And then we like to think that Maltese culture is European

Published: January 22, 2015 at 1:29pm

The reality is that there really are two Maltas, and the European bit is the insignificant bit. All you have to do is give these men a razor and some tacky ilbiesi (sorry, sjuts), relax the law on using firearms in inhabited areas, and you’re home and dry. Even the house and cars are perfect.

27 Comments Comment

  1. verita says:

    It’s just like some Maltese weddings that finish with a good round of illegal fireworks.

    • vanni says:

      Like most Maltese, they have to scream at each other to carry out a conversation.

      • Artemis says:

        That’s because they have been deafened by the sound of their own gunfire. I would be surprised if they don’t all suffer with raging tinnitus.

  2. Observer says:

    Only a few ‘Allahu Akbar’ shouts are missing.

    Why? Is it that these come in during murders only?

    [Daphne – What a stupid comment that is.]

  3. xejn b' xejn says:

    Basta bil-MERCEDES. Ja qabda slavag.

    [Daphne – I don’t know what you’re on about. The same sorts of people buy white Mercedes saloon cars in Malta.]

    • bob-a-job says:

      To be honest I would too if I could afford one.

      [Daphne – You’d be ill-advised to do that. At least pick another shade.]

  4. Don Camillo says:

    just throwing expensive confetti hux!

  5. bob-a-job says:

    If that’s a wedding where’s the wife?

    It couldn’t be a gay marriage because those two getting in the car still have a head on their necks.

  6. A V says:

    Maltese hunters have got a better aim… the morons managed to miss all the lights.

  7. A V says:

    Probably blank cartridges… empty vessels make most sound.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    That must be the Saudi branch of the FKNK.

  9. Photog says:

    What goes up must come down.

  10. Is this video in any way typical of Maltese culture?

    [Daphne – Yes, very. It’s foxing only because of what the men are wearing and they have beards. Otherwise, Maltese men of a certain sort would be interchangeable, and the setting is perfect. All you need is a cartwheel on one wall.]

    • bob-a-job says:

      And Jeffrey somewhere in the picture.

    • Spock says:

      Also , when it comes to the use of guns , they’re a step above the Maltese , because in this clip at least , they’re using them in much the same way that we use fireworks ; anything beats bird slaughter.

  11. bob-a-job says:

    Amazing how they didn’t even manage to hit one lightbulb.

  12. Artemis says:

    Amazingly, after that all the light bulbs appear to be intact.

  13. grech john says:

    You get that sort of thing at the St. Julian’s feast too.

  14. Tarzan says:

    It could have been worse.

    They could have celebrated indoors.

  15. Claude Sciberras says:

    If this is a wedding where the hell are the bride and women guests?

  16. I have consistently written against bird-hunting which is prevalent in Malta.

    I have also written against the constant abuses by bird-hunters in Malta, but depicting a completely foreign culture as representative of Malta does not help, in any way, to help the campaign against hunting in Spring.

    On the contrary, if such campaigners have to resort to such tactics they must be very hard-up with solid arguments.

    The comparison may be funny, but far from helpful.

  17. Painter says:

    I don’t get people who want to make so much noise to celebrate. At least the guys in the video are celebrating a wedding, which makes more sense than some festa tar-rahal.

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