Manuel Mallia corruption update: he put 76 ‘police officers’ aged 55 to 80 on the police payroll

Published: December 18, 2014 at 11:20am

manuel mallia silvio scerri

This information should have been sought by the press each time Manuel Mallia announced another round of ex police officers ‘reinstated’ into the police corps. But it wasn’t.

It was quite clear from the press photographs at the time that many of those newly reinstated police officers were practically decrepit, and that others would probably need to be helped up stairs.

Now the new Police Minister has said in parliament, in response to his Opposition shadow, Jason Azzopardi, that his predecessor reinstated 135 former police officers into the corps. He gave their ages as beneath.

2 aged between 70 and 80
11 aged between 65 and 69
63 aged between 55 and 64
55 aged between 45 and 54
4 aged between 35 and 44

What corruption – yes, corruption. That’s the only explanation for putting those pensioners on the police payroll. Manuel Mallia did them a personal favour at the public expense.

Next, the Opposition shadow should ask the Police Minister for a breakdown list of the districts in which these ‘reinstated’ police officers live. They can’t all possibly be from Gzira, Sliema and St Julian’s, but the information should be interesting.

I know one of them at least lives in Mosta. She was a policewoman in the 1970s, left Malta for Canada in the 1980s, has been there ever since, and now that she has returned to Malta on retirement from her job in Canada, Leli Mallia very considerately put her on the police payroll to augment her Canadian pension.

Mallia’s driver, Pawlu L-Machine Gun, is one of these reinstated officers. He must be around 60 at least – he was a police constable in the Golden Years of Labour. So first Mallia reinstates him into the police corps, then he chooses him as one of his security drivers.

Korruzzjoni fenomenali – total disregard for the norms of decency.

Carmelo Abela said in parliament, when giving the above information, that “the scheme will be revised to ensure that reinstated police officers are able to carry out their duties”.

Yes, and what about all of these who are clearly unable to carry out their duties. An 80-year-old policeman? Please. What sort of contract do they have? That’s another question that needs to be answered.

40 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What sort of country is it where the Police Commissioner just rubber-stamps recruitment decisions taken by the police minister?

    • gn says:

      Communist country

    • Pied Piper says:

      Could it have been the other way round where the police minister rubber-stamps the ‘recommendations’ or ‘advice’ given by the Police Commissioner, acting or not, to reinstate an ex police officer? Both had a finger in the pie.

  2. Josephine says:

    Hmieg u hmieg biss madwar dan il-gvern.

    J’Alla Carmelo Abela ikollu l-kuragg li jikxef kwalunkwe haga li ghamel hazina Manwel Malllia.

    Ghandi d-dubji tieghi, imma ha ntieh il-benefit of the doubt.

    Ejja Carmelo Abela, uri li ghandek kuragg u fittex dak il-hazin u l-korruzzjoni li ghamel Mallia f’21 xahar bhala Ministru tal-Pulizija.

    • J. Borg says:

      With all the new police procedures, it would seem that the current administration is more concerned with ensuring that future cover-ups are successful, than with putting right the wrongs of the past 20 months or so — so don’t hold your breath.

  3. sistina says:

    Makes me sick! Who knows how fit and able these police officers are to carry out their duties? Are they fit for purpose?

  4. sargu_Xih says:

    Dak ta’ 80 sena nahseb tefawh iwassal il-pinnoli door to door

  5. the box says:

    I can’t imagine the 2 officers aged 70-80 years of age chasing the alleged rapist who ran away from the St. Julian’s police station.

  6. PWG says:

    And then you get the usual apologists who counter such shameful deeds with ‘ u mhux kollha xorta’.

  7. fallakka says:

    Let him be, miskin. According to the EU Courts he’s disabled….as are three quarters of our MPs.

  8. daffid says:

    Had the list read

    2 between 70 and 80
    11 between 65 and 69
    63 between 55 and 64
    55 between 45 and 54
    4 between 35 and 44

    I would have assumed that it was some vital statistic and Manuel Mallia somehow fell within the first category.

  9. Patrik says:

    “the scheme will be revised to ensure that reinstated police officers are able to carry out their duties”

    I think that sentence says it all.

    Normal job application: you apply for a job, the employer evaluates your capacity to carry out the job, weighs it against other candidates and selects you for the job once you fulfill the criteria.

    Reinstated police officer: you apply for a job, the employer checks whether you have any history benefitting the Labour Party, hires you, then evaluates your capacity to carry out the job once the Opposition or the press starts fussing about it.

  10. Jojo says:

    Election promises

  11. pablo says:

    “the scheme” ? He means the Don’s corrupt political practice of abusing public finds to give handouts to your electoral campaigners.

  12. Tal-Malja says:

    We can rest assured that none of these ‘reinstated’ police officers leaked the ‘Ok Siehbi’ recordings.

  13. Gahan says:

    So the Malta Police now have a Geriatric Department, working undercover at L-Imgieret, trying to work out what Inspector Frans ‘Id-Devil’ Micallef, his son Inspector Gabriel Micallef, his daughter Dolcieann Farrugia and her boyfriend Paul Sheehan get up to in that Ta’ Guzeppi farmhouse nextdoor.

    Other things they might be doing in their downtime:

    1. teaching green recruits how to act in circumstances involving Labour politicians and their cronies;
    How to remove or plant evidence.

    2. teaching them how to lie under oath or pretend to have forgotten;

    3. explaining how to get hold of extra rounds for your service fire arm so that you can pretend to have shot fewer times than you really did;

    4. describing how to stay put in the police station when a burglar alarm automatic phone call informs them about a burglary, so that the burglars have time to escape, and then after arriving on the crime scene, they can continue to loot the place.

    Experience is important.

  14. Breaking Bad says:

    Breaking News

    Prince Alalweed and Corinthia Group are to enter into a startegic partnership to develop the Corinthia San Gorg/ Marina and also to acquire the Radisson Baypoint into Malta’s first 6th Star Resort. Prince Alalweed is coming back to Malta this January for the official launch of the project.

  15. Pippa says:

    How does this affect the special conditions that apply to the disciplined forces? After 25 years of service, they can choose to retire. This is because their job is considered to be too tough for mature service men.

    Are these reinstated officers still collecting their police pension as well as their salary?

  16. Tip of the iceberg says:

    Daphne, but this is the very uppermost tip of the iceberg.

    The PN and journalists should be looking at the criminal records of some of those reinstated police officers. Are there any connections with cocaine-dealing at the Hal Safi Labour Party club?

    Moreover the PN should be asking questions about criminal activities of a man who is a minister.

    I and others I know will be out with the information when WE are confident that the time is right.

    Meanwhile, enjoy feeding at the pig trough you swine. I know you are reading.

    • Il-verita says:

      Journalists should look at his clientele’s cases, that are being handled by Arthur Azzopardi et al and how the Police force was acting in their regard.

      I believe they do not need to dig deep to find some very newsworthy information.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      How many of them were beating up Nazzjonalisti in their former police life?

  17. bob-a-job says:

    The government is ordering 76 special assistence vehicles to ensure that reinstated police officers are able to carry out their duties.

  18. bob-a-job says:

    The T.W.A.T. (Time Wasted And Troglodyte) team.

    While others laugh at the idea, we have the real McCoy.

    Għax aħna progressivi u liberali u għandna Enerġija Pożittiva.

  19. charles camulleri says:

    How many army pensioners have been enrolled in the Police Force during the last months, without proper police training? I know one.

  20. Volley says:

    Xi hmieg ta’ nies!

  21. veritas says:


    There is a huge difference between reinstated and reserve constables, reserve constables work part time mostly office jobs whereas reinstated take on full Police duties. The Reserve Constable law was passed by PN for obvious reasons of lack of Police capacity issues as some have already pointed out, and thus freeing the younger generation for the more vigorous part of the job. I know for a fact that there were no Police officers reinstated who had reached 58 years of age. Get the facts right !

    [Daphne – Take it up with the Police Minister. The facts I list are exactly as he reported them to parliament. It’s easy to say that you know something for a fact when you are completely anonymous.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      And that’s one of the stupidest decisions ever taken by the Nationalist administration.

      If they really wanted to free the younger generation for criminal-chasing and patrolling, they should have hired civilians for the clerical and HQ duties, not ancient, ex-mercenary rozzers and former Gaddafi bodyguards.

      Number 12 on the list of salutary lessons for Simon Busuttil.

      [Daphne – It wasn’t the Nationalist government which recruited them. It was this one. Who says that the ‘reserve constable’ law specifies recruiting old policemen? It doesn’t.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I know. But the Nationalist government made it possible when it introduced those rules. Hardly an eyebrow was raised at the time, because no one was watching. It’s the old story of the road to hell being paved with someone else’s good intentions.

  22. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Apart from his too tight clothes Manuel does remind those who had traveled to the Far East of some statue of a Buddha contemplating his navel.

  23. J. Agius says:

    I know of one who is from Mgarr and definitely a Labour supporter.

  24. fm says:

    One of them is Joseph Vella from Zebbug. He formed formed part of the then SAG and was one of those policemen trained by the North Koreans. He was there in full riot gear during the Zebbug incident and others.

  25. Brimbu says:

    …..and the tax payer heard a voice, far away in the back ground saying “hallas Gahan”

  26. Andre wiz says:

    With all respects to all these individuals who served our country, however it is a shame to hear such statistics when I personally know of four top police officers, with years of experience, dedication and training in the field, who got transferred from the mobile squad (now the RIU) to station and driver duties.

    This happened just weeks after Labour was elected. I forgot to mention that these mentioned officers are officers with a track record of delivering whilst on duty, and making the heroic headlines.

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