Oh my, aren't we cheesed off?

Published: April 18, 2010 at 11:29pm


The malevolent souls over at tasteyourownmedicine are right royally cheesed off because I exposed the fact that their Great Leader had demanded a police motorcycle escort to the palace and to be permitted to wave at the crowd from the palace balcony with his wife and twins, the pope, the president, the prime minister, the first lady and Mrs Gonzi. Apparently, I have no right to talk about this because there’s a policeman at my door during the night. Ara x’ghandu x’jaqsam. So now they have issued yet another amusing threat:

Konna se ninsew nghidulek li kwazi ikkonfermajna qahbata li ghamilt u dalwaqt nohorguha. Meta rridu ahna. Mhux meta trid int.

Go right ahead, my dears. Qahbata? I suppose it’s too hard for you to accept that for 26 years the only man I’ve slept with is my husband. It’s too boringly old-fashioned for this day and age. It doesn’t fit in with your image of me as the scarlet witch from hell. Everybody’s got to be a tart like your friend Consuelo, otherwise they’re not normal.

So do make sure that you confirm this story of yours using the same sources you did to confirm that my father has a second family in Sicily, my husband is gay and having an affair with a woman, my sons are gay and go to Kloset without my knowledge, my husband’s family is ashamed of me because I was born and bred in the gutter and they are socially superior, I failed all my O-levels, I never went to university, one of my sisters is married to a magistrate, another needs divorce legislation so that she can marry, my mother’s family are Arabs because they’re called Mamo (though I see that you haven’t risked taking her family apart lest you lose some GasanMamo advertising), the Nationalist Party or the government pays me to produce my blog and gives me contracts, Charles Crawford is the government’s spin doctor and helps me work on my blog, my father tried to stop the Preluna being built in his backyard (he was one of the original contractors, supplied all the lifts and was a guest at their 40th anniversary party), my grandfather threw stones at (his wife’s cousin) Sir Arturo Mercieca as he was deported, my sons got onto prestigious postgraduate programmes because their mother the GonziPN spin doctor pulled strings, I am certifiably insane, and….shall I go on?

You are quite ridiculous. Malevolent, pathetic and ridiculous. Anyone can hide behind anonymity and a website registered in Australia and fire off rubbish, lies and foolish slander against anyone else, which is precisely why you have no credibility.

Though I must say, you give me lots of scope to entertain others by exposing your risible stories for what they are – because of course, with your symptomatically low IQ, you forget that you’re not operating in a vacuum.

You might as well say anything you like – how about giving your audience the lowdown on how I copulate with Martians for fun? How I shagged the grocer and had a hot date with the prime minister? How I go in for troilism with James Tyrrell and a goat?

If there was a single grain of truth in anything you say, you would do what I do, and stick your name on top. But you don’t even believe your own lies.

So to quote my son, why don’t you just f**k off?

I’ll add something else: ‘if you can find somebody to do it with’. But never mind, you’ll always have each other. And James Tyrrell’s goat.

30 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    It’s very difficult to explain to idiots that they’re idiots.

  2. Bus Driver says:

    Dr Joseph Muscat, Leader of the Opposition today met the Pope alongside his wife, Michelle and their twin girls.

    So, what’s all the hullablloo about certain MPs not being invited to bring along their guest/partners (kif irrefera ghalihom il-brillanza l-iehor Fr Colin) when, according to Maltastar, the Pope brought along his own wife Michelle and their twins?

    Dari kien johrog ‘Il-Gannett’, gazzetta mimlija cuccati; mid-dehra il-Maltastar lahqet floku imma haj-kless ghax bl-Inglixx.

  3. pippo says:

    Nahseb jien li iktar facli li tikkonvinci hmar ta’ erba saqajn li hu hmar, milli tikkonvinci lil dawn l-erba cwiec li huma idioti tan-nejk.

  4. jomar says:

    The things one learns from Maltastar! At 83, the Pope is quite a remarkable fellow having kept this secret wife long enough to have three-year-old twins.

    On which visit, to which country, did he pick up this Michelle chick?

  5. Josh Briffa says:

    Well they do portray you as a very interesting person Daphne, you should at least give them that. At least, as interesting as guests on The Jerry Springer Show get. Still, it’s quite amusing I must say. It gives them a certain “whatever will they say next?” edge.

    I’m sure they will feel like the biggest fools ever when they realise that no one cares about what they have to say and no one takes them seriously, and it seems it’s going to take them a while untilthey get it through their heads that you don’t care either.

    After reading what they had to say about you I suddenly felt this urge to crack open one of those fiction classics like Harry Potter. It appears reality is too boring for some people.

    • Foxy says:

      Glad to see your surname isn’t “Muscat”, otherwise some fools might think you were insulting their leader.

  6. Samantha says:

    Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
    Winston Churchill

    Kellu ragun.

  7. Karm says:

    The sub-literates down at TYOM will probably interprete your choice of title as meaning that the “we” is a reference to yourself and your family, rather than to the sub-lliterates themselves.

  8. John Smith says:

    I visit the tyom site out of curiosity because it’s really full of rubbish. Keep it up!

  9. Rover says:

    Isn’t that sweet that Mrs Ratzinger is also called Michelle.

    Carry on mlatastarrt. What a bunch of plonkers.

  10. TROY says:

    Joseph, you should have asked your driver Philip for a motorcycle escort – he has quite a good collection of bikes. Oh, but that’s right – they’re not licensed, although his son rides them all over the village.

    • philip camilleri says:

      I would like to clarify that I have sold my motorcycle collection well over two years ago , and the only motorcycle i have with garaged number plates is a 107 year old motorcycle , which isn’t suitable to ride in to days traffic, let alone , letting my son to ride it all over the village.
      My other motorcycle which is licenced and road legal.
      TROY you are most welcomed to come to my garage and verify what I am stating

      • TROY says:

        Philip, good to know that you read Daphne’s blog. However, you did not write that reply because I know you to be illiterate. Just focus on driving Miss Daisy, and have a good day.

  11. David Buttigieg says:

    “my sons got onto prestigious postgraduate programmes because their mother the GonziPN spin doctor pulled strings”

    Don’t misunderstand me, but can you imagine the dean of the London School of Economics being asked to make an exception to get somebody into the school because he is Daphne Caruana Galizia’s (or anybody’s) son/daughter? No offence!

    [Daphne – My point exactly, David. And to further expose their ridiculous assertions of preferential treatment, far from me pulling strings, another son was specifically NOT selected by the Malta government interview board for the place allocated to Malta at the College of Europe in Bruges (the reverse of preferential treatment, if you see what I mean), and had to compete for a place with many hundreds of other applicants from all over the world directly with the college itself, and still he got in.]

    These people are real idiots who cater for real idiots who haven’t got a clue as to the real world outside this little rock of ours we call home.

    Kind of like Glen Dangerfield believing Charles Crawford would know what ‘One News’ is and where it is broadcast.

  12. Iz-Zabbari says:

    tasteyourownmedicine is an extremely vulgar site and lacks substance.

    I could not read beyond the first paragraph, after that I struggled to concentrate on what I was reading.

  13. red-nose says:

    Shambles – shambles and more shambles coming up! I think it is time to start showing people that Malta can’t afford to have such people governing, from their Leader downwards.

  14. jomar says:

    “…kwazi ikkonfermajna…”

    Gejja xi tbazwira ohra! Qed jilqghu ruhhom minn quddiem. “Kwazi’ (mhux certi) – allura nitfuha ghal rasha, forsi tigi ghal saqajha!

    More of the same. Boooooorrrrring!

  15. red-nose says:

    Does anyone know from whom the emerging Communist Party will manage to obtain some votes?

  16. tat TWO NEWS says:

    Ghandni kif ittawwalt lit-TYOM. Ghaddew 24 siegha u ghadhom s*rmom barra – il-veru laqqawa tajba mal-vista tal-Papa. Jidher li ghadhom ma sabu xejn izjed x’ivvintaw biex ikomplu jippruvaw ihammgu li xi hadd.

    Kieku kont nissuggerixxi li jaddotawa dik l-istampa bhala TYOM Logo – imma lanqas dik ma tixerqilhom, ghax niddubita jghafux ib*ssu.

  17. Augustus says:

    Maltastar is better than the comics I used to read when I was a little boy. Very entertaining.

  18. Il-Cop says:

    Is it possible that they are so idiotic or are they masochists and do it on purpose so you can wipe the floor with them day in day out. What a bunch of losers. ‘Il-huta minn rasha tinten’. Their ignorance and arrogance was shown at its best by the great pretender during the Pope’s visit.

    • Isard du Pont says:

      No, they actually believe what they’re saying. I see we haven’t progressed very far from the days when people believed that Lord Strickland flew around the room with his Freemason friends.

  19. SDS says:

    When they plan strategies are the possible consequences ever considered?

    Dr and Mrs Muscat are in the limelight and have requested more limelight. News travels fast, sowhat do you expect? I haven’t read it being denied anywhere.

    Daphne is not going to close down her blog because you or anyone else gets their knickers in a twist over something she writes, and the reason is that she always has a concrete argument based on facts.

    So you can like it or lump it.

  20. Karm says:

    James Tyrell might find alternative entertainment here, should he get frustrated on TYOM or elsewhere:


  21. Stephen Zerafa says:

    Hi Daphne,
    I love your blog and urge you to keep targeting those who merit public scrutiny. But I was shocked to read a cowardly anonymous attack by “Troy” on Joseph Muscat’s driver Philip Camilleri.

    I’ve known Philip for over 20 years and he’s a good, upright and hardworking family man. He’s not a public person so why did you allow such rubbish on your blog? Troy’s unfair allegation that Philip lets his son ride unlicensed bikes around his village are lies as is the claim that Philip is illiterate!

    If Troy has balls let him identify himself instead of hiding behind your name.
    Stephen Zerafa, Mosta

    [Daphne – I uploaded a full reply from Philip Camilleri, just as I uploaded yours. This is much more than you could expect were the lies, if such they are, about Mr Camilleri were published on websites run by the party for which he votes and set up by the man he drives. If Mr Camilleri is indeed not illiterate, then perhaps he could write his own reply instead of getting others to do it on his behalf. I must say that I have strong reservations as to whether the reply sent in his name was indeed written by him, but let’s leave it at that. Also, I find it odd that anybody who lives and operates in Malta would claim that a politician’s driver – still less the driver of the leader of the opposition – is not a public person. Politicians’ drivers are among the most influential people in partisan politics, and the keepers and recipients of secrets. If he wants privacy, then he shouldn’t drive Joseph Muscat. Besides which, he doesn’t appear to be doing a very good job, given that his boss appears to be always half an hour late for crucial appointments or ‘stuck in traffic’.]

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