Silvio Scerri assaulted Mediterranean Conference Centre GM during CHOGM 2005

Published: December 4, 2014 at 1:56am

From an article in The Malta Independent, 20 November 2005 (that should be Nexos Lighting):

Boxing match at MCC

The hundreds of workers hurrying with the last minute preparations at the Mediterranean Conference Centre were astounded on Thursday afternoon to witness an impromptu boxing match that left MCC’s General Manager, Nello Iraci, with a black eye.

It seems the altercation was about a fridge, about which Lexus Lighting’s Silvio Scerri had some ideas.

Silvio Scerri was part of the consortium that won the tender to work on the CHOGM events. That consortium was made up of his company, Nexos, Anton Attard’s company, NNG Promotions, and Where’s Everybody.


24 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    I am not shocked by his behavior, but I am utterly flabbergasted that he is a close friend of Anton Attard and vice versa.

    You can never vouch for anyone.

    Separately, is Sandro Chetculti targeting development in Fort Campbell and the whole Selmun area, overlooking Mistra Bay?

  2. Wheels within wheels says:

    How lovely. The usual suspects altogether. How sweet.

    NnG seems to follow the same ideology as Where’s Everybody by having one partner active in each political party. Like that they get to ave their snout in the trough whoever is in government.

    So Jonistan Zammit is totally Lejber. Nigel Camilleri is a ‘PN activist’. And Anton Attard is, well, an unprincipled opportunist.

    I have to say that under Lejber they are really having a festa with that EUR500,000 annual gift. I wonder how (Dr) Nigel Camilleri feels about this. Or is it only shameful when if us someone else who is dipping in.

    As for Where’s Everybody they benefitted under a PN government by having first some 75% of PBS’s budget (and then 50%) allocated to them. Now they still benefit and Lou has his dream job being paid handsomely for doing precious little. Watch Lou raise his head again should the tide turn.

    • P Shaw says:

      Saviour Balzan records his programme Reporter in the studios of Where’s Everybody – supposedly his arch-enemies and previously subject of envy.

    • Xejn Sew says:

      Both organisations use the same strategy. It’s called ‘Viva chi regna’. Very popular in Malta.

    • Jack Beans says:

      Who knows when Malta was Taghna Lkoll?

    • We are living in Financial Times says:

      When the programme Where’s Everybody was first being organised, still on the drawing board, its presenters were specifically selected.

      Why was Shiv Nair’s legal representative involved, way back then, with people already linked to Shiv Nair?

      It would be wise to understand how far back they covered their bases.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Why was Shiv Nair’s legal representative involved, way back then, with people linked *to setting up Where’s Everybody, and placing their person on the team?

        All these people having direct links with Edward de Bono.

  3. David J Camilleri says:

    So no wonder Anton Attard and Silvio collaborate so much in the broadcasting arena at TVM. They have been in business together for years.

  4. J. Borg says:

    What has this country come to?

    Vote Labour, get blackguards.

  5. Mila says:

    One assumes that the same person had yet more ‘adventures’ during CHOGM 2005.

    QORTI CIVILI PRIM’ AWLA – Justice Services…/script_get_judgement_...

    inkluz affidavit ta` James Oliva (fol 170). … Rat it-traskrizzjoni tad-deposizzjoni ta` Silvio Scerri li …. istage ma` James Oliva, il-works manager tieghu, u raw illi.

    [Daphne – You haven’t copied the link correctly. Please would you revisit the site and do it again.]

  6. Mr Meritocracy says:

    So, Silvio Scerri seems to have been involved in many an altercation prior to his appointment as Mallia’s chief of staff.

    A PQ should be posed as to whether or not Scerri has a criminal record or not. Surely, someone would have had the conviction to bring him to justice before being given one of the most powerful positions on the island.

  7. Anacletus says:

    Shame on you, Manuel.

    Integrity my foot!

  8. A Montebello says:

    I’ve been trying to compile a list in my head of the criminals and undesirables that have been embraced by Mao Tse Muscat, to get a clearer picture of exactly who we are dealing with.

    Perhaps your readers would be kind enough to help me fill in the blanks.

    CYRUS ENGERER: Convicted of revenge porn. Resigned from MEP run only to be rewarded by PL with in cushy position in Brussels.

    SILVIO SCERRI: Wife beater, Child beater. Violent and dangerous. Chief of Staff with Emmanuel Mallia, Minister of Police and Armed Forces.

    JOHN DALLI: Forced to resign as EU Commissioner. Under investigation for fraud. Shady dealings across the world. Consultant to PL Government.

    SHIV NAIR: Blacklisted fraudster. Consultant to Government.

  9. Malti ta' Veru says:

    There is definitely a serious problem with this person’s attitude. Is he fit for public office?

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The article is very misleading. Did Silvio Scerri assault the GM or did they decide to fight it out with fists? That’s what “impromptu boxing match” means, in which case it’s not assault.

    [Daphne – The article is not misleading at all. It is quite clear that Scerri assaulted the general manager. In which world does the general manager of a conference centre resolve a dispute with a client by “deciding to fight it out with fists”. The problem with the article is in the careless use of ‘impromptu boxing match’. Nowadays this would have been a headline story and the writer would have been clear about the fact that Scerri assaulted the GM, who doubtless then failed to bring charges.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      In which world? In the 18th century, and among pikies any time up to an including the present day. It’s Maltese reporters failing to match the tone to the story, as usual. “Impromptu boxing match”, as if we were ‘avin’ a bit of a larf.

  11. Bad student says:

    I am appalled at the level to which TVM has descended.

    A case in point is one individual called Chrysander Agius. He is either the son or the nephew of Felix Agius (ex editor of Labour Party newspaper). This Chrysander used to do comedy – you know the type – man dresses up as woman – haha.

    But now he is producing and presenting a science programme for children. He is also presenting a ‘serious’ discussion programme on TVM. His only qualification is his MLP background. If he was even remotely good, I would shut up about it, but I cannot take this any longer.

    I do not want my children to be fed bad science by his type and made to feel that ‘science’ is what this idiot is talking about.

  12. manum says:

    Ma kienux jghidu li Nazzjonalisti biss jiehdu l-kuntratti?

  13. Mim says:

    It does seem that Silvio Scerri had more than one adventure relating to the 2005 CHOGM.

    QORTI CIVILI PRIM’ AWLA – Justice Services…/script_get_judgement_...

    rapprezentanza tal-kumpannija konvenuta Welcomevents. Limited (minn issa `l … CHOGM 2005 Opening Ceremony at the Mediterranean. Conference Centre” ;. 4. …. Rat it-traskrizzjoni tad-deposizzjoni ta` Silvio Scerri li xehed in kontroezami

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