I’m beginning to think this referendum was a really bad idea

Published: January 22, 2015 at 1:58pm

The rationale behind it was that the people would decide (against spring hunting) because the politicians would not. But it is looking increasingly likely that only parliament could have taken a decision on this, and the Coalition Against Spring Hunting may have miscalculated support for the anti-spring-hunting cause based on extrapolation from people they know, and those 40,000+ petition signatures.

There are around 300,000 electors.

14 Comments Comment

  1. vanni says:

    Hekk, hu go fik, Simon (Busuttil).

  2. eve says:

    Flus mohlija.

  3. Wheels within Wheels says:

    what buffoons

  4. Mila says:

    The person who posted the above video also posted this link:

    ”Islamic State rounds up at least 15 pigeon breeders in Iraq after deciding it is un-Islamic to keep birds”


    I am still scrolling down to find posts regarding the kidnapping of girls and women and killing of whole villages.

  5. Just Me says:

    This is a pleasant diversion from more relevant issues like the relatively high price of petrol and electricity, the current disastrous state of Mater Dei Hospital, and various current issues related to national security. These, and current government’s blatant lack of accountability, are the sort of issues most people I encounter on a daily basis are concerned about.

  6. ChrisM says:

    Look at these two nice gentlemen in the video and tell me honestly if you really think that if Joseph Muscat said he was voting NO for spring hunting that they would do the same.

  7. Pravu says:

    Jiena ha nivvota iva ghal-kacca fir-rebbiegha wkoll! Ha nibghat lit-tfal tieghi l-skola ta’ San Anton u ha nixtri Alfa bhal tal-leader taghna! Li jaghmel il-leader BRAVUUU taghna naghmel jien. Viva GOWZEFF!

    Mohh ta’ pizella.

  8. canon says:

    The hunters won’t stop there if they win the referendum. Eventually they’ll force a referendum to leave the European Union.

    • Charles Mizzi says:

      That conclusion is just as silly as those who think that if the No votes wins then this will lead to other hobbies being put to a referendum vote.

  9. Charles Mizzi says:

    The worst factor in my opinion is that we’ve ended up with MPs and all other politicians either sticking with their leader’s opinion or not saying anything at all.

    If the balance between Yes and No amongst the politicians was more realistic then maybe people would feel more at liberty to come to their own conclusions based on the facts.

    Instead, many are starting at the conclusion of their political leader and then skewing their reasoning to arrive at the same conclusion.

    Toni Abela is the perfect example of this. Against hunting, but voting Yes based on the most absurd premise.

  10. gn says:

    JIen mhux kaccatur, u subajh fuq il-grillu, mlebbet biex jispara.

    x’mohh fqir u giddieb

  11. Mila says:

    It might be a bad idea for all the reason it was intended to happen, but it certainly gives a clearer picture of the real state of affairs in this country.

    Regrettably, the ”what’s in it for me” sentiment has never shone through, as it is doing now.

    • Another John says:

      Do not delude yourself that such sentiment did not exist previously. I’m sure that there were PN elections which were won because of such sentiment. Of such stock is the Maltese nation made.

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