The situation at this point

Published: March 9, 2008 at 7:30pm

The first count should be closed by 2100hrs. At that point, there should be some kind of statement from the Nationalist Party, possibly also the Labour Party, as to what the ‘official position’ is.

It is highly unlikely that AD will gain a seat in Sliema – we’re talking here of around 600 first count votes on one district – but the Constitutional mechanism that adjusts the seats to votes will not come into play until this AD factor is completely eliminated. This means waiting until we’ve run through until the eighth count at least to see if the AD candidate has inherited any votes from the PN candidates. This will drag on throughout the day tomorrow.

And the country is in tension for another day, with a day’s work lost more or less.

On the plus side, the Nationalist Party still has the majority of votes over Labour.

126 Comments Comment

  1. Henri Vassallo says:

    AD needs to multiply its votes by 6 to have a seat in Sliema.
    It is not realistic.

  2. flabbergasted says:

    what’s the deal with malta today posting that mlp now have the majority?? where did this come from?!

  3. Matthew Muscat says:

    The reality in gossip.

    This site is giving us so much more useful information then all the television and radio stations combined together!


  4. Dorrie Galea says:

    Eighth count???!!!! I thought I heard third count. If no seat materializes for AD by the third count, (SO I heard), then MLP will have to concede to the PN

  5. Henri Vassallo says:

    IF AD has 600 first count votes it needs to multiply them approximately by 6 to get a seat. I think that this scenario is absolutely impossible.

  6. toz says:

    I’m quoting from ‘It-tieni eċċezzjoni: jekk l-ebda partit ma jkun ġab aktar minn nofs l-Unijiet, iżda jkun hemm fil-Parlament żewġ partiti biss, jiggverna dak il-partit li jkollu l-aktar Unijiet. Jekk dan il-partit ma jkunx ġab il-maġġoranza tas-siġġijiet, jiżdidulu biżżejjed siġġijiet ħalli jkun jista’ jiggverna. Din l-emenda ma taħdimx ħlief jekk ikun hemm żewġ partiti biss Parlament. ‘

    By this i understand that AD have no chance of getting elected this time since from the 1st count they didn’t reach the quota surely.

  7. Peter says:

    how long is this going to take ?
    We’ve been a whole afternoon glued to our sofas infront of TV, at one point we were told that Pn won and then a few minutes later we’re told to be cautious …. this is causing too much anxiety …. thanks to all those PN supporters who decided not to vote or even bother to collect their vote !!! Hope we can sleep tonight having a clear indication who will be governing these Islands for the next 5yrs !!

  8. A Jones says:

    Why are labourites banging the perspex!?!?!?

    [Moderator – Because the chicken feed dispenser has broken down.]

  9. Alfred S**t says:

    I think I need a whiskey! The tension is killing me.

  10. cliveb says:

    I agree that for AD to obtain a seat shall be a pretty tall order.
    Nonetheless, it looks like we’re in for a long evening…after a ruddy long day.
    How on earth will I be able to focus on my work tomorrow?

  11. Dumbledore says:

    Well whoever will be in government should really learn to LISTEN from now on! Even minorities can sway election results.

  12. A Jones says:


  13. Alan says:

    MALTATODAY – 19:00 – Labour register a swing of 1,000 votes on the 13th district in Gozo, which sends waves of discontent among PN counting agents. The view is that the difference between the two parties stands at less than 800 votes.

    MADNESS….dont know how people can go out celebrate without a clear indication.

    [Moderator – It’s not true – I think they’ve removed it (or are in the process of doing so).]

  14. A Jones says:

    ~Actually once we’re talking about birds – where has the peacock disappeared to?

  15. Dumbledore says:

    “PN general secretary Joe Saliba has said he expects the final result of the first count vote to be announced around 9.30 p.m.” – The Times of Malta

  16. Nik says:

    Just in on MT

    Posted 19:41: Labour sources from Naxxar have now said that they are trailing by 750 to 1,000 votes. They say they cannot imagine a recovery with the number of first count votes that have still not been counted.

  17. The latest from MaltaToday:

    Posted 19:41: Labour sources from Naxxar have now said that they are trailing by 750 to 1,000 votes. They say they cannot imagine a recovery with the number of first count votes that have still not been counted.

  18. la gonzaga says:

    peacock might be an ostrich right now…. head stuck in the ground!

  19. Daniel Scicluna says:

    According to malta today Labour sources from Naxxar have now said that they are trailing by 750 to 1,000 votes. They say they cannot imagine a recovery with the number of first count votes that have still not been counted. ———–


  20. jean says:

    i think i prefer being back to rediffusion days-oops now u know how old i am-when at least we were all involved with writing down votes, waqa’/elett etc

  21. David Buttigieg says:

    Latest from MaltaToday:

    Posted 19:45: MT exit polls for the 10 district seem to have been vindicated with the lead of Robert Arrigo as the most preferred candidate and with the surprise vote for district new comer John Dalli.——–
    Posted 19:41: Labour sources from Naxxar have now said that they are trailing by 750 to 1,000 votes. They say they cannot imagine a recovery with the number of first count votes that have still not been counted. ———–
    Posted 19:36: First count votes: 4 District Chris Mizzi AD 182, Malcolm Seychell AN 86 6 District: Edward Fenech AD 143 Charles Attard AN 91

  22. Marcellinu says:

    Just heard that the PN has just asked the MLP to concede !

    Daphne, can you verify please ?

  23. Fran says:

    Isn’t the Kawtela lampanti exhausting? Doubts creeping in where doubts have no business.

    My only consolation is that the reds are as confused, doubtful, dismayed and deflated as us (probably more so than us seeing how they geared up for a party this mo). Fact is we still seem to be in the lead vote-wise.

  24. Antonino says:

    And you think MLP will concede!! Counting has to carry on before any side concedes defeat.

    On this occasion I would like to remind everyone of Eddie Fenech Adami’s legacy of votes (11,534 1st count votes) and how they would have been spread this time around! I don’t think his son will get elected by default.

  25. Robert says:

    Anyone seen Jason? Know where he is??? Shouldn’t we get a comment from the Secretary General? DCG – care to go seek him out? I want to be reminded of his pepsodent smile!

  26. R Borg says:

    I am realy confused,who is in the lead? Everyone has his own say,but come on this is too much.I need to know before i go to sleep,so I can dreem sweet dreams or else have a nightmare for the next five years or maybe less depending.

  27. Nik says:

    Latest insider news: MLP will not concede and is requesting a recount. Looks like this will drag on a bit.

  28. John Schembri says:

    Health warning , please all those sitting on a chair for LooooNG hours , be careful , better walk for a while , DVT ( deep vein thrombosis) can set in , drink a lot of liquids , a tot of whisky wouldn’t do any harm.

  29. Lara says:

    everyone has his own angle of view…everyone is passing different comments…i think we should not jump to conclusions..since they seem head to head…who knows what might happen!!! even i want to know the result…but ehhh patience!!

  30. Alan says:

    how long does a recount take ?

    I think if it emerges that pn won on 1st count it would be safe enough to assume a PN victory….don’t you think?

  31. Nik says:

    Difference in votes is ~750… they werent joking about every vote counting.

  32. D. Muscat says:

    nick, I confirm this. Even labour’s samples indicate a meagre advantage for the PN. By meagre it is meant something like 200 votes according to the most optimistic or pessimistic (depending on one’s political viewpoint).

  33. A says:

    Nik, from where did you read that? Malta Today?

  34. Nik says:

    Insider PN source at Naxxar. Apparently it is so close that they can not eliminate the margin of error , and Sant will not concede until there is a recount .

  35. Mario Gauci says:

    official mlp website is down!

    [Moderator – I think it’s because too many people are trying to access it at the same time.]

  36. A says:

    il allu, recount….
    How long will THAT take?

  37. me says:

    Some fun.
    Where is Jason…….
    By the way,
    Does the peacock own Charlon,
    or does Charlon own a pea-COCK.

  38. A Jones says:

    I am one of the few respectful Nationalists who has been insisting that we don’t even leave the house until we hear it from Gonzi’s mouth but you know what this is ridiculous! I’ve just heard that lion speak and it could be hours – there is no way i’m going to have labour keep me under house arrest again!

  39. Matthias says:

    50.4% pn in advantage.. sources from naxxar

  40. jags says:

    L-iljun has not rulled out a recount ….

  41. Lara says:

    From malta today:
    GENERAL ELECTIONS 2008 – minute for minute

    19:00 – Labour register a swing of 1,000 votes on the 13th district in Gozo, which sends waves of discontent among PN counting agents. The view is that the difference between the two parties stands at less than 800 votes.

    18:28 – The difference between the two parties stands at 1,000. The MLP has a majority of seats. The difference between the two parties is 0.5% and it appears that none of the parties have attained 50% plus one of the votes.

    swinging from here to there…this was at 7pm…i don’t know if things have changed by then!

  42. Matthias says:

    50.4% pn winning with absolute majority.. sources from naxxar

  43. JP says:

    how sure is that Matthias??? I heard from Naxxar that PN have advantage but cannot confirm absolute majority!!

  44. Matthias says:

    lets say i trust the person who told me

  45. Mario Gauci says:

    look at the faces and body language. It says it all. I heard the same as Matthias.

  46. claud says:

    matthias tell your mate to tell us more.

  47. Matthias says:

    to be announced at 9.30.. or nearest

  48. JP says:

    don’t forget there is the possibility of a re-count which elongates the whole process!! i’m pretty sure this will go into the wee hours of the night!!!

  49. Marie says:

    it is becoming a drag now ……..

  50. Matthias says:

    tvm jst said the same.. that at 9.30..

  51. aud1015 says:

    Very reliable sources in Naxxar told me at 1943hrs that PN had won for SURE….however I do not know the details of the majority but it seems that it is very very close.

    btw Daphne tks for this blog and I hope that it will continue in the future……….you really put my spirits up during the last days of this dreaded election period!

  52. Sarah says:

    matthias… my bum is hurting from sitting all day on the sofa… hope your mate is right coz i can’t take it anymore ;)

  53. uk says:

    It is done 100%. PN win with an absolute majority.

  54. Daniel says:

    li kieku kienet 50.4% ma kinux joddu il voti kollha…

  55. Matthias says:

    i think that in the case of a recount they would still say what the situation is (before recounting).. not offically but i hope they would

  56. P Borg says:

    counting finished pn 500 votes up

  57. Sarah says:

    @ me

    i love your comment lol

  58. aud1015 says:

    2051hrs: just saw on tv…austin gatt and claudio hugging each other……….this can mean only one thing……get out your flags and your air horns…..and offf we go!!!!

  59. Censu says:

    Watch Net TV. PN high officials are jubilant!

  60. issimpson says:

    i heard from rather trusted sources of a 1000 vote lead for pn.

  61. s1 says:

    Moto GP is about to start on Eurosport. Maybe we’ll know who won the elections at the same time as the Moto GP. Enjoy. I’m hungry? Who knows of a place that delivers takeaways in Balzan?

  62. Dumbledore says:

    What are MLPers saying in their blogs?

  63. Chris says:

    It seems that we have made it – around 1500 votes but have made it.

    Three cheers for Malta.

  64. K Zammit says:

    I only believe news from Daphne at this point. With all due respect I lost confidence in maltatoday and in timesofmalta. Labour officials as always say nothing concrete. And i do not believe this 50.4% majority as it does not and cannot make sense since the parties are so close.

  65. jc says:

    whats the deal with a recount? will it just confirm the first result or would there be a possible change in outcome? if yes would there be a third count?

  66. la gonzaga says:

    just saw PN waving hius hands in triumph…surely its a sign!…plus Austin Gatt’s face is beaming :-~)

  67. la gonzaga says:

    in balzan… just order and walk to melita!…

  68. Daniel says:

    Seems so!!!!!! olejjjjjj

  69. IvanC says:

    It’s looking good, lots of big, smiley faces, hugs and and air of relief in the air, coupled with lots of phone calls going back and forth. Oh to be a fly on the wall…

  70. JP says:

    yep indeed!! oh and by the way, mlp website is still down and has been down since 2:45!!! wonder whether they just decided to shut down the site to save face!!!

  71. Eddie says:

    very close aide to Alfred Sant: the PN has won

  72. angie says:

    But where is Gonzi???

  73. Gian says:

    Where’s everyone going to celebrate/commiserate tonight??
    hehe all day staring at this blog – let’s go drink tequila.

  74. gozo77 says:

    JP, maybe they decided to really pack up, go home and give up for good!!

  75. claud says:

    someone told me gonzi is gonna do a press conf at 9.30 to announce victory.

  76. fl-ahhar says:

    Ah finally its over this has been the worst election day for quite some time.

    Guys lets learn that we need to be faithful to what we believe in and when sometimes we suffer its not worst voting for God knows who or not voting at all just to get our back on politicians. Lets grow up and realise that if we act silly we will live silly

  77. Charles Spiteri says:

    Where’s Gonzi? Relaxing with his wife Kate at home after a verrrrry long day, I hope, and getting ready to meet the media, the nationalists activists, and the rest of the world, as Malta’s New Prime Minister. Where’s Sant?

  78. Nikki Aquilina says:

    1.5K in favour.
    official announcement in 30 minutes from da Gonz

  79. Alan says:

    I just heard from my reliable source at the counting hall that PN definately won.

    We owe Dr. Gonzi a big thankyou, we wouldn’t have made it without him.

    Also i hope this result proves to everyone that voting AD is not the answer especially with Sant in opposition. I hope that now he will finally retire.

    Goodnight. I’m off to celebrate! Thanks for the blog.

  80. chris says:

    Imma how are u getting all this info?? NET is saying nothing, qas ONe

  81. Nikki Aquilina says:

    hbieb tal hbieb ;)

  82. PC says:

    Nahseb l-ispanjoli ha jkollhom rizultat qabilna bic-cajt ic-cajt!! :)

  83. JP says:

    the issue is does PN have an absolute majority or not?!?! getting the majority of votes is not enough!! we need to make sure that AD does not have any chance of a seat before we can call a victory!!!

  84. Patrick says:

    I am positevely sure that Daphne has contributed in no small way by putting up such an informative commentary especially since by the looks of it we are going to win by a small margin.
    Well done daphne.

  85. Chris says:


  86. me says:

    A 50.40% win means 50.40% less 49.60% equals 0.80% majority equals 292000 divided by 100 times .80% equals around 3000 votes.

    (292000/100) x (50.40 – 49.60)= 2920 (+/- 200)

    Thanks Mod.

  87. K Zammit says:

    Daphne what pisses me off in this country is that we have to get the information from other sources. Why is it that we cannot this news from both sides themselves? What is wrong with that?

  88. Matthias says:

    i heard the same as u, Claud

  89. claud says:

    big thanks to daphne and the moddy who kept us all together today. this blog has turned into a mini-forum. we kept each other good company, made each other laugh with all the chicken jokes etc…

  90. Gian says:

    guys, relax.. it ours.. ;)

  91. M says:

    finally it seems that the ordeal is over … the message is simple the majority of the peolple including those who refused to vote just can’t come to terms and trust alfred sant! bout time he realises its time to pack!! on the otherhand … pn please take note the people do not trust either you even though you have the best policies you need to improve on management skills … we basically need more gonzis to communicate better and more austins to deliver effectively

  92. Chris says:

    I love u all! Thanks for the english comments, I dont speak maltese and no clue whats going on on TV…PS my boyfriend is about to have a heart attack

  93. Matthias says:

    tvm is saying its gonna take even longer than 9.30

  94. JP says:

    official news from J Saliba coming 5 to 10 mins suppost…..
    my question is: “Does PN have 50%+ majority or not???!!!!!”

  95. Daniel Cilia says:

    Thanks to Daphne and all of you to all the news coming through. Although I am following Net, One and TVM simultaneously streamed on my Mac here in San Miniato (Pisa), this forum was great fun and very useful to stay up to date with the news!

  96. JP says:

    PN desk looking extremely jovial!!!!

  97. JP says:

    PN desk coming out for declaration!!!!

  98. aud1015 says:

    JP everyone in the PN camp is smiling therefore I think that they are very sure of what is happening…….Joe Saliba is going to give a comment now on NET.

  99. AF says:

    i still can’t believe myself! I’ve been on this website since 9am this morning refreshing repeatedly for updates.. and i used to say i wasn’t interested in politics!

    well done DCG!

    [Moderator – So did I. And I have been in front of the computer for 36 hours.]

  100. Matthias says:

    ijwa…. pn are cheering in naxxar very important TVM NOW

  101. Daniel Cilia says:


  102. Matthias says:


  103. Daniel Cilia says:

    By 1,200, Wow that was close!

  104. Daniel Cilia says:

    And finally Dr Alfred Sant can think about becoming a pensioner…. or might he still hang on?

  105. me says:

    Yes close, much closer than expected a couple of weeks ago. But still a win. A definite win.

  106. Adrian says:

    Daqa f’wicchom dawk is-slimizi li ma ivvutawxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  107. gozo77 says:

    somebody handover a whisky to the lion king! he looks like he needs it.

    [Moderator – No! Hand him a can of Old Speckled Hen.]

  108. Matthias says:

    illa keep it up guys.. gone for carcading…

    thnks alot daphne and mod

  109. pete says:

    quick, give us the good news … victory is now in the bag. And one thing .. you horrid chicken who dared give us nightmares, now sparisci

  110. Eddy says:

    But where is Gonzi ?

  111. Daniel Cilia says:

    What is amazing with Alfred Sant is that he knew he was a handicap to the MLP and without him the MLP would have won. yet he stays on and makes them loose once again!!!

  112. la gonzaga says:

    The Gonz is at stamperija i suppose!

  113. Daniel Cilia says:

    The Times is saying that the MLP is not conceding defeat! What is happening?

  114. Daniel Cilia says:

    MALTASTAR concedes defeat!!!!

  115. John says:

    A big thank you must go to the biggest Nationalist of them all. Dr. Alfred Sant, without whom we certainly would have lost this election.

  116. daphnecorinnevellaamandamalliaheleneasciak says:

    Daniela Cilia
    That is not amazing. That is Alfred Sant. He’s in it not to make the MLP win (too late, anyway). He’s in it for himself and everyone and everything else can go hang.
    Didn’t you see how he and the rest of the Labour United team left the deputy leader to face the cameras alone?

  117. nonvoter says:

    A small note to all those who did not vote,we managed to save Malta even without u, u must only thank us that there are serene and not violent celebrations

    Insomma all those who voted PN, we again should be proud of ourselves, our country, our leader and out party!


  118. jacqui says:

    daph – you are fearless!! Prosit – we sooo need more people like

  119. Gonziguy says:

    Miskina Marie Benoit! Will her bottle of champagne last another 5 years (at least!) in the fridge? Ara ma taqghax mill-“Gallarija” next Sunday. Do try to keep some champagne Socialist’s style – bir-rispett kollu to Fredu!

    And what about that Chally Buttigieg, the famous chimp of Mnarja 1982, spreadeagled on Air Malta’s doorstep screaming “Ma tidhlux hawn!” to Nationalist employees? Bye bye to Fredu fixing him with the Gozo helicopter deal!
    Chally’s ghost writer (he doesn’t even speak proper English!)must already be getting busy.

    Finally can’t wait for Normint’s “My Agenda” on the 13th March. You were so cocky telling
    us to look out for it, sur Hamilton. Just change your surname to “Wisdom”. Norman Wisdom was a gas of a laugh, as you and Cho-sette will remember!

  120. joe micallef says:

    poor michael!he was left to face the music.his
    master was hiding in his kitchen cabinet.the
    hamalli were right after all…we do not want a change!

  121. John Schembri says:

    Good morning Daphne,
    I observed a REAL Lion at work in the hour of truth,he is not that concerned about PR , and he has genuine trust in his team. On the other hand Notary Charles Mangion was nowhere to be seen , I could not spot Jason and Dr Alfred Sant seems to have abandoned ship. You have my sincere respect , Dr Michael Falzon. See to it that populist politics will never re-enter the MLP , they do a lot of harm to Malta and to the credibility of the MLP. Strike while the iron is hot, in public.

  122. Mario Gauci says:

    What is amazing is the absence of Jason Micallef who has as yet not conceaded defeat. Must give credit to Micahel Falzon who was shown live on tv going over to the PN side in the counting hall, skaing hands with everybody, hugging Joe Saliba. He then proceeded to concede defeat publicly.

    That to me sounds much of a gentleman irrespective of his political views and hype.

    May the MLP now take the opportunity to rebuild their party by getting rid of certain croonies including their incumbent leader who has led them to successive defeats.

    This is the only way that Labour can call itself a NEW BEGINNING…. my God how right!!

  123. martin says:

    HI Daphne you’re awesome I like your writing style. We really need people like you especially when our heart sink at the hour of truth. I’m always looking forward for Sundays to read your explicit pages. Well done again Daphne for your charisma.

  124. Ray Bartolo says:

    Do you agree that we ask MLP to organise PNs victory meeting? They are good organisers. MLP will give us free DJ Mickey Falzon feat. DJ Dre Sant with his new jingle oooollleee ooolluuu Gooonnnnnnnzzzziiii. Viva PN.

  125. AM says:

    With Alfred Sant’s resignation, the PN may have lost their best weapon.

    We can now only hope that the labour party will elect a mature and responsible leader who does not oppose for the sake of opposing, and has a true and genuine love for the country. A visionary who does not encourage insecurity and division with every breath he takes, but inspires freedom, success and national security.

    I never want to have to go through another day like yesterday. i want to be able to cast my vote calmly in my own time, and read about the results in the papers whenever they’re out because it wouldn’t really matter WHO won.

    This is probably an unrealistic dream, but hey, dreams are free ….

  126. Fiona says:


    Auguri Partito Nazionalista di Lawrence Gonzi (PN)-(Malta). Cinque altri ANNI di PACE!

    Arriverderci e vediamo nel 2013!

    Saluti dall’Italia.

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