affairs emerging more glaringly by the day. The state apparatus, not least the police force, can now be said to be well and truly in cahoots with the regime.

    Offenders associated with the Taghna Lkoll clique are conveniently exonerated through a myriad of devious schemes or in the case of overwhelming evidence, treated with kids’ gloves. If prosecuted, the prosecution gives every impression of being at best half-hearted, at worst, purposely disjointed or nonsensical. On the other hand, non Taghna Lkollers can expect to be used as examples and made to face the full force of the law, even for relatively minor infringements.

    As you say, we are but a step away from things being planted as we had in good old 80s days!

  30. Tracy says:

    3 golden rules to our beloved Prime Minister and his corrupted MPs :

    If you want to be trusted – be HONEST
    If you want to be honest – be TRUE
    If you want to be true – be YOURSELF

    otherwise RESIGN

  31. gakk says:

    We had a taste of things to come when we had the cover up about the famous blokka silg prior to the election- hu go fik ja poplu njorant!

  32. RF says:

    It was obvious that we would come to this when Joseph Muscat on becoming PM replaced persons of high integrity in sensitive areas such as John Rizzo, Michael Cassar with their own puppets.

  33. matt says:

    How long can this government survive with all this corruption? How can the institutions stay quiet? Don’t they have families? This is like a mob-style government.

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