Two spokesmen for finance and the economy, and still no policies

Published: November 16, 2011 at 10:44pm

Now I’m getting really confused. Why does the Labour Party have a shadow finance minister (Karmenu Vella) and a spokesman for matters to do with the economy (Charles Mangion)?

Did they quarrel and get a piece each to keep them happy?

Whenever statements are made about the Budget, they make them together – as they did only this afternoon.

A hydra for finance, and still no polices. It’s amazing.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    “Maltatoday quotes Karmenu Vella as saying that the budget had not lived up to expectations’, ‘came up with small solutions for big problems’, ‘should have been longer and required more serious measures’, and ‘seems to consist of quantity and not quality.’ ”

    Where did Karmenu Vella pick those phrases from? Some sex manual?

  2. Cactus Gulch says:

    One example of a good way for politicians to use Facebook, and it seems to have been successful.

  3. maryanne says:

    Dawn kollox jaqsmu bhall-ahwa,

    Labour MP Charles Mangion also co-owns a building company with former MLP tourism minister Karmenu Vella.

    • Jozef says:

      Karmenu Vella was so upset when Tonio Fenech explained the hidden costs and land use of a storage facility required for a gas operated power plant without a pipeline in place.

      The place designated was Benghisa, close to Birzebbuga. Karmenu Vella officially resides in Birzebbuga.

      Lawrence Gonzi made it clear that his strategy is to connect to this pipeline crossing from North Africa to Italy, avoiding the environmental cost rarely mentioned by those who dissent.

      He also made emphasis on the feeder cable being installed from Sicily. This will open the the market for different electicity providers to supply the local market.

      Labour’s secret strategy to lower tariffs is to stay mum about this, then gloat at the achievements of THIS administration.

  4. DV says:

    It’s because they wanted to edge Charlie out but didn’t want to be too rough on him (you know like send him an sms to tell him that he isn’t a shadow minister any more). So they sort gave him a job where he plays second fiddle to KV.

    In reality they would rather he vanished into thin air or didn’t contest the next election at all (so that Silvio Schembri could get his Luqa seat instead).

    Imma x’taghmel ikollok titqanna kultant!

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    Brilliant ‘economists’ all. No credentials, but who cares?

    A boy leader who attempts to please everyone. And pleases no one.

    A bunch of sad sacks.

  6. C Falzon says:

    I think it’s quite straightforward. They have to give Karmenu Vella the ministerial position but at the same time they need Charles Mangion because he is one of the most knowledgeable people they have in economics (which isn’t saying much) and they need his input to come up with at least some half-baked economic policy, always at the right moment of course.

  7. gol hajt says:

    This clip has nothing to do with the header but it really shows the abysmal level our Manglish (the interviewee is no ordinary person but a very recognisable actor on TV).

    My intention is surely not to shame this person (as my mastering of English is far from perfect) but as a further proof that our use of English has unfortunately gone to the dogs.


  8. rowena smith says:

    I’ve just received this –

    Attivita brijjuza b’muzika u divertiment

    Sabiex flimkien niccelebraw il-Milied.

    Organizata mil-Hbieb ta’

    L-AVUKAT Joseph M. Sammut

    Data: Il-Gimgha 9 ta’ Dicembru,2011

    Post: MonteKristo Estate – The Wine Vaults Hin: 8.00pm

    Prezz: Kbar: €19

    Tfal: €10 (bejn 5 – 11 il-sena)


    Esponenti Ewlenin tal-Partit Laburista

    N.B. Transport mil-lokalita bi zieda fuq il-prezz ta’ €4 kull persuna

    Dr. Joseph M. Sammut
    DIP. LAW & ADMIN., N.P., LL.D.,M.P
    Assistent whip ghall-Grupp Parlamentari Laburista.
    Kelliem ewlieni ghat-Trasport.

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