Oh. My. God. Karmenu gets on the bandwagon too
Inspired by the success of Astrid Vella and her 1,500 signatures from Mr and Mrs Anonymous, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici is thinking of some People Power of his own.
Saturday, 28 February
CNI launching petition on illegal migration
The Campaign for National Independence (CNI) is to launch a nation-wide campaign to collect signatures for a petition against illegal immigration. The petition will urge the Maltese government to take urgent action to stop migration, which CNI described as a threat to the country. Members of CNI headed by former Prime Minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici will be going around all localities collecting the signatures starting on Monday afternoon in front of Marsa parish church.
“The petition will urge the Maltese government to take urgent action to stop migration”. Indeed. I suppose the government is not doing all it can possibly do already, and should explore various other options available to it, like following the example of Thailand, which is towing people out to sea. Even though Thailand is considered a backward and primitive place, the international community is shocked. Just imagine if Malta were to do the same. I don’t know about you, but I had quite enough of living in a pariah state while I was growing up, and I don’t want ever to go through that again.
It doesn’t occur to Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici for one minute that perhaps, just perhaps, he’s the one we’d like to put on a dinghy with a loaf of bread and a bottle of water and tow towards Libya.
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Held back from posting the link and you didn’t let me down. Imagine: Norman Lowell, Josie Muscat, KMB and JPO walking hand-in-hand down Triq ir-Repubblika.
Perhaps they want to stop bird “migration”, in which case someone should tell them that hunters have already been doing that for decades.
Sadly a lot of people will be signing the petition, for the wrong reasons of course. But mainly because they’re good church-going Christians (li jhobbu l-proxxmu), and of course say the rosary every night. Pathetic.
I have just been watching Super One, (for my sins)! Can someone please enlighten me as to what EXACTLY is Dr Muscat proposing as a solution to the illegal immigration issue ?
Didn’t FAA have the names of its petition signatories published on the Times of of the 10th February? I mean each person did pay something like 5 euro for it you know.
[Daphne – That wasn’t the petition. That was ‘I believe Peter Paul Busuttil is innocent’ – the comic version in 2009 – with all the people who were too frightened to stand up and be counted then getting themselves counted now.]
@ Tony Pace…. I can answer that for you… nothing. Now what about asking the same question to Dr. Gonzi!
Hafna min-nies li illum jiffirmaw biex suppost jiddefendu katidral jew biex bhala Insara jiddefendu il-katolicizmu billi ma jhalluhomx jinvaduna BEZGHU jiffirmaw il-petizzjoni li PIETRU PAWL kien innocenti…naf x’qed nghid ghax kont jiena li gbart dik il-petizzjoni u l-maggoranza ta’ dawk li kont staqsejt bezghu, harbu, inhbew, gabuli elf skuza. Imma l-aqwa li niddefendu li bhala insara niddefendu ir-religjon u katidarli. Ghax illum hadd ma jarrestak, hadd ma jigi jsawtek, hadd ma jkun ittorturat filwaqt li x-Xandir moqziez kien jirraporta li ahna l-aktar pajjiz demokratiku fid-dinja.
[Daphne – Grazzi ta’ dan il-kummet, Joe. Fil-fatt, jien ghidt l-istess. Hafna minn dawk in-nies li ffirmaw il-petizzjoni kontra l-progett tal-katedral sabu l-bajd – biex nuza espressjoni vulgari – issa biss, wara li tilfuhom dak iz-zmien.]
‘In front of the Marsa Parish church? Isn’t that a ‘no go’ area for ‘white’ people? Amazing:
@Ivan M Dingli
clever, aren’t you ? That is precisely why I am asking Gowzef because it would be nice if we knew whether we have any options. Riding a bandwagon is obviously J’s speciality.
Our voices are being heard.
Don’t see anything wrong with the petition, although from the sound of it, again, ‘Qabduha minn sieghqa’. In a stabbing event, you don’t try to charge the victim but the culprit, you don’t put the drug user behind bars, but the dealer, so, why are we petitioning to simply relocate these human beings? Can we try to find and charge the organisers that own big boats, yauchts, etc? Anyone with some common sense knows how these people start their journey. Can we instead petition to put more pressure to get the big fellas, and put them behind bars for good, or on an island surrounded by sharks?
Gheziez hutna ta’ dik il-parti ta’ Malta fejn ma jghixux dawn hutna l-Afrikani:
La KMB u nofs Malta qed jghixu fil-holm, u l-immigrazzjoni illegali mhix problema, mela zgur ma tiddejqux jekk issa nifthu xi erba’ open centres in-naha taghkom hux hekk? Nghidu ahna tas-Sliema, halli hutna t-turisti Afrikani jgawdu ftit l-arja tal-bahar u s-socjeta’ kosmopolitana dik in-naha wkoll. La m’intomx daqshekk inklinati li tmorru tghixu bil-familja taghkom il-Marsa jew Birzebbuga, din l-esperjenza sabiha mal-proxxmu Afrikan ma titilfuhiex ghax jigu wara biebkom.
Ghandkom cans tad-deheb. Bhalissa bosta kandidati ghall-Parlament Ewropew qed iduru l-familji bieb bieb. Fittxu itolbuhom biex f’isem l-ugwaljanza mill-aktar fis iweghdu li jekk jitilghu igibu l-fondi Ewropej halli jifthulkom centru turistiku Afrikan, maghruf ukoll bhala open centre, fil-villagg taghkom. Ghax mhux gust li nofs Malta qed ticcahhad minn din l-esperjenza unika.
Isa ha narawkom tghaddu mill-paroli ghall-fatti!
As someone has just said, what’s the point of his petition if immigrants are not going to read it before coming here?
I think that the good man Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici should hand hold Mintoff and together fly to Libya and visit their old friend Ghaddafi and try to convince him to stop the current trading in human lives.
“collecting the signatures starting on Monday afternoon in front of Marsa parish church”
So they’ve identified their target market, have they? If it’s religious hypocrites they’re after they could try begging for signatures outside the churches in Valletta’s Republic street.
There’s also Maltese involved in this web. Wonder why no-one in authority set their foot down and started a serious investigation?
@Abel Abela
No one is saying we don’t have a problem. We are saying that the problem has to be dealt with in a way that does not detract from our and the refugees’ humanity, not to mention our international obligations. It’s not an easy problem, but it has to be solved within the constraints of human decency, democracy, and the rule of law, both local and international. We are simply saying that none of these can be abandoned or suspended. Every single comment on timesofmalta.com suggests doing that, knowingly or not.
We also find it sad, rather than amusing, that these considerations should be ignored in a so-called Christian country, but perhaps the only charity we’re interested in is what we can bum off the foreigner. Take this one for instance:
“louise vella (7 hours, 40 minutes ago)
I know little about medicine but I can do sums.
100 people being treated for HIV, half of them African immigrants = 50
approximate cost €500 per month = €500 x 12 = €6000 per year
These 50 immigrants are costing our medical services €6000 x 50 = €300 000 per year.
We have not costed the other diseases mentioned in the article, eg tubercolosis, skin lesions.”
So what is she suggesting exactly? That we let them drown? Or that we don’t let them drown, but we take them in, and if they’re suffering from some medical condition, HIV or not, we just let them die of it?
Recent statistics show that of the 13,000 that came to Malta in the last seven years, 80% were rescued. In other words, turning them back would have resulted in the murder of 10,000 people. Is that what you are suggesting? Because all those who are suggesting we ‘turn them back’ are suggesting exactly that, whether they want to admit it or not.
I cannot speak for Marsa, but those of my friends who live in Birzebbuga have never said they felt disturbed or unsafe, even when expressly asked. The closest one of them came to a racist remark was to suggest that he almost ran over a refugee when driving home in the dark. As to your suggestion of open an open centre in Sliema – well, to start with you forget there is already one in Balzan, but if you insist on Sliema, I can tell you this: there isn’t the space for one, but there is space in St. Julian’s, where I live. The space I am talking about is Paceville.
We are already plagued by large numbers of tourists and people from all over Malta coming here all the time, making it difficult to park and at times difficult to sleep, not to mention the regular damage to our property. How many drunken immigrants have you caught pissing on your doorstep recently? But I’ve caught Maltese doing it, on doorsteps, on cars, and plain in the middle of the road.
So you want to send the refugees here? The more the merrier. The refugees already come here anyway, a good number of them to work rather than to get drunk. But whilst we’re busy making deals and deciding who gets to go where, in that case, I’d like to do the same. Please never come here yourself.