A spectacular example of a Mintoffian comment
Odd, isn’t it, how most of the Mintoffians littering the internet don’t even appear to have been born at the time. But still they know everything, because mummy, daddy and Joseph told them.
Posted by asshole-dcg:
Kemm inti tan-nejk, ja ghoxx ta’ baqra immankata, Jekk l-ahdar mohhok ma jafx, Mintoff dejjem meva fuq il-passi ta’ Kristu, u kien ifiehem id-diskursati tieghu b’referenza lejn il-Kliem TiegHu. U intom tghidu li Mintoff baghat lin-nies ikissru u joqtlu. Dan mhuwa veru XEJN. Mintoff ma kellu qatt x’jaqsam ma dawk li harqu lit-times jew attakkaw lil Mary FA, anzi baghat ittra ta’ apologija lill-familja Fenech adami. Dawk kienu nies li jien stess bhala Laburist nikkundannahom, u ma naqbilx maghhom li juzaw il-vjolenza. U, jekk ma tafx, kontu INTOM li qtiltu lil Karin Grech, INTOM li sparajtu lil Raymond Caruana (biex tiffrejmjaw lill-PL), u INTOM waddabtu il-pallavostri fuq mass meeting!! U x”tghidli ghas-social services li Mintoff dahhal f’Malta. U kien hu li hadem biex gabilna il-Helsien! Irrispondi jekk taf ja mara iddisprata, u VIVA MINTOFF GHAL DEJJEM!!!
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Live the name of this guy!!
Wjy don’t you stuff this article up your ass witch:
[Daphne – That would be a bit difficult to do because it’s on the internet. But I suppose I could always print it out. As for the condolences, that’s mere protocol. Protocol dictates that condolences are expressed as a matter of form. None of the parties involved actually believes in the sincerity of the gesture.]
And yet you still lament protocol when Gonzi and Fenech Adami express their condolences, hollow as they might be.
The British can say the nastiest things in the nicest words, they are extremely hypocritical, that is why they are the best diplomats in the world.
“None of the parties involved actually believes in the sincerity of the gesture.”
Like you would know?
You weren’t able to find your own son in England, let alone getting inside information from the said parties.
You really are desperate.
[Daphne – ‘You weren’t able to find your own son in England’. I did. He was heavily disguised in a hat, wig and false moustache, but I cracked it, didn’t I, chaps. You know what it is with you rahli boys? Sometimes you sound just like your mothers. Stick some tinfoil on your head, shove you under a hairdryer at SplitEnz Salon and you couldn’t tell the difference.]
Of course the last commander of British forces in Malta would express his condolences.
He wasn’t “kicked out”, you see, just left when his lease expired.
On the other hand, if you were to ask the first commander of Dirghajn il-Maltin, or the last commander of the Malta Sea Cadet Corps before it was practically disbanded, or the last director of the British Council before it was kicked out of Malta, or the last deans of the faculties of science and arts before they were shut down, you’d probably get an earful.
I love your subtle sarcasm. Way to go DCG.
Love the guys name!!!
[Daphne – Strange how you would assume that someone who talks like that is a man.]
daph ara inti vera kelba ta haja gol loki ma rridx narak ahjar tara kunjomok bhal tat tigieg ghax vera ghandek minnhom
daph ara int vera kelba ta haja gol loki ma rridx narak ahjar tara kunjomok bhal tat tigieg ghandek minnhom
Veru moħħok vojt, kemm jinstema’ l-eku.
I heard the same bullshit coming from the mouth of a certain man from Attard…….all lejbeuristi are saints and pn devils.
And the sorry state of affairs, that even his childern, in their early twenties believe his crap, and will neverm ever read or listen an opposing point of view.
The identities of these people depends on the notion that Mintoff was a saint, hearing anything different will be only treated with denial (and conspiracy theories).
Anzi, ma qalx li kien Serracino Inglott li ivvinta l-vjolenza biex jirbhu il-PN – ghax jien dik smajtha mill-istess halq!