You can’t have your cake and eat it too, Jeffrey

Published: November 16, 2014 at 11:27pm

JPO rubbish

The chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology wants some attention again (see screenshot here), so let’s give it to him.

I will first state what should be obvious: my connection to the Nationalist Party begins and ends with a vote every five years. Now down to business.

1. Nobody gives a damn about the marriage or lack of it of the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology or part-time dentist. It is not news, it is not interesting, and it is not fit for public discussion. It was not the marriage of the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology that was discussed. Nor was it the marriage of a part-time dentist and former MP. What was discussed, precisely because it was newsworthy and discussion was in the public interest, was the very marriage that was supposed to be the catalyst for the divorce bill brought by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando when he was a member of parliament.

2. When Pullicino Orlando, as a member of parliament, brought that divorce bill before the House, his real motivation was to cause maximum discomfort to the prime minister he resented with a passion for refusing to give him a seat in the cabinet of government after his scandalous Mistra deal came to light and he then had the brass neck to lie about it. But his stated motivation was that he wished to marry Carmen Ciantar, with whom he had been in a relationship for at least a decade. He was supposed to be breaking a lance for her, so to speak, and with uncharacteristic foolishness, she believed him.

3. He did not, however, wish to marry Carmen Ciantar – a fact which was clear to me at the time (call it instinct) and which became ever more clear to me with the escalating hysteria in his public behaviour the closer his wedding day drew. He was at his worst – out of control and barely coherent – when the wedding banns were published in July 2012.

4. Pullicino Orlando marked his first wedding anniversary with a public brawl at a Rabat pastizzi shop at 5am after being out all night. He arrived with another woman – his wife’s friend, as it happened – and he left with her in her car.

5. Two months later, his new wife left the house with her things crammed into bags and suitcases and went to her mother’s, in broad daylight and observed by half the village (which is how the news reached this website).

6. One month later, he walked hand in hand with his personal assistant Lara Boffa at midnight down an otherwise deserted Birgu promenade and right past a keen reader of this website, who took a picture and sent it in. He wasn’t helping his cause by wearing his famous high-visibility trousers. So then it wasn’t too difficult to work out why the woman who had put up with him for 10 years suddenly walked out after just one year of marriage.

7. None of this would have been newsworthy, in the public interest or even interesting were it not for point 2 above. But point 2 definitely makes it a proper news item.

8. You can assume that he was seeing Lara Boffa before his wife left, and that is exactly why she packed up and shipped out. Or you can assume that he waited until his wife left to begin dating Boffa, and that progress was so rapid that within four weeks of his wife’s departure he and Boffa were walking about holding hands at midnight. Either way, the main point at issue here is that Boffa is his employee – his personal assistant, in fact – and that he is not running a private company but a national council.

9. Even if he did not give her the job because he was sleeping with her already or wanted to sleep with her, even if she got the job by thoroughly legitimate means (and the jury is out on that), the fact remains that the chairman of a national council should not be sleeping with his personal assistant. One of them has to go. That would be the case even in private enterprise. This is not for reasons of morality, as the inexperienced appear to believe. It is because this kind of situation upsets workplace dynamics and makes life very difficult for everyone else. In this particular case, there is also accountability in terms of public money. This situation is definitely a news point, of public interest, and must be discussed. If they were both working for a private company, it wouldn’t be. But they aren’t. They are paid out of public funds and are working for a state council.

10. Nobody has even mentioned Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s children – if you have seen anyone mention them anywhere, please let me know – still less “attacked” them. This is not out of respect for him, but in my case at least, out of respect for their mother, and more to the point, out of compassion for them because they have more than enough to put up with as it is. Pullicino Orlando had absolutely no problem attacking my children, however, which exposes him for the hypocrite he is. He is doubly a hypocrite because while making false, rabble-rousing accusations against me in this regard, the truth is that he knows exactly what I do know and will never say. So even while he lays into me calling me all the names under the sun and portraying me to his Madame Defarge Facebook friends as some kind of sub-human monster, he at the same time knows that none of this is true and instead counts on my human decency in saying nothing of what I do know. This is not out of consideration for his feelings by any means – he doesn’t deserve any of that – but out of consideration for his children and their mother.

11. Simon Busuttil did not bring a divorce bill before the House, claim it was because he wanted to marry somebody who was married already just as he was, and then spend his first wedding anniversary brawling in a pastizzi shop accompanied by another woman, with his wife packing up and leaving shortly afterwards.

12. Simon Busuttil is not the chairman of a state council and Kristina Chetcuti is not somebody he put on the public payroll at the council he chairs because he wanted to get into her knickers or had got into them already. His relationship with Kristina Chetcuti is a normal, standard, respectable relationship between two single parents who are the same age and who were unattached (and had been for years) when they met, and who work in completely separate organisations.

13. It is not comparisons that are odious. It is Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando who is. The most important matter here is that his behaviour is a disgrace to the national council he represents, and he is bringing it into disrepute. He should be made to go.

14. If Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando does not wish to be discussed in ways that do not suit him, then all he has to do is relinquish his chairmanship of that once august institution. Nobody is interested in the activities and views of just another dentist. They are not newsworthy and the media are not justified in discussing private citizens. And that, I suspect, is just the problem he has. He doesn’t want to be a private citizen. He wants the limelight – on his terms.

26 Comments Comment

  1. johndoe says:

    He is not newsworthy anymore.

    We would rather look the other way as he embarrasses himself and not waste time with scumbags like him.

    If we ever gave a toss, we might make an effort to say what we really think about this two-faced, lying hypocrite – just to remind ourselves how evil can people be.

  2. says:

    That is a serious thrashing, Jeff, you sad scumbag. Just evaporate and stop embarrassing your children.

  3. Persil says:

    I think that private life should remain my opinion this is a clash between ex friends.Familiarity breeds contempt .As you say Daphne you share secrets with Jeffrey which you are not going to break,and that is good.Otherwise regrets later because a word once out cannot be withdrawn.My advice just do not comment on Jeffrey as if he does not exist.

    [Daphne – You always misinterpret things, Persil. That man and I were never friends. We were not even acquaintances. We are the same age but there is no way I could have known him from Adam. Our lives were poles apart and our circles did not cross or mix at any point. There is no need to wonder why when you see photographs of him in his younger years. I met him for the first time in March 2008, and he proceeded to become somebody I found myself dealing with because he fixated badly.

    I know through long life experience that, setting aside the murderous and those with criminal intent, the most dangerous men on the planet are the fixated. They will never stop. They obsess and plot and scheme and examine every detail and stalk and hunt and drive themselves insane (if they were not already insane to begin with) devising ways to exact their revenge and re-inflate their ego after real or perceived slights. They are frightening in the scale and scope of their obsession.

    I do not ‘share secrets’ with this person. Whatever I know, many others know too, including probably the entire village of Haz-Zebbug. There is just a consensus of decency in not mentioning it. And believe me when I say that the need for decency has absolutely nothing to do with him.

    As for not commenting about him, might I remind you that the man is taking public money and that he chairs an important – or what should be an important – state council. He is accountable to the public and will remain accountable to the public as long as he holds that chair. It is our duty and obligation to keep him under scrutiny, and it is your duty and obligation to hold the prime minister accountable for his behaviour, as it was the prime minister who appointed him.]

  4. thealley says:

    Here he is with his mistress and her fake smile:

    While he was sort of dancing, at one point Minister Michael Farrugia comes on screen on a nearby TV, and he waves his hand in air with the V sign like a stupid little boy, while stupid lackeys with an IQ of a chicken were bringing him drinks like he’s some sort of a hero.

  5. Rosie says:

    He’s not very bright, is he?

  6. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Jeff Pullicino Orlando?

    Better than Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando III, I guess, but he nonetheless remains a turd.

  7. Peppa Pig says:

    He is a drink-sodden old has-been who was always deeply in love with, and completely devoted to only one person – himself.

    What a loser.

  8. Pluribus says:

    Jekk dan il-persuna ghandu farka rispett lejn il-familja tieghu, specjalment uliedu, immissu jemigra minn Malta u ma jidhirx izjed fil-pubbliku. Jaqq, x’nies hawn.

  9. Tal-Malja says:

    Tghid ihobbha il-banana?

  10. Paul B says:

    Ragel li jkollu rispett lejn uliedu ma jaghmilx dawn il-buzullotti. Sar qisu tifel ta’ 16.

  11. jaqq says:


    Writing about him will give him all the importance he wants. Ignoring him is killing him, so be it.

    [Daphne – Like Persil here, you ignore the fact that this is not Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando the dentist and former MP we are talking about, but the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, who has the means and ability to put people on the public payroll and distribute council funds (public money), besides taking payment in public money himself, to say nothing of managing that council, a purpose for which he has succeeded in ridding himself of the burden of the actual CEO (another thing people have chosen to overlook) so as to have total control.

    He is completely unfit to be chairman of such an institution, let alone the executive chairman, and that matter must be addressed. I am not interested in ‘ignoring him to kill him’. I left the school playground in 1980. The extent of childish reasoning in Malta is frightening. You don’t ignore the chairman of a public institution, who behaves reprehensibly, to tee him off. You address the matter.]

    • Tabatha White says:

      Scam cleansing in time for the next elections will need to happen next.

      Labour will “have no choice” but to butt him out. Gracefully, so to speak.

      When scammers operate, the brief is less important than the construed result.

      It will have served its purpose.

      On to the next mirage: the next scam.
      Muscat style fireworks inside the effigy.

      This will have been an intermezzo.

      And what of Ms Boffa then?

  12. Paul says:

    On the same lines of your post above, Daphne perhaps you can comment on Michela Spiteri’s article in the Sunday Times yesterday? She missed the point by a mile and a half.

    [Daphne – I made the point directly to her editor in a message yesterday: that somebody who has just broken up a home with two schoolchildren in it by having an extra-marital affair with the husband and father, and who is currently living with that very husband and father and aiding and abetting him in causing as much difficulty for his wife and children as he possibly can, should not be allowed to make a statement to the readers of that newspaper that discussing extra-marital affairs of politicians is much worse morally and in every other way than the extra-marital affair itself. Not unless she declares her interest in saying such a thing, and the manner in which her opinion is vitiated. Of course she misses the point: she does so partly deliberately because of her bad conscience and compromised position, and partly because she is literally unable to distinguish between right and wrong in non-legal situations – in other words, where it is not spelled out to her by her legal training. This is not the same as doing no wrong. Most of us who do wrong are hyper-aware of it and do not self-justify because of an intrinsic amorality. I have absolutely no interest in discussing it further, beyond saying that it is a dereliction of a columnist’s (and editor’s) duty towards readers.]

  13. Mila says:

    Well Ms Daphne, we must acknowledge that he has a point.

    How dare you be a woman who does not sleep your way to the state payroll?

    How dare you, being a woman, have a brain and use it?

    He could not possibly be threatening you that someone from the Labour Party would start an attack on Simon Busuttil and his partner unless you stop pointing out how the taxpayer is being taken for a ride, now could he?

    Worse still, he could not possibly be introducing the idea that someone does just that, could he, and suggesting that if that happened it would be be your fault?

    How stupid does Jeffrey Pulicino Orlando think we are?

    Does he think that people have not seen the pattern of honed attacks on individuals by the Labour media?

    We endured the deconstruction of key people by sabotage of their projects such as Arriva, only for the alternative to cost more and show up the fact that there was really no plan except to shoot down the Nationalist government.

    But then he is very much aware that no Labour supporter with a brain will ever regard him as even remotely reliable or respectable, so he must continue to try to prove himself.

    The prime minister is allowing him to make a mockery of his public post for all to see is, but that is simply his abusive way of ensuring that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando will never be regarded as a person of substance. And that means he can never be a threat to Muscat – just like that Cyrus Engerer, because they serve at the PM’s pleasure and they know it.

    They will just have to sit and bark when told to do so. That is what a lapdog does.

    No wonder they need to create an alternate reality.

  14. wacko says:

    Also, his accusations are that Daphne is harassing the PM’s children. Surely enough, he failed to show the real evidence by publishing the actual links, since they do not actually exist, and it’s all a figment of his paranoia.

  15. Jojo says:

    Brava Daphne I feel the same way about JPO and Mikki Spiteri

  16. Charles borg says:

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando imissu jkun jaf li huwa stess qieghed johloq problem enormi ghat-tfal tieghu. Imissu jaf ukoll li t-tfal jippreferu hajja stabbli, normali u missier sincier li mohhu biss fit-trobbijja taghhom milli dejjem jissemma dwar xi buzullotta u jigri ‘l hawn u ‘l hemm qisu mishut.

  17. Persil says:

    In marriage breakdown the victim is the one who suffers most.

    The offending partner does not care, more so the new partner.

    They have no conscience, but they can never find happiness. Robbing a woman of her husband and the children of their father is a grave sin.

    I speak from experience.

    • Caroline says:

      Why do you all speak about affairs in a way that makes it seem that the woman sleeping with a married man is the only offender?

      They are equally wrong, the woman for consciously sleeping with a married man and the married man who is consciously cheating.

      Somehow when it is a married woman who is cheating, the man she cheats with is also not held to account in the same way. It is then the “cheating wife” disgrace not the home-wrecking man.

  18. chico says:

    If I’m not mistaken he supports West Ham United. If so, Point 15: He’s forever blowing bubbles.

  19. C.G says:

    Veru bniedem iddisprat.

    Ezatt dahal ghaliha, Daphne. Prosit, qishekk dik kont qiegheda tistenna.

    X`intervista, Jeff? Kieku jien minflokok, nirrezenja illum qabel ghada u nitlaq mill-pajjiz. Biki tal-kukkudrilli. Int zebblaht pajjiz u minflok mort tkompli taqla d-dras, mort tilghaq lil tal-Labour biex tkompli ddahhak. Purcinell.

  20. A. Cremona says:

    This two-timing, conniving man literally shed tears on national television fooling viewers into thinking that he was right in his confrontation with Alfred Sant while fully knowing that he was in fact in the wrong.

    That sums up this person’s character. Silly twat.

  21. ta wied is sewda. says:

    Never under 25 years of PN administration did Daphne take a cushy job with a government entity.

    You, Dr. Pullicino Orlando Smith, did. Who knows why?

    Sound strange but true.

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