Watch Jeremy Paxman go! Two prats and a table.

Published: November 16, 2011 at 7:49pm

Look at Saviour Balzan’s incredibly inept and unprofessional interviewing techniques. Then he wonders why TVM won’t buy his proposals and he’s ended up on Favourite Channel.

If you can’t bear it, go straight to four minutes and watch him try to get Robert Musumeci to say that the prime minister has right of veto on what The Great Unmentionable Witch of Bidnija writes, while Musumeci tries to explain to him that his reasoning is cracked (without spelling it out).

I’ve thought of a new business idea: sane asylums, where all the normal people can take refuge from the roaming lunatics and eccentrics outside.

24 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    Saviour used the expression “jimshu l-art bik.”

    Before watching this, I had never seen an interviewer trying to sweep the floor with his guest.

    Even Robert Musumeci was uncomfortable during the interview.

  2. Tasteless says:

    Unsavoury Saviour.

  3. Vanni says:

    He Who Must Not Be Named looks scruffy. Hopefully when he flogs his house, he can afford a shave, a tie, and a suit that doesn’t look like somebody’s cast-off.

  4. Ian says:

    Saviour was disappointed: Robert was far less “dirett” than during their dinner parties.

  5. Vinzint says:

    What’s with the ‘Jason Micallef’ caption ?

  6. ray says:

    You are wrong, Daphne. That is Jason Micallef not Robert Musumeci. 04:12

  7. Robert Grech says:

    X’ghandu x’jaqsam Jason Micallef ma dan il-clip?

  8. The code of ethics says:

    Toni Abela was on Super One radio this afternoon, discussing one of Saviour’s libel cases. But he never mentioned that Saviour is his client.

  9. jaybee says:

    How poor!

  10. john says:

    Or, as the great Norman Tebbit put it, where all the normal people can take refuge from those ‘wandering around unsupervised’.

  11. Imcanfar says:

    Saviour to Robert: “…ma kienx hemm kelma fid-dizzjunarju li ma gejtx imcanfar biha…” – 3.50

    In fact, at 4.13, Robert was even called “Jason Micallef.”

  12. il-Ginger says:

    They act like they’re in a Harry Potter book – “Almost no witch or wizard dares to speak his name, instead referring to her as “You-Know-Who” or “She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named”.”

    “He doesn’t have control? (over what journalists write)”


  13. Nicky says:

    What Saviour wishes he did not let Maltatoday report…

  14. JoeM says:

    Musumeci affirms more than once that his mandate for the mayorship expires in March 2011, and he won’t abdicate before that date.

    What’s he doing now, eight months after the expiry date?

    Or is this another Anglu Farrugia style time warp?

  15. Can anyone reveal the eponymous owner of the ‘malicious’ blog?
    “For no one knows her little game
    That Rumpelstiltskin is her name”

  16. John Schembri says:

    People like me are not that interested in Saviour’s stories and agendas.

    Musumeci has been sidelined by the PN because of his private life, choices and his connections. He should know that a politician sells his private life as soon as he enters public life. That is part of the package.

    Politicians areelected to serve the electorate. I don’t really care if instead of Franco Debono or Robert Musumeci we will have Hermann and Bertu. We elect these people not for their “vana gloria” but for our common good.

    People like Musumeci and Debono (who he is praising here) are undoubtedly intelligent, but their problem seems to be that they want to re-write the rules of politics, which are invariably the same in all democratic societies.

    One cannot expect to stay in politics if one does not toe the party line , and one cannot keep his seat of power while doing things which are morally unacceptable by the society he is in.

    We accept Marlene Farrugia co-habiting with Godfrey but cannot accept Musumeci leaving his young wife with a baby, to go and live with an older separated woman.

    And we have always rejected politicians who don’t pull the rope together with their party.

    Those are some of our norms.

    Marlene Farrugia was able to switch parties and get elected so, it should be easy for her to change her surname and remain an MP.

  17. Patrik says:

    Douglas Adams, in his infinite wisdom, beat you to the sane house.

    “John Watson aka Wonko the Sane lives in coastal California with his wife, Arcane Jill Watson, in a house called The Outside of the Asylum (which features interior features on its outside and exterior on its inside). When Wonko saw instructions on how to use a toothpick on a packet of toothpicks,[19] he became convinced that the world had gone crazy and so built the house as an asylum for it, hence the reversal of the interior and exterior.”

  18. Frankie's Barrage says:

    Wow Salvu is really disappointed that Robert did not speak against the PN and that Sandro did not vote against the PN.

  19. La Redoute says:

    Why is Musumeci identified as “Jason Micallef”? Is there something we’re not being told?

  20. Casual Reader says:

    I expect he’ll be threatening his guests with not giving them a free subscription to his rag if they don’t give in to his hard grilling.

  21. Paul says:

    What a perfect logo! RR. The Two Ronnies, perhaps? The comedy element is there for sure. Possibly the only show where the guy asking the questions speaks more than the one who is supposed to be answering them!

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